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School Workforce Census Slough Overview. Michele Younger. Housekeeping. Permissions and minimum software version.
School Workforce Census Slough Overview Michele Younger
Permissions and minimum software version • If you are new in post check you are in Returns Manager group (Your IT manager may need to check for you – focus – system manager – manage groups search for returns manager and ensure you are in that group) • Software version must be at least Summer release 7.158 or above
Filesets and Fileset 172 Fileset must be 172. It will possibly be 170. This is under DfE control and contains the Summary and validation rules that are used to validate the return. The DfE recently released 172. There is a possibility of another fileset release after today but before the SWC day due to some queries raised in Summary report. You can get the fileset from Supportnet or if you get your support via our Chelmsford helpdesk go to the usual website www.capitaess.co.uk Scroll down and locate the item on Fileset 172and follow the instructions.
How to check versions, permissions, fileset? Go into software and demo. When checking fileset if prompted to set the location for the return you may need to confirm the folder location before it will let you see the fileset number. Set a secure folder location that only Personnel and School Workforce census staff can view. For demo purposes only I will choose C:\SWC and confirm the location change The Fileset code is given at the top of the panel. If it is 170 close the SWC screen and obtain and apply the 172 fileset following the instructions given with the news item. Tools – Setups – Import Fileset Log out of SIMS and then log back in and recheck to see if you now have 172
Changes since 2013 SWC Ensure you have the DfEguide - School Workforce Guide 2014 v1.0 school return. This is the rulebook that guides you as to what must go into a return and what mustn’t. Main points are DfE collecting Salary only information not points so Base Pay is mandatory. Teachers main and teachers upper are now classified as Classroom Teacher, main pay range and Classroom Teacher, Upper pay range QTS route field to be completed for any teacher who have taken their first post since qualifying as a teacher PRUs fully included in SWC this year Map school subject codes to DfE code list. Secondary schools only
Main key dates SWC will be on November 6th 2014 Contract dates that are included are 1/9/13 to 6/11/14 Absences 1/9/13 and 31/8/14
Ensure Include Base pay is ticked Tools – Statutory returns tools – school workforce return settings Tick the Allow editing of Base pay box and save
Check QTS route for new teachers where this is the first teaching post since qualifiying Open staff record and the Employment tab and check the QTS field is updated/correct
If school name or number details were changed for recent Census (if applicable) then SWC will collect the updated information To check Focus – School – School details
Run service term checking reports Reports – Run report +Focus Scroll down towards the bottom of the folder lists and locate the folder Service Term Allowances must be linked to the correct category of additional payment Regional payspine must be consistent and correct Post definition must have the correct definition for 2014 in the SWR column for Teachers and Teachers upper
Check mappings for subject codes are linked to DfE codes correctly Secondary schools only Tools – Setups - Subjects
Primaries only need a subject code if they need to add a vacancy for SWC A code of Pc (little lower case c) with a title of Primary curriculum linked to DfE code Primary curriculum can be created. Headteacher will need to be assigned as the co-ordinator. Ignore any messages about timetable processes.
Check pay related definition Tools – Staff- Pay related Look at Scales, Posts and Allowances
Create a practice SWC and Validate to get an initial error and query list Routines – Statutory Returns – SWC Overtype the return name naming it Practice 1 This gives you a chance to practice undertaking the return and to practice completing the panels that you may need to complete on the day such as Vacancies, Headcounts and such like
SWC Edit base pay of any staff (if need be) Subjects panel only appears on the Secondary school returns Add a vacancy Add occasional teacher numbers to the panel Add third party/agency support staff to the panel Save then validate Correct ALL errors Check all queries are sensible and correct if they are not
Correcting errors and checking queries – 15 on my data Double click error and it will take you to the member of staff and the area of concern. Correct the error and save and it will return you to the return You can either Correct and validate as you go to reduce the number of errors or correct all and validate towards the end of the process. You can save your return at any time and go back to it at a later date. You can validate it as many times as you wish. If you authorise a practice run you cannot delete it. If you do not authorise it you can delete all your practice runs.
Review the summary report from the practice run Run through the reports and ensure the information is correct Please note: as of yesterday there were some queries surrounding the content of the Summary report (whose layout and rules are set by the DfE) and it is possible that the DfE may release another fileset before the SWC day. Please keep a watch for email notifications and the supportnet or ESS capita sites for updated information
Review the Detail reports Review the detail reports particular those of interest where you would expect to see some data.
Are any Service agreements needed? Follow DfE flowchart before deciding Minimum dataset needed Name, DOB, Gender Ethnicity, NI and Teacher Number Employment Start date Service agreement need type, provider and then either FTE and Weeks and Base pay and daily rate and number of agreement hours (if applicable) to be populated
On the actual SWC day Click New and create the SWC. (As per your practice runs) Check as before Add any vacancy information Enter headcount information for Occasional teachers and 3rd party staff Validate as before and correct any errors. Review Summary and detail reports Ensure the Headteacher had reviewed them with you If the headteacher is happy for you to do so Authorise the return
Upload the authorised file to the DfE On the actual SWC day the Authorised file will be dated and time stamped with the time you authorised it. It will be in the folder setup in the return settings. Be aware that there will be lots of files in that folder that are copies of the html reports but one of the files will be an XML type file and will have a distinctive label The filename will be your 871Dfenumber_SWC_871LL14_001 E.g. For a Slough school 8711234_SWC_871LL14_001 where 871 is the no for Slough and 1234 is the school number and the 001 is the first file created and authorised for this season. So if you create and authorise 3 practice runs and then create and authorise one on the actual day your file might end _004 Select carefully the file and upload the file as instructed by the DfE
Thank you Consultant Name Consultant michele.younger@capita.co.uk SIMS Professional Services Call or email to speak to a member of our Professional Services team