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What Makes People Happy?. I would go to work on the show and I felt awful every day... I felt like some kind of prostitute or something. If I feel so bad, why keep on showing up to this place?” Dave Chappelle. WHY SPEND MONEY, TIME AND EFFORT ON THINGS THAT WON’T MAKE YOU HAPPY?.
I would go to work on the show and I felt awful every day... I felt like some kind of prostitute or something. If I feel so bad, why keep on showing up to this place?” Dave Chappelle
HALE BERRYActress Halle Berry tried to commit suicide over her failed first marriage, she revealed in an interview. Berry, 40, admits to Parade magazine that she tried to gas herself when her marriage to Atlanta Braves baseball star David Justice collapsed, but pulled out at the last minute.
"I have been everything, and everything is nothing!" Severus, Roman Emperor
Owen Wilson--A famous actor in comedies. --Has struggled with drugs and depression--His partying lifestyle "could have been partly responsible" for Wilson's breakdown according to one of Wilson’s friends.
"I've just been a machine for making money. I seem to have spent my life in a golden tunnel looking for the outlet which would lead to happiness. But the tunnel kept going on." Aristotle Onassis (husband of Jacqueline Kennedy) His daughter Christina Onassis felt similarly and attempted suicide.
"I've got the presidential suite," he said, "and it all came at once…. I realized…This will not work. It is not gonna make me happy.' … The only thing that's gonna make me happy is the joy that's on the inside of me.“Joseph Simmons, rapper
""It is I that have led the most foolish life in the world!" “I suppose I am the most miserable devil on earth". Jay Gould, millionaire
“Money doesn't make you happier. Last year I earned $40 million dollars. This year I earned $50 million dollars. I am not any happier." Arnold Schwarzaneggar, from the book "I Can Make You Rich" by Paul Mckenna
“There are so many unhappy billionaires.” Simon Cowell, American Idol judge
Professor Ed Diener, found no happiness difference between richest men in the world and African tribesmen!!!
We only need $30-50,000 a year, 1,300,000-1,900,000 won a month. More money doesn’t make us happy says Jean Chatsky, Money Magazine columnist
DOES EDUCATION = HAPPINESS? Voltaire, a famous French philosopher wrote "I wish I had never been born".
DOES EDUCATION = HAPPINESS? Philip Katz, genius programmer, died at 37 from chronic alcohol abuse.
DOES EDUCATION = HAPPINESS? Van Gogh was often depressed and committed suicide.
DOES EDUCATION = HAPPINESS? Ernest Hemingway, a writing genius, had 4 failed marriages and eventually committed suicide in 1961. He said, “Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.”
There are many other things that can be #1 in your life, but are also dead ends for millions of people: partying, sex, music, business, philosophy and much more.
SOLOMON AND HAPPINESS I said to myself, “Look, I am wiser than any of the kings who ruled in Jerusalem before me. I have greater wisdom and knowledge than any of them.” 17 So I set out to learn everything from wisdom to madness and folly. But I learned firsthand that pursuing all this is like chasing the wind. Eccl. 1:16-18
SOLOMON AND HAPPINESS Chapter 2 Does pleasure, good food, sex or alcohol, bring long term happiness? NO!!!
SOLOMON AND HAPPINESS Chapter 2 Does building impressive buildings bring happiness? NO!!!
SOLOMON AND HAPPINESS Chapter 4 Does success in politics bring happiness? NO!!!
Chapter 5 Does money bring happiness? NO!!! “Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness!” Eccl. 5:10
Chapter 12 13 Here is the conclusion of the matter: Honor God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
전도서 12:13-14 이제 이 모든 말씀의 결론을 듣자. 하나님을 두려워하고 그분의 말씀을 지키는 것, 이것은 모든 사람이 마땅히 지켜야 할 의무이다. 우리가 행한 모든 일들은 그것이 악한 일이든 선한 일이든 지금은 비록 숨겨져 있다 하더라도 하나님께서 심판하실 것이다.
Professor Seligman Helped change psychology from studying mental diseases to studying what makes people happy.
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? • BEING THANKFUL • a) write down what you are thankful forb) Think of 3 blessings a dayc) Write a thank you letter to someone who helped you.
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? • BEING THANKFUL • “And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” • Colossians 3:15
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? • BEING THANKFUL • “그리스도께 받은 평화가 항상 여러분의 마음과 생활에 깃들이도록 하십시오. 이것은 그리스도의 몸의 지체가 된 여러분의 책임이며 특권입니다. 그리고 항상 감사하는 생활을 하십시오.” • 골로새서 / 3:15
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? • BEING THANKFUL • Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? • BEING THANKFUL • “어떤 처지에 있든 감사하는 마음을 잊지 마십시오. 이것은 하나님께서 그리스도 예수를 믿는 여러분에게 바라시는 뜻입니다.” • 데살로니가전서 5:18
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? 2) BE KIND --visit a nursing home --help a friend with homework --write a letter to a grandparent--encourage someone --do some volunteer work
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? 2) BE KIND “Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? 2) BE KIND “친절하고 부드러운 마음을 가지십시오. 여러분이 그리스도의 사람들이라는 이유만으로 하나님께서 여러분을 용서한 것같이 여러분도 서로 용서하십시오.” 에베소서 4:32
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? 2) BE KIND “God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.” Matt:5:6
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? 2) BE KIND “올바르게 살려고 애쓰는 사람들은 행복하다. 그들이 만족할 것이다. Matt:5:6
WHAT DOES BRING HAPPINESS? 3) GOOD RELATIONSHIPS Many principles in the Bible help relationships to improve, honesty, forgiveness, helpfulness, humility, unselfishness and more.
Jesus loved you THIS much!
“2 There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? 3 When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.” John 14
내 아버지가 계시는 집에는 있을 곳이 많다. 나는 너희를 위하여 있을 곳을 준비하러 간다. 모든 준비가 끝나면 다시 와서 너희를 데려다가 내가 있는 곳에 항상 같이 있도록 하겠다. 요한복음 / 14:2-3
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."