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7th EU Research Framework Program International Cooperation. Mario Scalet European Commission, DG Research International Cooperation Directorate Email: mario.scalet@ec.europa.eu. 2 nd Project Meeting, SUPPORT INCO-FP6 Cape Town, 14-17 November 2007. The Lisbon strategy for EU.
7th EU Research Framework ProgramInternational Cooperation Mario Scalet European Commission, DG Research International Cooperation Directorate Email: mario.scalet@ec.europa.eu 2nd Project Meeting, SUPPORT INCO-FP6 Cape Town, 14-17 November 2007
The Lisbon strategy for EU European economical system: dynamic and competitive, knowledge-based Research will give a priority contribution to achieve the objectives established in Lisbon (European Council, 23-24 March 2000): - economic growth - new job - environment protection - social challenges (poverty, human health, welfare) • 3% GDP in R&D within 2010 • 2/3 private R&D funds (European Council of Barcelona, 2002)
Research: filling the gap Total expenditure on R&D, % of GDP Japan: 3.0 USA: 2.7 EU-15: 1.9
1 - MORE FUNDS Budgets of the EU Framework Programmes
2 - MORE COORDINATION Restructuring a fragmented ERA EU25
FP7: main new elements compared to FP6 • Duration increased from five to seven years (except for Euratom FP) • Annual budget increased significantly • Basic research (~ €1 billion per year) and ERC • New structure: cooperation, ideas, people, capacities • Simpler procedures • ERA-NET (coordination national programmes, Art. 169) can be part of the Themes • FP7 topics should integrate within the research activity itself, when relevant - Emerging needs, unforeseen policy needs/Policy relevance - Dissemination activities - International cooperation in particular with INCO countries - SME participation - Cross thematic topics
Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Human Potential Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom FP7 – Specific Programmes
FP7 budget (€ 50 521 million, current prices) • Note: Euratom FP: €2.7 billion over 5 years - not included above
International Cooperation within EU FPs • 25 years • > 3000 projects, > 45000 researchers • mainly in agriculture, health, natural resources • thousands participations, all areas • FP increasingly open to the world • agreements with some 26 countries
Main objectives of International Cooperation in FP7 • Support Europe competitiveness through strategic partnerships with third countries in selected fields of science, also attracting researchers and resources • Address specific problems facing third countries on the basis of mutual interest and mutual benefit (e.g. global challenges) • Use S&T cooperation to reinforce the Community’s external relations and other relevant policies, strengthening Europe’s role in the world (knowledge, markets, progress)
A new approach to support International Cooperation • The theme–oriented international cooperation actions are carried out under the Cooperation Specific Programme with: • the opening of all activities to third countries – both for ICPC* and industrialised countries in the Themes & • the introduction of Specific international co-operation actions (SICAs) dedicated to ICPCs. • The international actions in the area of human potential are carried out under the People Specific Programme • INCO actions of the Capacity Specific Programme are designed to • identify S&T priorities with Third Countries, • reinforce the participation of these countries in FP7 • promote a co-ordinated approach among MS to S&T international Cooperation. • Also the Ideas Specific Programme is open to 3rd Cuntries.
International cooperation: more inclusive 1- Associated countries ► Same prerogatives as Member States 2- International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC): • Countries neighbouring the EU (Mediterranean Partner Countries, Western Balkans, Eastern European and Central Asian Countries) • Developing countries (ACP, ASIA, Latin America) • Emerging economies (e.g. China, India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa) ► Can be funded 3- Industrialised countries (USA, Canada, Japan, Australia….) ► Funded only exceptionally
Associated countries to FP7 • EEA: Norway*, Iceland*, Liechtenstein* • Switzerland* • Israel* • Turkey* • WBC: Croatia*, FYR Macedonia*, Montenegro*, Serbia*, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo * in the pipeline
7th Framework Programme Participation by legal entities from third countries EU + Associated ‘Partner countries » (ICPC) Other countries, no funding No cooperation
International cooperation: more substantial • no overall international cooperation budget earmarked (only the "Activities of International Cooperation", €180M, under the SP "Capacities" ) • but a strong commitment to reinforce the international dimension of the FP (declaration of the Research Commissioner Potočnik: “International cooperation is a top priority”) • and an expected growth in line with the annual FP budget
International cooperation: more integrated and coordinated • throughout FP7, in all SP’s • thematic competence + resources + management in the same hands (EC RTD thematic directorates) • supported by "Activities of International Cooperation” (INCO) intended to facilitate, promote, coordinate • in line with our international commitments (S&T Agreements, etc.) • coherent with the strategy for the European Research Area (ERA) • in synergy with the EU external relations policy objectives
International cooperation in COOPERATION SP A. All calls/themes are open to third countries • Minimum 3 different EU Member State (MS) or Associated Countries (AC) • Beyond this minimum, all 3rd countries can participate • ICPCs would generally be funded • Industrialised countries funded only if indispensable for the project Targeted calls with specific indication of countries/regions and topics
International cooperation in COOPERATION SP (cont.) B. Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICA) within the 10 themes • Calls for proposals dedicated to ICPC in each Theme • Minimum 4 participants from different countries: 2 ICPC + 2 MS or AC • ICPC participants get funding
FP7 2007-2013 ‘Cooperation’ budget Budget I. Cooperation (€ million, current prices) * Not including non-nuclear activities of the Joint Research Centre: €1 751 million
SP CapacitiesProgramme structure Research Infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of Knowledge Research Potential Science in Society Coherent Development of Policies International Cooperation (INCO actions)
CAPACITIES International Cooperation Coordination of the international cooperation actions under the different programmes and across Themes Aim: To strengthen overall coordination to ensure a coherent approach and develop synergies with other Community policies(RELEX, DEV, Trade, ENV…)
Policy Dialogue S&T Cooperation Partnerships Coordination of National Policies & Activities International cooperation in CAPACITIES SPFP7 – INCO projects COOPERATION
Bi-regional Coordination of S&T Cooperation (INCO-NET) Bilateral S&T Cooperation Partnerships (INCO-BILAT) Coordination of National INCO Policies and Activities (ERA-NET) Activities of International Cooperation in CAPACITIES SP Work Programme 2007-2008: 3 activities are proposed:
CAPACITIES, INCO-NET Bi-regional Coordination of S&T cooperation INCO-NETs are platforms bringing together policy makers and stakeholders of one target region/country with the EU to: • Establish a dialogue to identify S&T priorities for mutual benefit and interest and define cooperation policy orientations • Implement specific activities to promote and contribute to the participation of the targeted regions/countries in the Framework Programme
CAPACITIES, INCO-NET Bi-regional policy dialogue • Bi-regional policy dialogue for mapping research needs and setting S&T cooperation priorities • Strengthening co-ordination and complementarities with activities carried out by means of Community foreign policy instruments • Identification of areas with potential for enhanced co-ordination between and with the Member States, the Associated States and International Cooperation Partner Countries
CAPACITIES, INCO-NET Implementation activities • Developing, promoting, organising and structuring the participation of third countries in FP; • Setting regional networks/fora with all relevant stakeholders; • Training, awareness actions and dissemination activities; • Evaluation and monitoring of ongoing cooperation activities.
INCO-NET 2007 • Call identifier: FP7- INCO-2007-1 • Call publication date: 22/12/06 • Call closure date: 02/05/07 • Indicative budget: 17 M€ • Areas: WBC, MPC, EECA, LAM, ACP, ASEA • Funding scheme: Coordination and support action, typ. 2-3M€ for 4 years • Eligibility criteria: min 3 participants from MS or AS (CA) • Evaluation criteria: threshold of 3 on criteria and 10 on total • Evaluation procedure: One step evaluation (no remote phase)
CAPACITIES - International CooperationINCO-BILAT Bilateral S&T Cooperation Partnerships Objective: • Strengthen the cooperation partnership between the EU and countries which have an S&T cooperation agreement or are in the process of negotiating one.
S&T Agreements • 31 Agreements with 20 countries • 16 EC + 15 Euratom • EC: 4 industrialised, 5 emerging, 7 developing • Geography: • 2 Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine) • 3 Mediterranean (Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia) • 1 Sub-Saharan Africa (South Africa) • 3 Asia (China, India, South Korea) • 2 North America (Canada, USA) • 4 Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico) • 1 Oceania • In the pipeline: Japan, Jordan, New Zealand
CAPACITIES SP, International Cooperation BILAT actions • Improve the exchange of information on programs and funding designed to promote cooperation between Europe and third countries; • Develop national information platforms; • Reinforce promotion and awareness activities; • Sharing best practices via joint fora such as workshops and presenting the state of the art and the prospects for cooperation in particular fields; • Assistance in forming research partnerships; etc…
INCO-BILAT • Call identifier: FP7-INCO-2007-2 • Call publication date: 02/05/07 • Call closure date: 04/09/07 Indicative budget: 6 M€ • Funding scheme: Coordination and support action, typ. 500 k€ for 3 years • Eligibility criteria: min 1 participant (SA), the proposals should target countries having or are negotiating an S&T cooperation agreement with the EC. The consortium should include participants from the country that is aimed at in the proposal. • Evaluation criteria: threshold of 3 on criteria and 10 on total • Evaluation procedure: One step evaluation (no remote phase)
CAPACITIES - International CooperationERA-NET Coordination of national policies and activities on international S&T cooperation Objective • To increase the cooperation and coordination of research programmes carried out at national or regional level in the MS and AS and which target one third country or several third countries in a given region # The main participants should be ministries, research councils or other funding agencies (research programme “owners” or programme “managers”)
INCO ERA-NET Objectives: • Promote/encourage an effective international scientific EU cooperation strategy at EU level; • Set clear common goals, strategies and policies (amongst MS + participation 3rd countries) • Reinforce the efficiency and impact of the ongoing bilateral S&T cooperation initiatives between Member States and International Cooperation Partner Countries; • Facilitate innovative programmatic approaches.
ERA-NET - Activities A step by step approach is proposed ERA-NET may include the followingactivitiesto foster coordination and cooperation between programmes: 1 – Systematic exchange of information & best practice 2 – Definition and preparation of joint activities 3 – Implementation of joint activities 4 – Funding of transnational research
ERA-NETin FP7 • Reinforcement of the ERA-NET scheme: • Continuity of ERA-NET for new topics as the scheme which provides a framework for the coordination of public research programmes • Broadening and deepening the scope of existing ERA-NETs(to broaden the partnership and scope of the ERA-NETs and deepen the activities towards mutual opening of programmes) • NEW ERA-NETs should address steps 1-2-3, but preferably go beyond ERA-NETs launched under FP6 should focus on steps 3 and 4
ERA-NET Call Information • Call identifier: FP7-INCO-2007-3 • Call publication date: 02/10/07 • Call closure date: 12/02/08 • Indicative budget: 11 M€ • Preparatory ERA-NET(FP7-INCO-2007-3.1.1) coordination and support action (SA), typ. 300 k€ for 2 years); min 1 participant • ERA-NET (FP7-INCO-2007-3.1.2) coordination and support action (CA), typ. 3 M€ for 4 years); min 3 program owners • ERA-NET PLUS (FP7-INCO-2007-3.2) The combined national/regional and Community contributions to the joint calls would normally exceed 5 million € but should never be less than 3 million €
CAPACITIES - International CooperationERA-NETPLUS • allows the Commission to provide an incentive to the organisation of joint calls between national or regional research programmes by “topping-up” joint trans-national funding with Community funding • intends to bridge the gap between coordination of national programmes via ERA-NET and the joint implementation of well identified national research programmes, on the basis of Article 169 of the Treaty.
Information Framework Programme – General • CORDIS Web Site: www.cordis.lu • EU Web Site (INCO infodesk) : http://ec.europa.eu/research/ International Scientific Cooperation Policy http://ec.europa.eu/research/iscp/index_en.html