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N ews item and introduction of working groups. Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting February 22 nd 2010. Upcoming conferences/meetings (1). Dedicated Software meeting on geometry toolkit (and Mokka /Marlin) February 24 th at CERN http://indicobeta.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=84903
News itemandintroduction of working groups Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting February 22nd 2010 http://www.cern.ch/lcd Lucie Linssen, 22/2/2010
Upcoming conferences/meetings (1) Dedicated Software meeting on geometry toolkit (and Mokka/Marlin) February 24th at CERN http://indicobeta.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=84903 Dedicated meeting on CALICE tungsten HCAL prototype March 2nd at Desy http://ilcagenda.linearcollider.org/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=4442 (see also testbeam slides W. Klempt, at the end of this talk) CALICE workshop in Arlington-Texas, March 10-12 http://www.uta.edu/physics/meetings/hep/calice/index.html LCD contribution requested to presentations on: Tungsten HCAL, Geant4 hadronisation http://www.cern.ch/lcd Lucie Linssen, 22/2/2010
Upcoming conferences/meetings (2) LCWS10 March 26-30 in Beijing http://lcws10.ihep.ac.cn/ We have to propose CLIC physics/detector study contributions (within ~1 week, contact Dieter Schlatter). Sessions on: Tracking/vertexing, MDI session, Calorimetry+muon, Simulation+reconstruction, several sessions on physics subjects FCAL meeting Krakow, April 12+13 2010 ECFA linear collider workshop (joint ILC and CLIC) October 18-22 2010, CERN (CERN + CICG Geneva) http://www.cern.ch/lcd Lucie Linssen, 22/2/2010
Joint ILC-CLIC working group on physics/detector Marcel Demarteau, Francois Richard, Felix Sefkow, Marcel Stanitzki, Mark Thomson, SakueYamada (chair), Lucie Linssen (deputy-chair) http://www.cern.ch/lcd Lucie Linssen, 22/2/2010
Physics/detector CDR layout and organisation CLIC CDR due for end April 2011 (for council meeting of June 2011) • Introduction • CLIC physics potential • CLIC experimental conditions and detector concept design choices • Detector performance requirements • Tracking system • Calorimeter system • Superconducting Solenoid • Muon system • Very forward calorimeters • Readout electronics and data acquisition • Detector integration • Physics performance • R&D prospects • Costs • Conclusions • Three main editors • SiD(ok), ILD, CLIC (ok) • from 3 regions (Americas ok, Europe ok) • Chapter editors will be nominated by main editors/editorial_board http://www.cern.ch/lcd Lucie Linssen, 22/2/2010
CDR working groups (1) • Currently putting a few working groups in place in preparation for the CDR: • 1: CLIC physics potential => convenertbc • Scenarios, e.g. also taking possible early LHC results into account • 2: Physics observables related to jets (SW) => convener Mark Thomson • PFA optimisation for high-E jets, jet resolution, jet algorithms, missing E • 3: Physics observables related to tracks (SW) => convenerMarco Battaglia • Track/vertex optimisation, flavour tagging, lepton id (tau id), muon background • 4: Vertex detector (mostly HW) => convener (under discussion, tbc) • Review possible solutions for a CLIC vertex detector with time-stamping, set R&D goals • 5: Engineering, layout, solenoid, cost=> convenerKonradElsener • In addition there is the already existing MDI wg, led by Lau Gatignon • http://indico.cern.ch/categoryDisplay.py?categId=2003 http://www.cern.ch/lcd Lucie Linssen, 22/2/2010
CDR working groups (2) The working groups provide platforms of discussion on targeted subjects. They will make it easier for participants with common interests to contribute, to exchange information and to plan/organise/streamline the work. There is a limited number of working groups, adapted to the current status of the project and also adapted to the available resources (creating many more wg’s would give a broader coverage, but would not be well adapted to the current level of resources). Current status of the CDR preparation (simulations): “getting tools reading in preparation for benchmarking”. We have ~5 months of time for this, trying to move to “production and benchmarking” by August. Add that point we may redefine the wg’s, e.g. add “benchmarking” (possible merge of 2+3?) We will put web pages / indico / mailing lists in place to help getting the wg’s started asap. I suggest that the conveners each appoint an alternate. I suggest that wg’s to give short summaries at the monthly meetings. http://www.cern.ch/lcd Lucie Linssen, 22/2/2010
PreliminaryPS/SPS Schedule we run 7/10 to 21/10 xxxxxxxxxxx Discuss next week at DESY 2 March: W delivery schedule Opt for 4 batches each 5 absorber plates all 2 weeks from mid June onwards Discuss when and how to transport “Cassettes” from DESY to CERN and Rack with read out and calibration electronics from FNAL to CERN Test beam setup Define “all” cables and gas pipes. To be installed by 29 April 2010 (No user in T9 period from 16/8 to 19/9, but will maybe be filled)
T9 Test Beam Setup Beam 1.3 above floor Beam Counter Delay wire chamber Area 10cm * 10cm existing Calorimeter Prototype Telescope GEM chamber σ≈ 1mm Cherenkov (CO2) existing to separate e- from π- 1Gev 50% e- + 50% π- 5Gev 10% e- + 90% π- Scintillators Fingers 1cm *10 cm General 10cm * 10cm Veto 25cm * 25 cm (with hole of 4cm) Veto behind < 50 cm * 50cm
Triple-GEM Detector “Standard” size : 10cm * 10cm Ar/C02 70:30 gas-mixture One may choose pad plane geometry
100 mm 3.6 mm 40 mm Cathode Plane and Read Out Resolution: 11*11 = 121 Channels Digital read out AVP-25 chip 128 channels per chip Need 1 chip/ chamber H. Mueller is producing read out chain Central scintillator