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Explore the impact of queue structure on customer and employee reactions, preferences, fairness perceptions, and satisfaction in service settings. Discover research-driven insights on queue design for an improved waiting experience.
A Psychologist Looks at Service and Waiting Anat Rafaeli Technion ISRAEL (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Queue design and management evokes customer and employee reactions ! Please wait. I am temporarily out of motivation. (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Multiple ways to design a wait (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Design and time in queue expectations: How long do you expect to wait in different structure queues? Average Wait Expected Numbers – 39 minutes Single – 29 minutes Multiple – 19 minutes F(1)=79.274 p= 0.000 (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Design and preferences: In which queue would you rather wait? Queue Preferation Missing 4.7% Multiple Queue 23.6% 2(2)=32.099 p= 0.000 Numbered Queue 56.6% Single Queue 15.1% N=101 (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Queue Paradox People PREFER queues in which they expect a LONGER wait Difficulties and Constraints of Intervening factors in regular real life queue A New Paradigm (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Research Paradigm • Laboratory yet real wait conditions. • Experimental manipulation of queue design. • Full control of all wait aspects. • Measurement before, during and after wait. (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Progress in queue by clicking on icon (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Real Time Measurement: Anytime before, during and after wait (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Queues and Pleasantness Satisfaction improves with progress in queue equally in all designs. Did you call for service? (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Satisfaction Improves with Activity (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
People Notice Fairness ! Multiple Queues with F-I-F-O violationsmore reported unfairness than Multiple Queues with no violations (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Multiple Queue design with no FIFO violations is theoretically identical to a Single Queue (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
To what extent do you feel Irritated? Service stations To a great extent To a little extent Please answer the question Symbolic Fairness Effects Multiple Queues with NO FAIRNESS violationsMORE REPORTED UNFAIRNESSthan Single Queues (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Fairness Violations in Queues Where? Who? When? Why? (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Interruptions far away from me? No effect on irritation F(1) = 0.803 n.s. (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Interruption close to me? Queue is NOT fair!! Interruption Close By Interruption far away F(1)= 7.892 p<0.01 F(1)= 0.781 n.s. (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Institutionalized Fairness Violations:VIP Multiple Queue (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
VIP Queues and Fairness Reported fairness significantly lower with VIP Queue than with Multiple QueueMean VIP-Queue=2.7 Mean Multiple Queue=3.44 t (36 ) = 2.51, p< .05). (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
VIP Offer Fairness Effects After offer to payfor VIP serviceREPORTED FAIRNESS INCREASESalthough FIFO perceptions drop (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Telephone Waiting:Anat Rafaeli and Nira Munichor Telephone waiting is an annoyance that can be reduced psychologically Music ? Apologies? Queueinformation ? Serviceactivities ? (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Hypothesis 1:There will be differences between reactions to different phone waiting time filler types Results • Abandonment rate: • Waiting evaluation: χ² (3)= 12.035 , p<.01, Phi=.27 F (3,63)=5.525, p<.005, η²=.21 (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Hypothesis 2:Service-related-activities will produce more positive reactions than apology messages or music alone Hypothesis 3:Queueing-information will produce more positive reactions than activities, apology messages or music alone (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Self Report: Waiting Evaluation (No significant differences between other conditions ) (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Time Fillers while Waiting Progress Toward Goal Improves Reactions No Sense of Progress: Music Apologies Sense of Progress: Queue Info Activities while Waiting (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Monitoring and Employee Performance Anat Rafaeli Caroline Zeira Idit Avivi Hadass Admon (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Quality Evaluations perceived as More Fair and Produce Less Burnout H1 H2 H3 Quality Evaluation Perceived Fairness Emotional State Intent to Leave √ √ √ Anat Rafaeli Idit Avivi (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Time Monitoring Hampers Performance Task Difficulty ANOVA ***F(1,119)=177.74 Time Monitoring ANOVA ***F(1,119)=16.9 Anat Rafaeli Caroline Zeira (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Independent Variable: Open Monitoring? Anat Rafaeli Hadass Admon (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net Background >> hypothesis >> method
Employee Initiative in Telephone Service Anat Rafaeli Lital Ziklik Lorna Doucet (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
“Quality of Service”? • The concept remains elusive because service is Inseparable (production - delivery AND employee – customer) Problem of customer expectations and behaviors!! (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Critical factor is exceeding expectations. • Delight, Excite, Surprise or otherwise Amaze (Schneider and Bowen, 1999; Ziethaml and Bitner, 1996; ). (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Multiple Ways to Surprise (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Some may be Problematic (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Research Context • Calls to a retail bank (n=142) • One call per employee and customer. • Data sources: • Verbatim transcripts of calls • Quality Control Data • Telephone survey data (one day after) (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Context • Typical call involves … • account balance inquiries • account transaction inquiries • general product information inquiries • checkbook ordering • change of address requests. • Calls last approximately 2 minutes (average 2.35 minutes; range of < 1 - 20 minutes) • Calls involve average of 1597 characters (range of 268 – 5277) (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
“Going the Extra Mile” in Call Center Interactions (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
No. of different categories per call No. of different categories per call N = 66 CallsTypes of Initiatives Per Call (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Evidence of Different Categories (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
No. of Initiatives Per Call (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Proportion of “Extra Mile” in Complete Call (by character count) (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
Effects of “Extra Mile” on Customer Satisfaction? On QA? “Please stay on the line. All of our customer service representatives are kidding around and throwing paper airplanes at each other.” (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net
The End (c) Anat Rafaeli - http://Anat.Rafaeli.Net