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EmployeeS Verify/Enter/Update Email Address In EmpowHR

EmployeeS Verify/Enter/Update Email Address In EmpowHR. Slide2 Verify/Enter/Update Email Address in My System Profile Slide13 Verify/Enter/Update Email Address in My Personal Info Slide17 Review and Correct Email Address Slide26 Delete Email Address Slide29 Verify changes applied.

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EmployeeS Verify/Enter/Update Email Address In EmpowHR

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EmployeeS Verify/Enter/Update Email Address In EmpowHR Slide2 Verify/Enter/Update Email Address in My System Profile Slide13 Verify/Enter/Update Email Address in My Personal Info Slide17 Review and Correct Email Address Slide26 Delete Email Address Slide29 Verify changes applied Preparing for LincPass and Forgot Your Password Reminder

  2. Employees Verify/Enter/Update Email In “My System Profile” EmpowHR

  3. In Preparation for LincPass, You Must Ensure that your correct FSA business email address is recorded and saved in the following 3 EmpowHR locations: 1. “My System Profile” 2. “Self-Service “Tasks-Contact Information.” 3. “Self-Service “View -Personal Information.” Please do not assume saving in one place updates the other places. It may not. You must take the Time to look/verify. The presence of Email addresses is critical to system Operations.

  4. Select “Internet Explorer”

  5. Enter URL: https://icams.usda.gov

  6. Read the warning and click on “I agree to the above”.

  7. Enter your EmpowHR “User ID” and “Password” and Then click on the “EmpowHR Sign In” button

  8. Select “My System Profile”

  9. Click on “edit email addresses”

  10. There must be a “check mark” in the box under • “primary email account” • Your FSA email address must be entered. 2. Email type must be “business’ 4. Click “OK”.

  11. If you entered or changed your email address, You will get a message that says “change Has been saved successfully”. Click “OK”.

  12. Entering/Updating Your Email Address under “My Profile System” may not automatically Update your email address in Employee Self Service (ESS), So You Must Take a Look to Verify the presence of the email address in both places as this is critical to correct system operations

  13. Employees Verify/Enter/Update Email Address In Employee Self-Service EmpowHR EmpowHR Self-Service “Contact Information”

  14. Select “Employee Self-Service”

  15. Select “Contact Information” located under “Tasks”

  16. Click on the “Email Address” button

  17. REVIEW AND CORRECTION Of EMAIL ADDRESS IN EMPOWHR The email address in EmpowHR must be your agency business email address. I.E. FSA employees must have their FSA email address as the “business” email. Review your email address. Ensure that The email type shown is “Business” and The email entered is your correct work Email address.

  18. If your “Email Type” is incorrect, click on the drop down menu and select “Business”

  19. If your email address is not correct, simply Enter the correct business email address In the “Email Address” box.

  20. After correcting your email address, Remember to take “SAVE”.

  21. You should receive a message that confirms the data was Saved successfully. Click “ok”.

  22. ADDING AN EMAIL ADDRESS IN EMPOWHR If you do not see your business/work email Address on this screen, click the “Add an Email Address” button to enter your email Address.

  23. Select “Business” as the email type.

  24. 1. Enter your correct business/work email Address. I.E. For FSA employees, this Must be your FSA email address. 2. Click on the “SAVE” button.

  25. You should receive a message that confirms the data was Saved successfully. Click “ok”.

  26. DELETING AN EMAIL ADDRESS FROM EMPOWHR To delete an email address from EmpowHR, Click on the “Delete” button next to the Email address to be removed.

  27. Select “Yes-Delete” to proceed with the deletion.

  28. Click on “SAVE”

  29. The business Email Address you entered under EmpowHR Self-Service “Contact Information” should have Flowed forward to Self-service “View personal information” But you must take a look to Verify you can see your email Address under “View personal Information”

  30. Select “employee self-service”

  31. Select “personal information” located under “view”.

  32. SCROLL DOWN To Email Address.

  33. Verify the accuracy of your email address. If it was correct under Employee Self- Service “contact information” it will Most likely be correct here too. If you need to make a correction in the Email address, you can just delete The incorrect information from the box, Enter the corrected information and Click on “SAVE”

  34. If there is no email address here and you Need to add one, click on the “add an Email address” button.

  35. Select “business” from the email type Drop down menu.

  36. Enter your correct FSA email address. Click on “SAVE”

  37. If you made a change in the email or added an email, you will Get this message to inform you it saved successfully. Click “OK”.

  38. In Summary, You Must Ensure that your correct FSA business email address is recorded and saved in the following 3 EmpowHR locations: 1. “My System Profile” 2. “Self-Service “Contact Information.” 3. “Self-Service “Personal Information.” Do not assume that your email address is Correct everywhere in the system by Looking at one location. View All 3. Extra effort now will save you time and Trouble later.

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