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“Always be happy and study hard while your young.” - Choi Sun Ja

This is my life^^ amazljasfhdjgdlllllilife! AAmazinglife!. By: Sophie Yang. “Always be happy and study hard while your young.” - Choi Sun Ja.

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“Always be happy and study hard while your young.” - Choi Sun Ja

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  1. This is my life^^ amazljasfhdjgdlllllilife! AAmazinglife! By: Sophie Yang “Always be happy and study hard while your young.” - Choi Sun Ja

  2.   In school, she was a smart and hard-working student. She sometimes was the best in the whole school. She of course had many teachers, but her favorite was her 6th grade teacher. His name was Nam Young San and the reason he was her favorite teacher was because he taught well, he was kind, and that her was funny. Also she can remember him the most because he was very short! But she still had a lot of homework to do. She almost could barely do it because she had to help with the house work When she had free time, she would enjoy reading books. Her favorite book was a book call “Dirt” and it was about the life of living in Sigol a side that that is a Korean Country Side. In high school, she didn’t get a good education. This was because her grandparents told her not to study and force her to just help with house-work. Also they had little money and the sibling was smarter so they got a better education. The Life of Choi Sun Ja!

  3. So she couldn’t go into a college to study but she went to a nurse college name Yook Sa Guan. After graduating college her first job was to become a nurse at Dae Woo Hospital. She had to wear the uniform at her hospital. But casually, she wore colorful nylon dresses.        When she was 22, the Vietnam War started. My grandmother was a nurse for that war. This is how she met my grandfather. My grandpa was in the war but he was shot so came to the hospital where my grandmother worked. My grandma helped cure my grandfather and the fell in love. When the war ended, they decided to marry. When they did, my grandma was 23 and my grandpa was 27. After they married, they lived with their mother-in-law because she lived alone. They had a happy marriage life because they had lot of money and never had to worry about food, housing, clothes. The Life of Choi Sun Ja!

  4. My grandmother’s name is Choi, Sun Ja. She started as a little baby born in Gyung-Buk, Young Chun in 1948.9.26. She started as a smart student, next a college student that learned how to become a nurse, a lad who was a nurse for the war, a married woman, and then a mother of 3 children. This is the life of my beloved grandma. In her childhood she had 1 sister and 3 brothers. She was the oldest of all. Her parents’ names were Kim Jae Hee (Which is the mother) and Choi Woo Geung (which is the father). At home, she would take care of her siblings and had little time to study. But still she worked hard and was one of the smartest students in elementary school.        On the way to go to school, she would have to cross a rock bridge on stones. Around the stones there was a shallow lake. The Life of Choi Sun Ja!

  5. When it was summer, she and her friends would go to the lake and swim. But the strange thing is that they would swim naked with only their underwear.        The boys would swim at the top of the hill. There were two lakes: One at the bottom of the hill and one at the top and girls would swim at the bottom. Her favorite thing to do at the lake was to swim with the fish and collect pretty pebbles. This was her favorite childhood memory. She would also play many games for fun. She played many games but her favorite gamee was a ball game. This was how you did it: You would have a small ball and pass it under and around sing a special song. She would always do it the longest and win the game! As much as she had fun, she had to study. The Life of Choi Sun Ja!

  6. Soon she had 3 children. The first born was a son named Yang, Woo Jin who is my dad, Yang, Kwang Jin, and Yang, Eun Jin. So she had 2 sons and 1 daughter. When she became mother, it was hard to take care of all three of them but still felt happy and proud to be a parent. She loved all three of them but still felt happy and proud to be a parent. She loved all three children but loved Woo Jin the most because he was the smartest and the oldest. Also it scared her very much when her kids were sick or hurt. My dad got nose bleeds very often because of studying, my uncle ripped part of his leg while playing and my aunt got burned on the wrist due to boiling water. They eventually married and live their own life now.        Now she is a grandmother, a mom, a mother-in-law, a fried etc. She also has 3 grandchildren. Me, the oldest,and Jun-Seo and Jun-Young. The Life of Choi Sun Ja!

  7. The Life of Choi Sun Ja! Jun-Seo is the oldest son of Kwang-Jin and Jun-Young is the youngest. She adores all of them very much. Now she usually knits, cooks, and takes care of her grandchildren. And her future goals are to be healthy for a long time. My grandmother now has a wonderful and perfect life.

  8. The Life of Choi Sun Ja!          Soon she had 3 children. The first born was a son named Yang, Woo Jin who is my dad, Yang, Kwang Jin, and Yang, Eun Jin. So she had 2 sons and 1 daughter. When she became mother, it was hard to take care of all three of them but still felt happy and proud to be a parent. She loved all three of them but still felt happy and proud to be a parent. She loved all three children but loved Woo Jin the most because he was the smartest and the oldest. Also it scared her very much when her kids were sick or hurt. My dad got nose bleeds very often because of studying, my uncle ripped part of his leg while playing and my aunt got burned on the wrist due to boiling water. They eventually married and live their own life now.        Now she is a grandmother, a mom, a mother-in-law, a fried etc. She also has 3 grandchildren. Me, the oldest,and Jun-Seo and Jun-Young. Jun-Seo is the oldest son of Kwang-Jin and Jun-Young is the youngest. She adores all of them very much. Now she usually knits, cooks, and takes care of her grandchildren. And her future goals are to be healthy for a long time. My grandmother now has a wonderful and perfect life.   Now she is a grandmother, a mom, a mother-in-law, a fried etc. She also has 3 grandchildren. Me, the oldest,and Jun-Seo and Jun-Young. Jun-Seo is the oldest son of Kwang-Jin and Jun-Young is the youngest. She adores all of them very much. Now she usually knits, cooks, and takes care of her grandchildren. And her future goals are to be healthy for a long time. My grandmother now has a wonderful and perfect life.

  9. Below is a timeline of Chwe Sun Ja’s life. Click on the link for an exciting tale from her past and present!^^ Look at the past of Choi Sun Ja’s FASCINATING LIFE!^^ 1971 - ChoiSun Ja gets married! 2013- Choi Sun Ja traveling!

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