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Effective Change Management in Mathematics Teaching and Learning

A project focusing on subject leaders for effective change in primary school mathematics teaching, aiming to enhance leadership skills. Contact Andrea Fricker for more information.

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Effective Change Management in Mathematics Teaching and Learning

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  1. The subject leader and effective change management of mathematics teaching and learning in primary schools Slough www.slough.gov.uk Borough Council Background In the last two years the Primary Learning Network 1 in Slough has been successful in changing practice in teachers' classrooms.  However, an issue was identified around the varied experience and skills of the subject leaders in 'leading' developments themselves in their different schools.  Outcome Subject leaders will be more reflective in their practice, more analytical and more effective as leaders.    Contact Andrea Fricker, Middle School Leader Castleview School, Woodstock avenue, Slough, SL3 7LS Tel:01753 810615 Email: africker@castleview.slough.sch.uk Summary Start Date - January 2007   Duration - 18 Months   Grant Awarded - £5,000   Key Stage/Sector - KS1/2   Region - South East • Project • This project is focusing on the role of the subject leader in bringing about effective change in mathematics teaching and learning in a primary school.  A group of subject leaders from 6 different types of schools is working together to explore effective ways of doing this using the renewed framework for primary mathematics and the learning network focus as vehicles for this change.  • Through regular monitoring of staff attitudes and practice they are evaluating what is most effective in bringing about change in the classroom.  • They are exploring ways in which collaborative practice amongst colleagues in their schools has an impact of pupils' learning and are considering their role in initiating, monitoring, challenging and nurturing change. 

  2. Slough www.slough.gov.uk Borough Council Background In the last two years the Primary Learning Network 1 in Slough has been successful in changing practice in teachers' classrooms.  However, an issue was identified around the varied experience and skills of the subject leaders in 'leading' developments themselves in their different schools. 

  3. Project • This project is focusing on the role of the subject leader in bringing about effective change in mathematics teaching and learning in a primary school.  A group of subject leaders from 6 different types of schools is working together to explore effective ways of doing this using the renewed framework for primary mathematics and the learning network focus as vehicles for this change.  • Through regular monitoring of staff attitudes and practice they are evaluating what is most effective in bringing about change in the classroom.  • They are exploring ways in which collaborative practice amongst colleagues in their schools has an impact of pupils' learning and are considering their role in initiating, monitoring, challenging and nurturing change. 

  4. The subject leader and effective change management of mathematics teaching and learning in primary schools Outcome Subject leaders will be more reflective in their practice, more analytical and more effective as leaders.   

  5. Contact Andrea Fricker, Middle School Leader Castleview School, Woodstock Avenue, Slough, SL3 7LS Tel:01753 810615 Email: africker@castleview.slough.sch.uk Summary Start Date - January 2007 Duration - 18 Months   Grant Awarded - £5,000   Key Stage/Sector - KS1/2   Region - South East

  6. “The article we read about ‘Tidying the cupboard’ made me realise what time I waste doing admin jobs.” “When I delivered the INSET I was met with stony faces and sighs of ‘Oh no not another change!’”

  7. “I’m interested to know how others have dealt with negative reactions to change.” “I’m new to data analysis, I don’t know how to analyse year group data and track children through the school.”

  8. “I’ve just taken over as subject leader. Where do I start? “ “I’m trying to introduce the renewed framework, track progress across the school, buy new resources, observe teaching…I only have half a day a fortnight!”

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