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DEATH AND FUNERAL TRADITIONS IN TURKEY. Like birth , death is accompanied by many traditions and rituals , mostly based on religion.
Likebirth, death is accompaniedbymanytraditionsandrituals, mostlybased on religion.
Turkishpeoplehavealsotheirownbeliefsabouttheinevitabledeathand how thedeathhappens. Turkishpeoplehave had differentbeliefsandcultures in thecourse of time andtheyhavedifferentdeathcomprehensions. ForTurkishpeople, death has beenaccepted as thegettingout of thespiritfromthehuman body.
Turkishpeople had differentbeliefsaboutthecoming of death. Thesearesuchsigns as psychologicsigns, physiologicalsigns, dreamsignsandanimalsigns. Forexample, when a doghowlsforsolong, Turkishpeoplethinkthat it is a sign of death.
Insomereligionthe body is buried but some is burned. Inourreligionwedon’tburnourbodyswealwaysburythem.
Inourcountry, theburial of thedead is happened in order of ablution of thedead, shroud of dead, coffin of thedeadandtheentombment of thedeadafterthefuneralprayer.
Beforethefuneralthebody is ceremoniouslywashedbyprofessionalwashers. This is based on theIslamicbeliefthat a personwho has diedand has not beenproperlycleanedwill not be allowedtoenterparadise.
Thecoffin, which is coveredby a greencloth, is carriedtothemosque on theshoulders of family, friendsandneighbors.
Thebearersrushfromtheback of thecortegetothefrontto be abletotouchandcarrythecoffin as often as possible, which is a sign of respect
Turkishpeoplealsomournafterthedeath. Thepeoplewholostthepeopletheylovedon’twearclotheswithlightcolors, don’teatmuch, don’thavefun, don’tuseelectronicdevices, don’tgetshavedanddon’tgotoanyweddingceremonies.
Turkishpeoplemourns 40 daysafterthedeath. Thereareremembranceceremonies at thefirstdayandfirstFriday of these 40 days, andsometimes at 52nd day. Themostimportantday is the 40th dayafterthedeathbecausethisdaythemourning is goingto be over. Theceremony at thisdaygetsheldbytheowner of thefuneral.
Inthisceremony, somefoodand helva getdelivered, and an Islamicmemorialceremonycalled “Mevlit” getsheld.
Andalsoombstoneshave a longtradition in Turkey. Theyareoftenpieces of art andbearwitnesstohistory as well as beinginscribedwithpoetryandthe life story of thedeceased.
Inthepastneighbours of thedeceased persongavemealstothesorrowfulfamily for a while, nowadays it is becomingless.
People, forcenturies , havebeenreading Quranforthedeceasedfordaysandvisit thetomb on specialdays.