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Five Themes of Geography. Location. Absolute location Latitude or longitude (global location) Dubi - 25°16’05.65”N, 55 °18”17.30”E Street address (local location) 1 Emaar Bvld, Downtown Dubai (UAE) Burj Dubai. Location. Relative location
Location Absolute location • Latitude or longitude (global location) Dubi - 25°16’05.65”N, 55 °18”17.30”E • Street address (local location) 1 Emaar Bvld, Downtown Dubai (UAE) Burj Dubai
Location Relative location • Where something is located in relation to something else (landmarks, time, direction or distance from one place to another)
Place Physical characteristics • Landforms, climate, vegetation, soil and wildlife • Dubai - hot, windy and dry 150mm), storm plains, desert wasteland (Western Hajar Mountains along Oman border), little vegetation, Arabian Leopard and wildcat.
Place human characteristics • Derived from ideas & actions of people that result in changes to the environment (buildings, roads, clothing and food habits) • Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Place Image • people have of a place is based on their experiences, both intellectual and emotional (Mental Map) • People's descriptions of a place reveal their values, attitudes, and perceptions.
Human/environmental • How do humans and the environment affect each other? • We change the environment and then sometime Mother Nature changes it back. • There are three key concepts to human/environmental interaction: i) Humans adapt to the environment. ii) Humans modify the environment. III) Humans depend on the environment.
Movement • The movement of people, goods, and ideas have all played major roles in shaping our world. • People interact with each other through movement - travel, trade, information flows (E-Mail) and political events.
Movement • Not only do humans move but also ideas move; fashions move; fads move. Hula Hoop
Regions • A region is the basic unit of study in geography. A region is an area that shares common characteristics • There are three basic types of regions. • Formal regions are those defined by governmental or administrative boundaries (i. e., Country, City, provice, State) • includes physical regions fall under this category (i. e., The Rockies, the Great Lakes States).
Regions Functional regions are those defined by a function If the function ceases to exists, the region no longer exists. Vernacular regions are those loosely defined by people's perception (i. e., The South, The Middle East).