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Liferay Experts: Development Coordination for User Login Actions and Tortoise SVN Implementation

Stay updated on user login activities and learn about Tortoise SVN implementation. Implement SQL Trigger to manage user states online and offline. Explore ways to work with concurrent file editing using Tortoise SVN.

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Liferay Experts: Development Coordination for User Login Actions and Tortoise SVN Implementation

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  1. Task X – Liferay Experts* Development Coordination Group * Bruno Ferreira nº. 21667 Nelson Silvério nº. 22499 António Amado nº. 21557

  2. Task X – Liferay Experts(os cromos) Up to date and give information about the user who has performed a login action. Learning about the implementation of Tortoise SVN...

  3. HOW??? SQL or JAVA??

  4. The table “member” created by task 5 has a column named“estado”, which gives indication about the state – online or offline. • The table user_ which already exists on Liferay DB has a column named “loginDate”, which is updated when the user does a signin.

  5. DB • All the resources are available to implement a SQL Trigger to achieve the main subject. • The trigger will change the value of column state from “online” to “offline” everytime a user performes a login in Liferay’s Portal.

  6. Trigger Implementation DROP TRIGGER user_login; DELIMITER | CREATE TRIGGER user_login AFTER UPDATE ON user_ FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF(NEW.logindate != OLD.logindate) THEN UPDATE member SET member.estado = 'online' WHERE (member.userID = (select userID from user_ where loginDate = new.loginDate)); END IF; END; | DELIMITER ;

  7. Task X – Liferay Experts(os cromos) Up to date and give information about the user who has performed a login action. Learning about the implementation of Tortoise SVN...

  8. HOW TO... • have acess to the group source? • work at same time on the same files? • keep track of different versions of the same file? Solution ???

  9. DEFINITIONS • SVN (SubVersion) is a free/open-source version control system. • AVersion Control System (CVS)is a special file server (repository), designed for concurrent editing and to store history information.

  10. This repository is a centralized store of data which can: • store data in form of a filesystem tree;

  11. provide read/write acess to the stored data; • remember any modification made to it. Where can client user's manage the information?

  12. Each user’s client creates a personal working copy – a local reflection of the reflectory’s files and directories. • Users then work simultameously and independently, modifying their private copies. • Finally, the private copies are merged together into a new, final version.

  13. Repository Access URLs

  14. Some commands of Tortoise

  15. More information: • http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ • https://paloma.isr.uc.pt/webdocs/isr_presentation_onlysubversion.pdf (Portuguese)

  16. Next Week • In the next phase we hope to determine when a user stay’s offline, by inactivity time or logout. This will be harder because until now we haven’t find any variable of the database’s tables that is modified with this event, to successfully know when the user has logged out we will probably have to implement a java function in eclipse. • As task X, we also pretend start working with another tasks. • Discuss about the integration of Tortoise in this work. • Liferay and Tortoise Configuration at Uninova’s server.

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