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James 2:1-13. Against Discrimination. Review. Chapter 1: True Christians Have the proper perspective on trials (vv. 1-12) Rejoice, looking forward to the outcome. Ask for wisdom and do not doubt Have the proper perspective on temptation (vv. 13-18) Resist it and do not blame God for it.
James 2:1-13 Against Discrimination
Review • Chapter 1: True Christians • Have the proper perspective on trials (vv. 1-12) • Rejoice, looking forward to the outcome. • Ask for wisdom and do not doubt • Have the proper perspective on temptation (vv. 13-18) • Resist it and do not blame God for it. • Humbly receive the Word (vv.19-21) • Put the word into action (22-27) • Show self-restraint • Care for the poor • Do not think like the world
Introduction • James 2:1-13 between 2 Imperatives: • Do not show partiality….. (v.1) • Live according to the law of liberty (v.2) • Law of Liberty: • John 8:31-36: “If you abide in My Word, you are truly disciples of mine; and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free..everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin…If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.” • John 8:28-29: “..I do nothing of my own initiative…I always do the things that are pleasing to my Father.”
Outline • Imperative 1: “Do not show partiality” • Scenario (vv. 2-4) • Rich man comes in with fine clothing and a gold ring; given a good seat • Poor man comes in with dirty clothing; moved out of the way • Partiality makes no sense (vv. 5-7) • Values inverted from what God values • Discriminate against the poor: • God chose as Heirs of His Kingdom • God enriched them in faith by God • Favor the rich: • Oppress you • Drag you into court • Blaspheme the fair Name • Possible reasons for partiality (vv. 8-9) • Royal Law – Love your enemy (Possible reference to Matt. 7:2 – “Treat others as you want them to treat you for this is the Law and the Prophets”) • Discrimination - Sin • Divine Result - Breaking the Law (vv. 10-11) • Law shows no partiality: If you break one commandment you broke them all • God gave the Law and He is not partial • Imperative 2: “Live and act by the Law of liberty” • Speak and act as those judged by the Law of Liberty. • Mercy to those who have shown mercy; Judgment to those who have shown judgment.
Thematic QuestionsVs. 1 • What does Glorious mean? • How do you imagine Christ when you call Him glorious? • How does the glory of Christ compare to the glory of riches? • Why are people partial? What does that say about their perspective/value system?
Thematic QuestionsVs. 2 • How do wealthy people usually dress? • How do wealthy people usually behave? • Describe a wealthy person according to the following criteria? • Smell • Appearance • Education • Interests • Perspective on life • Attitude
Thematic Questions Vs. 2 (Cont’d) • How do poor people usually dress? • How do poor people usually behave? • Describe a poor person according to the following criteria? • Smell • Appearance • Education • Interests • Perspective on life • Attitude
Thematic Questions Vs.3-4 • Why might the church favor the rich man? • Why might the church marginalize the poor man? • What does this say about the church’s perspective? • What are they looking at when they judge these two individuals? • How does this compare with James’ instructions in Ch.1 • Ch.1:9,10,27
Thematic QuestionsVs. 5-6a • What is God’s perspective on the poor? • Where else in the Bible has God shown that perspective? • Prov. 17:5, Prov. 14:31, Ps. 146:9, Luke 20:6 • Are the Christians acting as God is acting towards the poor? • What does this say about their perspective when compared with God’s?
Thematic QuestionsVs. 6b-7 • Define blasphemy • How does this relate to the Glory of God? • How is God affected by the oppression of His believers? • Acts 9:4 • How does God react to the oppression of the poor? • Jer. 7:6-7 • What does this say about the Christians when they favor those who do these things?
Thematic QuestionsVs. 8-9 • Can you discriminate between 2 people that you love? • Describe the mentality of people who discriminate against other people?
Thematic QuestionsVs. 10-11 • How much discrimination is there with the Law? • How much discrimination is there with God? • Will God forget that you committed sin A, as long as you did not commit sin B?
Thematic Questions Vs. 12-13 • What does Christ offer to those who have faith? • What does God want from Christians toward the poor? • How will showing or not showing mercy affect you? • What must your perspective be to show mercy?
Application • Bottom Line: Discrimination happens when people do not view one another through the perspective of Faith, but through a secular perspective. • Discrimination is a form of oppression. Oppression of believers, or in general is blasphemy against God. • Assignment: Consider a person against whom you discriminated on any of the following characteristics: • Money • Social standing • Intelligence • Talent • Likeability • Smell • Interests • Etc… • Approach that person and talk to them as if there was nothing dividing you two. Your conversation can be on any topic. Below are some suggestions: • Current state in life (“How are you?”,”What are you up to?”,”How are things going?”) • The weather • Stock market, politics, love, history, health, etc…