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Strategic Objectives of NMP Calls. Michel Poireau Industrial Technologies Directorate DG Research European Commission Michel.poireau@ec.europa.eu. Strategic objectives of NMP calls Main lessons from 2007 calls Key features of 2008 calls Some advice to conclude.
Strategic Objectives of NMP Calls Michel Poireau Industrial Technologies Directorate DG Research European Commission Michel.poireau@ec.europa.eu
Strategic objectives of NMP calls Main lessons from 2007 calls Key features of 2008 calls Some advice to conclude
Contribute to ensure transition FROM Resource based TO Knowledge based industry Strategic objective of NMP calls
A1. AS EU faced with and practical societal constraints… No margins of competitiveness: By using more natural resources By polluting the environment By lowering social standards
Medicine and Health InformationTechnology Energy Production / Storage Materials Science Food, Water and the Environment Instruments Remediation methods Drug delivery GMR Hard Disk Hydrogen Fuel Cells Lightweight and strong Tunneling microscopy A2. And nano and materials: potentially ubiquitous… • to serve citizens and satisfy their needs • to support industrial competitiveness • to exploit science and technology advances
Overcome these constraints and preserve/enhance EU long term competitiveness A3. …NMP can help
Call management system worked fairly well from submission to evaluation Overall success rate justifies 2 stage approach Competition remains high after stage 1 Diversity of success rates among topics reflects diversity of topics and confirms impartiality of evaluators B. Lessons from 2007 calls
FROMsubmission (ESS) TOevaluation Altogether 550 experts from various origins working remotly (stage1) locally(stage2) using Rivet and facility in Bruxelles WITHquick feed back to proposers and information days for GO proposers B1. Call system worked well
B2.Call success rate… Selected GO Received …justifies 2 steps approach ! HIGH COMPETITION STILL AFTER STAGE1
B3.Diversity of sucess rates among topics Max Average Min • Reflects diversity of topics • Confirms independance of evaluators • May call for better focussing
Big budget but less then in 2007 Effort to prioritize = 45 topics Cross cutting and international dimensions Same operational principles as in 2007 C. Key features of 2008 calls
Over 2 years = 500 ME need for prioritisation Against = 535 ME and 44 topics for the 2007 calls C1. Budget available
Policy input Commission DG’s and Member States Strategic Research Agendas fromTechnology Platforms Priority for multi-sectoral benefits / applications Foresight studies EAG / Stakeholders / Public Consultations Portfolio of on-going projects Feedback and dialogue with PC C2. Prioritisation through dialogue and involvement of all partners: Policy, Industry, Research
C3.Ensuring effectiveness • Focusing on where the highest European value added is: • Industrial partner participation is key for all research activities; • SMEs importance in generating value added in the networks; • Oriented to multi-sectoral benefits or clusters of industries along the value chain with potential commonalities • Modernised traditional industries (such as textiles, …) • Scale intensive industries (such as automotive,…) • New science-based industries (such as biotechnology,medical, . • New supply industries (such as renewable (paper,...)) • Cooperation along the value chain (producers, suppliers, users, ..) • Interdisciplinary approach and involvement of academia, research organisations, industries, SME’s, other organisations as required
C4. OVERVIEW OF NMP2ND CALLS - 2008 LArge SME SMall Other Coordination & Support Actions (CSA) Small or medium scale cooperative projects ERA Net ERA Net Plus Large scale cooperative projects 45 topics SME-focused cooperative projects 2 4 3 NANO (9) MATERIALS (13) 2 9 1 1 3 2 2 PRODUCTION (8) 1 3 3 INTEGRATION (15) 6 3 Totals (45) 13 5 7 15 3 1
C5. OVERVIEW OF NMP 2ND CALLS - 2008Indicative EC funding SMall SME Other LArge 45 topics 500 M€ Coordination & Support Actions (CSA) Small or medium scale cooperative projects ERA Net ERA Net Plus Large scale cooperative projects SME-focused cooperative projects TOTAL of topics (45) 13 5 7 15 3 1 TOTAL EC budget 500 M€ (indicative) 65 240 170* 6 4 15 *including 1 Joint and 2 Coordinated Calls (20 M€)
C6. Same operating principlesCall Main Features • One funding scheme per topic • Calls by funding scheme (Large, Small, SME, CSA, Eranet, Joint, Coordinated = 8 altogether in 2008 • Budget allocation by call (NOT by Activity / Area) • Two stage submission for all projects except CSA, Eranet, Joint call energy • One evaluation panel per topic, overall …list by Final Panel in each funding scheme.
0 – 5 points per criterion Half points may be used by evaluators Totals will have a resolution of 0.1 Usual NMP evaluation thresholdsunless differently specified CPs CSAs Stage 1 Thresholds: Criteria 1 (S&T Quality) 4/5 3/5 Criteria 2 (Implementation) - 3/5 Criteria 3 (Impact) 3/5 3/5 Overall 8/10 10/15 Stage 2 Thresholds: Criteria 1 (S&T Quality) 4/5 - Criteria 2 (Implementation) 3/5 - Criteria 3 (Impact) 3/5* - Overall 12/15 - * Criteria impact 4/5 for large
Collaborative projects Small or medium scale focussed projects (SSRFP) < € 4 million EC funding requested Large scale integrating projects (LSIP) > € 4 million EC funding requested SME-targeted projects: at least 35% to SMEs Networks of Excellence (not in these calls) Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) Funding Schemes - NMP
4 million EURO is a maximum, not a target !
D. Schedule Publication date: 30 Nov 2007 Closing dates NMP Collaborative Projects in 2008: Large, SME, Small - 1st Stage: 6 March Small – 2nd Stage: 2 Sept. Large, SME - 2nd stage: 23 Sept. Joint Call NMP with ENV (1 stage) 25 Febr. Joint Call NMP with Energy: 1st stage : 26 Febr. 2nd stage: 6 May Coord. Call NMP with India (1 stage) 24 April Coordination and Supporting Actions 24 April Joint Call ERANET and ERANET-Plus 12 Aug.
Beyond… pure software development, pure methodology on technology and/or pilot cases, consultancy activities, without any real/proven industrial participation (both solution providers and end users) « Local » applications with no added value at European level E. Some advice
Begin early (but there will be further calls) Read carefully the contents of the Work Programme! Take into account the evaluation criteria (from the 1st stage…) Submit a draft version on EPSS one week before the deadline! Do not leave it until the last minute to present the « Submit » button! Consider also other possibilities in ERC, SME actions, Marie Curie fellowships, ICT, Health,… Some advice
Theme 4 information • Cordis NMP activity service - Calls info!http://cordis.europa.eu/nmp/home.html • Industrial Technologies website http://ec.europa.eu/research/industrial_technologies/index_en.html • Commission Nanotechnologies homepage http://cordis.europa.eu/nanotechnology • Theme 4 enquiry service (helpdesk) http://ec.europa.eu/research/enquiries/