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The Bible and Us Bible Truth why it’s so important and why we can trust it Emmanuel Chesham Summer Bible School 2011. housekeeping. thanks again for coming back! thanks for your questions they’ve helped me improve the material so did doing this with our Home Group

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  1. The Bible and UsBible Truthwhy it’s so importantand why we can trust itEmmanuel CheshamSummer Bible School 2011

  2. housekeeping • thanks again for coming back! • thanks for your questions • they’ve helped me improve the material • so did doing this with our Home Group • other information came from references on next page

  3. for more information • Brian H Edwards, Nothing But The Truth • revised since 1986 – now 3rd ed (2005) • John McDowell, New Evidence That Demands A Verdict, (2010) • revised since 1972! • Robert Dick Wilson, Is The Higher Criticism Scholarly? (1922) • eg http://heartoftn.net/users/gary27/wilson.htm • see also references in the text

  4. what this is about • what we believe about the Bible • it’s true, and we need it • it’s the Word of God, written via human agents • in fact, pretty-much by eye-witnesses • why we can be confident in the Bible • what we don’t believe: “it was made up later”, or “it was changed a lot afterwards anyway” • we’ve already seen: copyists, and manuscripts • OT truth: prophets, and Robert Dick Wilson • NT truth: Luke

  5. what this isn’t about • “truth” is a big subject! • truth of the resurrection of Christ • truth of the [other] miracles in the Bible • truth in the Bible vs truth in science • we aren’t covering everything here • just the Bible itself • we aim at “truth”, not “proof” • based on good historical evidence • in line with your conscience and experience • not based on controlled experiments, or on deduction from axioms

  6. what we believeabout Bible truth

  7. what we believe • “The Bible, as originally given, is the inspired and infallible Word of God. It is the supreme authority in all matters of belief and behaviour.” • UCCF Doctrinal Basis, clause c • most evangelical organizations have a similar statement • including the Church of England, Article VI

  8. we need the Bible to know God(Calvin’s argument, Institutes, Book I) • we need God’s own written word because • although God can be seen in creation, and in our consciences • that knowledge is lost or changed, due to ignorance, or to sin • the Bible, the Spirit, and reason • we need the Spirit, to understand the Bible • we need the Bible, not just immediate revelation from God • the Bible commends itself to human reason

  9. the Word of God • 2 Tim 3.16, “all scripture is God-breathed” • 2 Pet 1.20-21, “no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation ... men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” • 1 Pet 1.10-12, “the prophets searched ... trying to find out the time ... to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing ...” • Jn 10.35, “the scripture cannot be broken” • and Jesus’+apostles’ whole attitude

  10. written by eye-witnesses(pretty-much) • 2 Pet 1.16, “we did not follow clever-invented stories ... we were eye-witnesses of his majesty” • Acts 26.25-26, Paul, “What I am saying is true and reasonable. The king is familiar with these things ... none of this has escaped his notice, because it was not done in a corner.” • Lk 1, “... handed down ... by eye-witnesses ... I have carefully investigated ...”

  11. what’s at stake?

  12. an alternative view(which we don’t believe) • the OT was made up by the Jews in exile! • the Torah in ~500-400BC, to cement Jewish culture and national identity after catastrophe • Daniel, in ~170-150BC, to encourage and then to celebrate resistance to Antiochus • the NT was made up after the fall of Jerusalem!! • no miracles ever happened!!! • God doesn’t exist, and doesn’t relate to people!!!!

  13. history prophets and letters wisdom so instead of this ... creation Genesis pre-Conquest 2000 patriarchs Job Ps Prov Ecc Song 1400 wanderings Ex, Lev, Num, Deut judges Josh, Judg, Ruth Conquestto Exile 1000 united k’dom 1-2 Sam, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chr divided k’dom Is, Jer Lam, Ezek, Dan Am, Hos, Joel, Jon, Mic, Nah, Hab, Zeph 600 post-Exile exile Ezra, NehemiahEsther Obadiah 500 return Hag, Zech, Mal 350 0 Gospels and Acts birth life ofChrist ministry death and res 30 earlyChurch Pentecost 50 mission Rom, 1-2 Cor, Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, 1-2 Thess, 1-2 Tim, Titus, Phm, Heb, Jas, 1-2 Pet, 1-3 Jn, Jd Revelation Revelation 90

  14. history prophets and letters wisdom ... we’d get this creation pre-Conquest 2000 patriarchs 1400 wanderings judges Conquestto Exile 1000 united k’dom divided k’dom 600 post-Exile exile most of the Old Testament 500 return 350 Daniel 0 birth life ofChrist ministry death and res 30 earlyChurch Pentecost 50 mission Rom, 1-2 Cor, Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, 1-2 Thess, 1-2 Tim, Titus, Phm, Heb, Jas, 1-2 Pet, 1-3 Jn, Jd Gospels and Acts Revelation Revelation 90

  15. why we can be confidentin Bible truth

  16. why we can be confident • textual evidence • see Bible History • internal evidence • prophecy • the testimony of Robert Dick Wilson • on the Old Testament and the ancient world • the testimony of Luke • on the New Testament and the Roman world

  17. prophecy • of Christ • hundreds of prophecies in OT • Ps 22: crucifixion, described 1000BC • Isaiah: extant MSS from 125BC • of the exile and return • of the Greek and Roman empires • Daniel 2, BabylonPersiaGreeceRome • Daniel 11, Greek rule over Judah • see Olyott, Dare to Stand Alone, for [loads of] detail

  18. Robert Dick Wilson, 1856-1930 • Prof Semitic Philology, Princeton • ie, a “word geek” • “life statement”, age 25: • 15 years studying languages • 15 years studying OT and literature • 15 years disseminating findings • result: • 45 languages – all OT to 600AD • monumental evidence re OT dating and truth • accessibly summarized in a 1922 paper

  19. Wilson on kings’ names • Wilson studied names and titles of kings • eg in Genesis 14, and in Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Damascus, Tyre, Moab • found that OT mirrors palace records • OT spelling mirrors original spelling • 24 kings, 120 consonants in names • OT gets it exactly right • Assyrian histories get Egyptian wrong! • Arabic histories get Persia and Greece wrong! • Greeks get Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia wrong!

  20. Wilson on style and time • Wilson studied non-Hebrew words in the OT • you can tell by doing this, some information about when it was written • the more you know about the languages, and the bigger the documents you have available, the more you can tell • Wilson noted this phenomenon in other ancient languages as well as Hebrew • you can even do this in English! ...

  21. “loot” came into English in 1780s from India • no “loot” in AV! • just German/Latin

  22. findings re borrowed words some Babylonian in Gen 1-2 creation Genesis pre-Conquest some Egyptian in accountx of Joseph 2000 patriarchs Job Ps Prov Ecc Song 1400 wanderings Ex, Lev, Num, Deut Indian, Assyrian and Hittite in Solomon judges Josh, Judg, Ruth Conquestto Exile 1000 Assyrian and Babylonian from Kings on united k’dom 1-2 Sam, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chr divided k’dom Is, Jer Lam, Ezek, Dan Am, Hos, Joel, Jon, Mic, Nah, Hab, Zeph 600 post-Exile exile Ezra, NehemiahEsther Obadiah 500 return Hag, Zech, Mal 350 Persian from Daniel on Aramaic: half Ezra, half Daniel, words from exile onv no non-Hebrew borrowings in Exodus – 2 Sam, or in Job – Song no Greek in entire OT except the names of two musical instruments in Daniel

  23. Robert Dick Wilson: conclusion • historical evidence: reliable in content at whatever point it could be verified against other documents • manuscript evidence: copying of the names of kings demonstrated amazing original accuracy, amazing copying • linguistic evidence: documents could only have originated at the time and place they say (or imply) that they originate • breadth of evidence: utterly unrivalled

  24. Luke the Evangelist • wrote Luke and Acts • both dedicated to Theophilus • gospel: not an eyewitness • but an extremely diligent historian • Acts: an eyewitness of much of it • “we” passages in Paul’s journeys • 16.10-40, 20.5-21.19, 27.1-28.16 (at least)

  25. Luke on titles • Cyprus, proconsul, Acts 13.7 • Philippi • Roman colony, 16.12 • stratagoi, “magistrates”, 16.38 • Thessalonica, politarchs,“city officials”, 17.6 • Ephesus, asiarchs, “officialsof the province”, 19.31 • Malta, protos, “chief official”, 28.7 Politarch Inscriptionin the British Museum List of the city rulers in Thessalonica, 2nd century

  26. Luke on Quirinius • “the first census which took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria” • independent evidence: Quirinius was • military governor, 10-8BC • governor, 6AD • censuses were an Egyptian custom adopted by the Romans, done about every 14 years • he probably ran both the 6BC census during which Jesus was born, and a ~8AD one

  27. “Luke the doctor” (Col 4.14) • Luke is specific on medical details • eg on fasting • Luke 4.2, “he ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry” • this is exactly what happens! • here as elsewhere Luke gives more details than Matthew and Mark • 4.38, high fever, 6.6, right hand, ... • also in Acts, eg Elymas’ blindness, 13.11

  28. Luke: conclusion • Luke’s gospel: he was diligent • Acts: he was there • he is more detailed on geography, politics and medicine than any other NT writer • on every testable point, he’s proved right

  29. conclusion

  30. conclusion • the Bible itself is thoroughly reliable • there’s no proof here • but there is evidence-based truth • what we can verify, stands the test • historical links to language, politics and geography • manuscripts and translations • so we can trust what we can’t verify • in fact our experience and conscience confirms it • let’s uphold it confidently • in church life, in home life, in outreach • let’s rejoice in the God who gave it

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