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The Adult Educational Guidance Service (AEGI)

The Adult Educational Guidance Service (AEGI) provides guidance and support for adult learners in Ireland, helping them make choices about their personal, social, educational, and career lives. The service offers counseling, assessment, information, advice, and personalized development programs.

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The Adult Educational Guidance Service (AEGI)

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  1. The Adult Educational Guidance Service (AEGI) Eileen Fitzpatrick & Marie McManamon NATIONAL CENTRE FOR GUIDANCE IN EDUCATION

  2. National Centre for Guidance in Education • Agency of Department of Education and Science • Supports and develops guidance practice in all education settings, and • Advises the Department on policy in the field of guidance.

  3. Guidance In Ireland – Overview NCGE Department of Education and Science Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment • FAS – State Training and Employment Authority • Primary • Second Level • Third Level • Adult Education • YOUTHREACH (second chance schooling) • National Network of FAS centres and Local Employment Services

  4. Primary Level No formal guidance provision, however: • Elements of guidance in support programmes and the curriculum e.g. Stay Safe Programme / SPHE • Support Teachers • approvimately 42 in 48 disadvantaged schools • Guidance Training Needs of the Teacher Counsellor/ Support Teacher Pilot Scheme in Primary Schools – NCGE report, 1999 • Programmes and Curriculum • Transition from primary to post primary (in collaboration with post primary schools)

  5. Guidance at Second Level Guidance refers to a range of learning experiences (e.g. counselling, assessment, information giving) that assist people to make choices about their lives (personal and social, educational and career) and to make transitions consequent on these choices. (Planning a School Guidance Programme, 2003) • Guidance Activities include: • Counselling • Assessment • Information • Advice • Personal and Social Development Programmes • Educational Development Programmes • Careers education/career transition programmes • Referral • Placement • Follow-up • Consultation • Feedback • Networking • Promoting change • Managing, organising & co-ordinating guidance activities

  6. Guidance at Second Level Review of Guidance in Post-Primary Schools (2003) • NCGE strand 1 – questionnaires distributed to school principals concerning the nature and provision of guidance in the school • NCGE strand 4 – 4 focus groups • ESRI Strands 2 + 3 – questionnaires and interviews CPD in Whole School Guidance Planning (ongoing) • To support guidance counsellors and schools in meeting the requirements of the Education Act (1998) • Programme: 3 modules offered through blended learning • Pilot Phase: September – December 2005

  7. Guidance in Third Level Education Universities/Institutes of Technology Careers and Appointments Offices Career guidance activities: • Information management including notification of graduate recruitment • Teaching/coaching guidance activities • Counselling • Advice • Assessment • Referral • Advocacy • Follow-up (including graduate destinations) • Employability Skills Integrating Careers Education into the third level curriculum NCGE Activities: NCGE News and attendance at AGCSI events

  8. Guidance in Non-Formal Settings YOUTHREACH http://www.youthreach.ie Provision • Over 80 YOUTHREACH Centres nationally • No formal provision. 2.5 hours of guidance per week for Youthreach, set to increase. NCGE Activities • Research: Perceived Needs for Guidance, Counselling and Psychological Services in VEC Youthreach Centres, Community Training Workshops and Senior Traveller Training Centres • Contribution to development of guidance tool for use by tutors

  9. Adult Educational Guidance Initiative • Pre-entry, entry, on-going, pre-exit guidance • Pilot Projects • Phase I: 9 Phase II: 8 • Phase III: 8 Phase IV: 11 • Support, training and evaluation co-ordinated by NCGE

  10. Adult Educational Guidance Initiative - Historic Context • Report on Recent Developments in Adult Education in Ireland (1996 ) ‘…need for support services in a number of key areas – one of the most important being that of a guidance and counselling service for adult learners…’ ‘…what many unemployed people require of adult education is a provision that combines education and training with a guidance and counselling service.’

  11. Adult Educational Guidance Initiative - Historic Context • Guidance in Adult Education Report(1997) • Information provision main guidance activity • Learners and providers want professional guidance service • Some learners willing to pay higher fees to guarantee access to guidance service

  12. Adult Educational Guidance Initiative - Historic Context • Adult Guidance: Training of Trainers project (1997) • Educational Management of Adult Guidance (1998) • Green Paper on Adult Education: Adult Education in an Era of Lifelong Learning (1998) • White Paper on Adult Education: Learning for Life (2000)

  13. Adult Educational Guidance Initiative - Policy Context • EC Communication on Lifelong Learning (2001) • EC Employment Guidelines (2003) • International Reviews of Career Guidance Policy Review (2003) • Guidance Resolution (2004) • International Centre for Career Development & Public Policy (2005)

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