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Nervous System

Nervous System. Nervous System – Functions . 3.CONTROLS TH E Body. 1. Receives stimuli from inside and outside the body. 2. Sends messages to respond to the stimuli it receives. Nervous System is divided into two main parts:. Central Nervous System. Peripheral Nervous System.

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Nervous System

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  1. NervousSystem

  2. NervousSystem– Functions 3.CONTROLS TH E Body 1. Receives stimuli from inside and outside the body 2. Sends messages to respond to the stimuli it receives

  3. Nervous System is divided into two main parts: Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System

  4. Messages • It sends messages by sending electricity through the nerves.

  5. Central Nervous System Brain – Controls body functions

  6. From Brain Stem to Cerebrum

  7. How do these organisms compare?

  8. Spinal Cord Spinal Cord – Transmits information to and from the brain

  9. PeripheralNervous System Is divided into 2 parts: 1. Somatic NS –Sends information between the brain and the muscles. 2. Autonomic NS —controls the internal organs and glands

  10. What is Homeostasis? Maintains balance in the body because one part of your nervous system, sympathetic, sends signals to the other systems that there is danger and the parasympathetic part of the system tells your systems when to turn the warning off.

  11. Systems Working Together Nervous and Muscular- Nerves respond to stimuli and send signals to your muscles to contract.

  12. Systems Working Together Nervous and Endocrine Work together as your body’s communication system Endocrine=long term Nervous=short term

  13. Stimulus / Response Internal stimulus Scared Response Heart beats faster, breathing is faster (triggers the response of many systems) External stimulus Touching a hot stove Response Moving your hand

  14. How does our Nervous System compare to Mr. Frog’s? Mr. Frog Humans

  15. Compareing our Nervous System to Mr. Frog’s. Mr. Frog Humans • Consists of a brain, a spinal cord, and nerves. • 10 cranial nerves that originate in the brain. • 10 pairs of spinal nerves. • Cerebrum is very small. • Consists of a brain, a spinal cord, and nerves. • 10 cranial nerves that originate in the brain. • 30 pairs of spinal nerves. • Cerebrum is very large.

  16. DISORDERS of the Nervous System Well, there are so many to choose from that affect your brain and/or nerves. Here’s just a few. Same guy, a few minutes later. Fortunately, he didn’t suffer any long-term paralysis, but he DID have a concussion. (1.) A concussion happens when the skull slams into the brain, “shocking” it. This happens when the brain sits still due to inertia, but a hit moves the head very fast. (ouch for this guy)

  17. President Reagan and Charlton Heston both suffered from Alzheimer’s. Here’s a truly sad and tragic one. As some people age, their brain cells stop communicating with each other,causing memory loss. This is known as (2.) Alzheimer’s Disease (not “old timer’s disease”). This almost always is found elderly people, and the cause is not really well-understood. There is no cure, and the only treatment seems to be the patience and understanding of the sufferer’s loved ones. Imagine leaving the house and not remembering why you left in the first place, then forgetting which house was yours, and simply feeling totally, helplessly lost. Imagine opening your eyes from a nap and not having a clue who your own daughter or husband were as they sat next to you. Hopefully, someday there will be a cure for this.

  18. Disorders, contd. Imagine your hand shaking uncontrollably…eating with a fork or tying your shoes is so frustrating and uncomfortable…and embarrassing. Eventually you have a hard time making your mouth and tongue form the sounds of words you’re trying to speak. This is the effects of (3.) Parkinson’s Disease. This is a disease caused by brain damage that causes loss of muscular control & coordination. Michael J. Fox and Muhammad Ali.

  19. You really only get one brain. There’s no brain “transplant” either. When you kill those brain cells, they don’t magically repair them- selves, usually. So TAKE CARE OF IT! Think of Ozzy! Slksdaslsdkladnndngngnang Sndansdndnansdsuwesld Stay off the drugs, kids! Lsdkal Dsklsjdjdjanndehenanengna Ennqueueusndndnsandooop Shaarrrooooonnn

  20. Endocrine System

  21. Endocrine –Functions (jobs) 1. Glands secrete hormones to the blood stream that: *regulate mood *growth & development *metabolism *sexual function and processes

  22. This guy probably is pumped full of adrenaline Robert Wadlow was 7’4” as a 13-year-old and reached 8’11” all told. STRUCTURES of the Endocrine System • Let’s define “hormone.” • hormones – chemicals that travel through blood and • control how other organs function. Examples: growth hormone, adrenaline

  23. Endocrine – Structures (Parts) Pituitary—secretes 8 different hormones that control the other endocrine glands. Called “master gland” Adrenal Gland- Releases hormones for fight or flight response Pancreas- Releases insulin to regulate blood sugar Testes(males) Ovaries (females)- Releases reproductive hormones

  24. Systems Working Together Endocrine and Reproductive • Glands secrete hormones related in child birth and sex organs

  25. Systems Working Together Endocrine and Skeletal • Pituitary gland releases chemicals for growth

  26. Homeostasis—Balance in the Body This system maintains homeostasis by releasing hormones to regulate metabolism and body temperature (your thermostat).

  27. Stimulus / Response Internal stimulus Metabolism slows down Response Hormones are released to speed up metabolism External stimulus Stress Response Hormones are released to deal with stress

  28. How does our Endocrine System compare to Mr. Frog’s? Mr. Frog Humans

  29. How do these organism’s Endocrine Systems compare?

  30. DISORDERS of the Endocrine System Fine-tuning and controlling other organs is a tricky, tricky thing for endocrine glands to master. There are hundreds of disorders that are caused when hormones get out of balance. Really smart doctors, known as endocrinologists, get paid big bucks to figure out how to fix such situations. If you’ve ever paid attention to salt containers at the store, you’ll notice they almost always brag about being “iodized.”

  31. Disorders, contd. The reason is that getting just enough iodine (element 53 on the P. Table, by the way) keeps your thyroid gland happy and prevents a condition called goiter. (boy, it’s good to live in the U.S. of A.) 1. goiter – swollen thyroid due to lack of iodine in diet

  32. Disorders, contd. Chances are you know somebody, maybe several people, who have diabetes. 2. Diabetes is a disease where the pancreas makes little or no insulin (so your body has a hard time using blood sugar). There are many causes of diabetes, and it is very often genetic. What does having this sugar in your blood do to you? Well, your blood doesn’t flow and function smoothly, so circulation problems will soon arise. Diabetes can cause eye & skin problems, poor circulation, and organ failure. It IS a treatable condition, as diabetics can give them-selves insulin (or eat a candy bar if their blood sugar gets too low). However, there is no cure.

  33. Review Could you live without this system??? Goodness, no! There are thousands of hormones your body makes, and each of them contributes to your growth, repair, and day-to-day functioning as a human being. If you just turned Joe’s endocrine glands “off,” within a minute he’d probably start to feel weird. It wouldn’t be much longer that he goes unconscious and dies from a total breakdown of homeostasis.

  34. Review, contd. This body system is ALL about homeostasis. The glands send out a little hormone and then have the ability to sense when they need to slow down or stop altogether. The endocrine system can respond to all sorts of stimuli, small and large. If you are in the sun, you will release lipotropin to produce melanin. If you wake up and see this guy standing next to you… …your adrenal glands will immediately release adrenaline, which shuts down all your body functions that won’t help you survive the next 5 minutes and speeds up your heart and breathing rates. You’ll be ready to fight or run away in terror.

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