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AURAMS. CHRONOS. GEM-MACH. Meteorology. GEM (Off-line). GEM (In-line). Grid configuration. Limited area (Polar Stereographic). Rotated (lat/lon). 150 x 106, 28 levels 42 km Model top: 30km. 350 x 250, 24 levels 21 km Model top: 6km. 465 x 348, 58 levels 15 km (0.1375 deg)
AURAMS CHRONOS GEM-MACH Meteorology GEM (Off-line) GEM (In-line) Grid configuration Limited area (Polar Stereographic) Rotated (lat/lon) 150 x 106, 28 levels 42 km Model top: 30km 350 x 250, 24 levels 21 km Model top: 6km 465 x 348, 58 levels 15 km (0.1375 deg) Model top: 10mb Resolution parallelization OpenMP OpenMP MPI + OpenMP Real-time forecasting Application Policy guidance Real - time forecasting 90min 40min 30min Timings for 24 hr (continent, 150x106 (continent, 350 x 250 (continent, 465 x 348 simulation gridpoints gridpoints ) ) gridpoints gridpoints ) ) ) 64 16 Nb of CPUs 4 Coal-Fired Boiler - Industrial: VOC Fractionation 1.779E-01 1.543E-01 0.18 1.176E-01 0.16 0.14 8.390E-02 0.12 7.800E-02 6.380E-02 Fraction of Total VOC Emission 6.090E-02 0.1 5.670E-02 5.200E-02 3.780E-02 0.08 2.600E-02 2.900E-02 3.000E-02 0.06 1.240E-02 0.000E+00 1.180E-02 0.000E+00 7.700E-03 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.04 Area sources SMOKE NetCDF Point sources SMOKE ASCII 0.02 0 BUTENE HEXANE ETHANE PROPENE n-BUTANE PROPANE BENZENE n-PENTANE TOLUENE o-XYLENE ETHYLENE iso-BUTANE ACETYLENE iso-PENTANE ISOBUTYLENE ETHYLBENZENE 2-METHYL HEXANE 2,4- DIMETHYLPENTANE METHYLCYCLOPENTANE m-XYLENE AND p-XYLENE VOC Species RPN E-GRID RPN Y-GRID AQ model Annual emissions of SO2North American ocean-going vessel emissions inventory Emission processing methodology for the new GEM-MACH model M. Sassi1, V. Bouchet1, L-P. Crevier1, S. Ménard1, P. Makar2, M. Moran2, D. Niemi31 Air Quality Modelling Applications Section, Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada 2 Air Quality Modelling and Integration Research, Science Branch, Environment Canada3 Pollution Data Division, Environment Canada Corresponding author address: Mourad Sassi <Mourad.Sassi@ec.gc.ca> Assignment of Canadian VOC emission speciation data to different chemical mechanisms GEM-MACH description • GEM-MACH is a Global Environmental Multiscale Model for Air Quality and Chemistry Modeling (similar design to WRF-CHEM). • This new model has an on-line photochemical gas chemistry package (based on ADOM II mechanisms) and an aerosol capability (based on CAM). • GEM-MACH has a more detailed chemistry and emission packages than CHRONOS, the current AQFM • Will run daily over North America to provide air quality forecasts (ozone and PM) in support of the Canadian Air Quality Prediction Program. • The 15 km model grid is 465x348 extends from Texas to Nunavut and from Alaska to Newfoundland. • Biogenic emissions calculations are performed inside GEM-MACH with an online version of BEIS3.09 and updated vegetation and emission factors databases. Modifications and Additions to SMOKE Few changes were required to SMOKE to make the system work with Environment Canada’s new air quality model GEM-MACH. Input and output file converters had to be constructed to go to and from the GEM-MACH and I/O API file formats. A new VOC speciation for the ADOM II mechanism was constructed and tested and a PM size disaggregation mechanism was implemented for use. • Mappings and assignments were created to the following chemical mechanisms: • NAPAP • ADOM II • SAPRC99 • RADM • CB4 • CB5 • AURAMS86 • Through the NPRI, Environment Canada has received detailed speciation information for Canadian VOC emissions. These emissions are reported at the facility or stack levels. However, NPRI reports do not contain process information. SMOKE is therefore not capable of directly handling such data as it expects (process-based) SCC codes in order to do its own speciation. • Direct linking of VOC emissions to the species mapping in the different mechanisms was performed by linking the CAS or SAROAD codes with the available mapping files. ABSTRACT SMOKE has recently been adapted to provide emissions for the new Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) air quality model GEM-MACH. The goal of this project is to provide a versatile, robust and standard way to generate emissions files for MSC’s operational air quality model GEM-MACH in support of research and air quality forecast applications. We give an overview of the different challenges encountered in this process and of some of the current applications of the system. GEM-MACH Emission Modeling A new operational Air Quality Forecast Model GEM-MACH is being implemented at MSC. We built a modeling platform to produce several sets of gridded emissions for Environment Canada needs: • SMOKE ancillary files: • Create spatial surrogate files on native GEM-MACH grid (Same grid as GEM meteorological model). • Set ADOM II as chemical mechanism and define the group of species needed by GEM-MACH in the gspro file. • Update the temporal profiles with the most recent data available. • SMOKE processing and QA/QC • Update the 2005 Canada/US NEI with the latest 2008 informations. • Process the emissions. Fourteen monthly sets of two daily emissions files were produced to feed into the model. • Provide the appropriate grid tools for mapping point sources emissions to specific grid cells. • Perform tests and evaluations of the new datasets. • Creation of a VOC speciation • The following procedure was developed for the binning of the detailed speciation to the NAPAP and ADOM II mechanisms and was used to create the ADOM II speciation files profiles for SMOKE. • If the substance was assigned to multiple bins the mass was multiplied by • the mass fraction for the particular bin (eg: Alkane / Aromatic Mix). • The masses were summed to the appropriate NAPAP & ADOM II bin. • The mass of the substance was converted to moles using the molecular • weight • The moles of the substance were added to the NAPAP bin and multiplied by the NAPAP reactivity weighting and added to the ADOM II bin. Major point sources, SO2 emissions on GEM-MACH continental domain Conversion of SMOKE output to GEM-MACH format GEM-MACH reads 2D emissions input data in the so-called RPN Standard File format. Elevated point sources are read in lat/long format and the plume rise calculation is done within the model. • Two file converters were built to convert • the SMOKE output to the right format: • one to go from I/O API to RPN E-GRID format • 2. one to take the SMOKE ASCII elevated point source file and convert it to • RPN Y-GRID format (major points) • RPN E-GRID format (minor points) Gridded NO emissions on GEM-MACH continental domain Experimental ozone output over North America. (June 9th 2007) Creation of SMOKE PM speciation input files The disaggregation of the PM emissions is done for three source streams as function of size and composition Plan for the near future • Future developments: • Include forest fire emissions • Include ocean-going vessels emissions • Apply growth factors for 2008 • Add real-time generation of mobile emissions to GEM-MACH using meteorological data To accomplish these tasks, MIMS spatial allocator has been adapted to handle the GEM variable-resolution grid on a rotated lat/lon projection. This required the use of the E-GRID projection capacity of the MIMS Spatial Allocator. We developed several utilities to facilitate this work.