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Emerging Wireless Technologies and the Future Internet APAN Workshop Jan 23, 2008

This workshop discusses the emergence of wireless technologies and their impact on the future of the Internet, including 4G cellular and WiMax, ad-hoc and mesh networks, P2P and DTN protocols, sensor networks, vehicular networks, and dynamic spectrum and cognitive radio technologies.

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Emerging Wireless Technologies and the Future Internet APAN Workshop Jan 23, 2008

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  1. Emerging Wireless Technologies and the Future InternetAPAN WorkshopJan 23, 2008 Prof. D. Raychaudhuri ray@winlab.rutgers.edu www.winlab.rutgers.edu

  2. Emerging Wireless Technologies and Applications

  3. Introduction: Wireless as the key driver for the future Internet • Historic shift from PC’s to mobile computing and embedded devices… • >2.5 B cell phones vs. 600M Internet-connected PC’s in 2006 • >500M cell phones worldwide with IP service, rising rapidly • Cellular data devices serve as primary access to Internet in India and China • Sensor deployment just starting, with some estimates ~5-10B units by 2015 ~750M servers/PC’s, >1B laptops, PDA’s, cell phones, sensors ~500M server/PC’s, ~100M laptops/PDA’s Wireless Edge Network INTERNET INTERNET Wireless Edge Network 2005 2010

  4. Introduction: Integrating the Physical World with the Internet Ambient interfaces Application Management & Control Software “Human in the Loop” Global Pervasive Network (Future Internet) Computation & Storage To Actuators Protocol module Content & Location Aware Routers Network Connectivity & Computation Hospital with Embedded Monitoring Smart Public Space Vehicles with Sensors & Wireless Virtualized physical world object From Sensors Multiple radio standards,  Cognitive radios Autonomous Wireless Clusters (“ecosystems”) Robotics Application

  5. Emerging Wireless Technologies: 4G Cellular and WiMax • Next-generation of cellular technology aimed at ~2015 • Higher radio access speeds ~100 Mbps+ using MIMO and OFDMA technologies • Decentralized control of radio resources • Support for inter BTS mesh networks, etc. • WiMax or cellular BSR has potential for lower cost, commodity equipment model… • Simplifications to cellular architecture  flat network of IP base stations • Ideally, plugs into future IP network with integrated mobility support

  6. Emerging Wireless Technologies: Ad-Hoc & Mesh Networks Wired Internet Infrastructure • Multi-hop radio (ad hoc, mesh, vehicular, sensor) technologies now entering the mainstream … • Leverages Moore’s law cost/performance gains of commodity radios such as IEEE 802.x • Distributed solution with short-range radios will eventually outperform centralized (cellular)  analogous to PC/mainframe evolution • Involves new routing & discovery protocols • Interactions between lower layers (PHY, MAC) and routing in dense deployments • Problems with TCP end-to-end model due to changing BW and channel quality Mesh GW or AP Mesh Router Hierarchical Mesh Network The $49 Mesh Router from Meraki Networks

  7. Emerging Wireless Technologies: P2P and DTN • P2P and DTN network protocols expected to migrate from niche scenarios to wider usage • Router mobility • Network may be disconnected at times …delay tolerant protocols • Caching and opportunistic data delivery …. In-network storage • Content- and location- aware protocols Internet Mobile DTN Router Opportunistic High-Speed Link (MB/s) Ad-Hoc Network Mobile DTN Router Roadway Sensors Static DTN Router Mobile P2P User

  8. Emerging Wireless Technologies: Sensor Nets Pervasive Application Agents Compute & Storage Servers User interfaces for information & control • Sensor net scenarios involve: • Large scale • Limited CPU speed and transmit power • Intermittent connectivity, low-speeds, ad-hoc modes • Location and content-awareness • May involve closed loop control in real-time Mobile Internet (IP-based) Sensor net/IP gateway Overlay Sensor Network Infrastructure 3G/4G BTS GW ZigBee, UWB, etc. Relay Node Sensor/ Actuator Ad-Hoc Sensor Net A Ad-Hoc Sensor Net B Virtualized Physical World Object or Event

  9. Vehicle safety and information/convenience New 802.11p radio access standard Potentially high density Networking involves location awareness… Ad hoc network formation and disconnections Network (group) mobility V2V and V2I modes Emerging Wireless Technologies: Vehicular Networks Irrelevant vehicles in radio range for few seconds Following vehicle, in radio range for minutes Passing vehicle, in radio range for tens of seconds Desired message delivery zone (Idealized) Broadcast range

  10. Heavy Use Heavy Use Less than 6% Occupancy Atlanta Sparse Use Medium Use NewOrleans Time SanDiego Frequency Emerging Wireless Technologies: Dynamic Spectrum & Cognitive Radio • New techniques for spectrum coexistence needed as radio density increases • Smart radios with fast scan, agility, etiquette under consideration by FCC • Dynamic adaptation of radio (PHY/MAC) – implications for networking Data Signal Spectrum Policy Server Spectrum Coordination Dynamic Spectrum Protocols For Coordination Wired Internet Next-gen wireless devices with dynamic spectrum capability (fast RF scan, agile, adaptive PHY/MAC)

  11. Emerging Wireless Technologies: Impact on Internet Protocols • Wireless/mobile/sensor scenarios outlined will have a significant impact on future Internet architecture. • Some specific examples: • Mobility (for both terminals & networks) as first-class service • In-network storage & processing to deal with disconnections, etc. • Separation between naming and addressing • Content and location as key networking attributes • Support for ad hoc routing and cross-layer metrics • Transport layer protocols beyond TCP • New security and privacy considerations • …..

  12. Experimental Wireless Platforms and GENI

  13. Suburban Urban ORBIT Radio Grid 300 meters Office 20 meters 500 meters 30 meters Experimental Platforms: ORBIT Radio Grid as an Example of Large-Scale Testbed Implementation • ORBIT radio grid testbed currently supports networks with ~100’s of radio nodes (both end-points and routers) • Integration with wired network testbeds available (PlanetLab, VINI) • GNU radio for programmable MAC/PHY beyond open API features Current ORBIT sandbox with GNU radio 400-node Radio Grid Facility at WINLAB Tech Center Planned upgrade (2007-08) Radio Mapping Concept for ORBIT Emulator URSP2 CR board Programmable ORBIT radio node

  14. Experimental Platforms: Example of Open API Radio Node Implementation Application Layer Click ORBIT Multi-Radio Node (v1.0) with integrated Chassis Manager User Space 802.11 Interface parameters Libmac Libnet and Libpcap Ioctl and /proc Interfaces Kernel Space Device drivers (lower MAC, PHY) ORBIT Node Software COTS ORBIT Node (v2.0) With GPS & GPRS control

  15. Experimental Platforms: ORBIT Software Components

  16. Experiment Script START # # Define nodes used in experiment # nodes([4,3], 'sender') {|node| node.image = nil # Use default disk image # experiment property space node.prototype("test:proto:sender", { # use prototype "sender" 'destinationHost' => '', # Set it's property "destinationHost" 'packetSize' => Experiment.property("packetSize"), 'rate' => Experiment.property("rate") # bind the remaining properties to defaults }) # Can be overridden later node.net.w0.mode = "master" node.net.w0.type = 'b' node.net.w0.essid = "helloworld” # Set wireless parameters node.net.w0.ip = "%192.168.%x.%y" node.net.w0.rate = "11m" } # # Define nodes used in experiment # nodes([4,3], 'sender') {|node| node.image = nil # Use default disk image # experiment property space node.prototype("test:proto:sender", { # use prototype "sender" 'destinationHost' => '', # Set it's property "destinationHost" 'packetSize' => Experiment.property("packetSize"), 'rate' => Experiment.property("rate") # bind the remaining properties to defaults }) # Can be overridden later node.net.w0.mode = "master" node.net.w0.type = 'b' node.net.w0.essid = "helloworld” # Set wireless parameters node.net.w0.ip = "%192.168.%x.%y" node.net.w0.rate = "11m" } Console Support services NodeHandler NodeAgents Experimental Platforms: ORBIT Execution Script

  17. Reserve testbed Add Planetlab node via ORBIT slice NodeAgent NodeAgent Support services Measurements Console Planetlab – ORBIT Gateway NodeHandler UI Internet NodeAgent NodeAgent Sliver running NodeAgent Nodeagent running on radio nodes in the ORBIT grid Link bandwidth for sliver Experimental Platforms : Integrating PlanetLab with Wireless Testbeds – PL slice for ORBIT users

  18. Experimental Platforms: Virtualization Sliver 1 Sliver 2 Access Point Access Point Virtual Access Point 1 Virtual Access Point 2 Essid:1 Ch. y Essid:2 Ch. y Ch. x Essid:2 Essid:1 Exp. 1 Exp. 2 Exp. 2 Exp. 1

  19. ORBIT wireless PlanetLab Wired VAP Channel x Exp. 1 Exp. 1 Exp. 2 Exp. 2 Exp. 3 Exp. 3 Experimental Platforms : Planet-Lab ORBIT Proof-of-Concept Example • Example with 3 virtual network slices on same network, with and without resource management (traffic shaping) for slice “QoS”

  20. Ad-hoc Radio links Access Point (wired) Ad-Hoc Radio Node Spectrum Monitor Dual-radio ad-hoc router (includes wired interface for AP sites) Radio Nodes ~50-100 m spacing GENI Implementation Plans: 1. Open API Urban Ad-Hoc Mesh • Ad-hoc wireless network providing full coverage of high-density urban area ~ 10 Km**2 • Enables experimentation with mesh network protocols & broadband mobile applications • Dual-radio forwarding node as building block • Open API 802.11 with soft MAC, virtualization by frequency or space • Services for running expts, data collection, frequency assignment and spectrum meas • Research Focus: • Ad-hoc routing • Self-organization & discovery • Cross-layer optimizations • MAC layer enhancements • Security with ad-hoc routing • Broadband QoS • Impact of mobility • Real-world application studies

  21. Ad-hoc Radio links 802.11 Access Point or Relay Node Access Point (wired) Ad-Hoc Radio Node 802.11 radio link Spectrum Monitor Sensor Net Area Sensor Gateway Dual-radio ad-hoc router (includes wired interface for AP sites) Radio Nodes ~50-100 m spacing Short-range sensor radio link Sensor Nodes GENI Implementation Plans: 2. Urban Mesh + Sensor Network • 2-3 sensor network projects to be selected via proposal process for integration into urban mesh deployment • Sensor network experiments will leverage 802.11 mesh or 3G wide area infrastructure in items 2,3 • Provide “user deployment kit” with platforms including sensor nodes and sensor/WLAN or sensor/3G gateway

  22. GENI Implementation Plans: 3. Open API Wide Area Mobile Network • Open API wide-area wireless network to explore alternatives to cellular, hybrids with WLAN, Infostations, new mobile applications… • Suburban coverage ~50 Km**2 using ~10 wide-area BTS’s + ~100 short-range AP’s • Open API 3G or WiMax BTS and dual-radio 802.11 node as building blocks Open API 3G/WiMax BTS 802.11 relay node or AP WiMax or 3G Base Station Router Connections to GENI Infrastructure 802.11 Relay Node Platform • Research Focus: • Internet transport for 3G/cellular • Mobility support in future Internet • Hybrid 3G/WLAN handover, etc. • Multicasting • Transport layer for wireless • Security in future 3G/4G • Information caching and multimedia

  23. Cognitive Radio Network Node Cognitive Radio Client Spectrum Monitors Spectrum Server Cognitive Radio Network Node Connections to GENI Infrastructure • Research Focus: • New technology validation of cognitive radio • Protocols for adaptive PHY radio networks • Efficient spectrum sharing methods • Interference avoidance and spectrum etiquette • Dynamic spectrum measurement • Hardware platform performance studies Cognitive Radio Client GENI Implementation Plans: 4. Cognitive Radio Technology Demonstrator • Advanced technology demonstrator of cognitive radio networks for reliable wide-area services (over a ~50 Km**2 area) with spectrum sharing, adaptive networking, etc. • Basic building block is a cognitive radio platform, to be selected from competing research projects now in progress and/or future proposals • Requires enhanced software interfaces for control of radio PHY, discovery and bootstrapping, adaptive network protocols, etc. – suitable for protocol virtualization • New experimental band for cognitive radio (below 1 Ghz preferable)

  24. Web Sites for More Information: • WINLAB: www.winlab.rutgers.edu • ORBIT: www.orbit-lab.org • GENI: www.geni.net

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