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BACTERIA LAB. JACKSON CRUITT A PERIOD. SCIENTIFIC METHOD. Purpose: Can we grow bacteria? Hypothesis: I don’t think that bacteria will grow.
SCIENTIFIC METHOD • Purpose: Can we grow bacteria? • Hypothesis: I don’t think that bacteria will grow. • Procedure (experiment): We touched and breathed on two Petri dishes to see if any bacteria would grow but we left one alone as well. We waited a week, then when bacteria started to grow we looked at the petri dishes under the microscope.
Class A’s Touch petri dish grew bacteria earlier the other petri dishesand had the most colonies. • The touch was the most affective in triggering the growth of bacteria.
Class A’s breath Petri dish had the largest colonies . • Class A’s breath Petri dish was the second dish to grow bacteria.
The control dish was empty and stayed that way through out the project.
CONCLUSION • My hypothesis was wrong because bacteria did grow. I learned that bacteria can grow from our breath and touch and that they can grow in agar.
WORK CITED • http://www.google.com/imgres?q=scientific+method&num=10&hl=en&safe=strict&tbo=d&biw=1024&bih=506&tbm=isch&tbnid=kLcF4xQWfFX8FM:&imgrefurl=http://mail.colonial.net/~hkaiter/scientific_method.html&docid=BStwNCVd49OykM&imgurl=http://mail.colonial.net/~hkaiter/A_IMAGES/sci_meth.gif&w=389&h=500&ei=niaYUKWTKYTC9gTI2ICgCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=110&vpy=2&dur=629&hovh=255&hovw=198&tx=71&ty=110&sig=111472496972845237760&page=3&tbnh=154&tbnw=120&start=31&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:20,i:173 slide 9 picture