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Dynamic Energy Budget Theory - I. Tânia Sousa with contributions from : Bas Kooijman. Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature. Why do metabolic rates depend on temperature ?. Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature. Low metabolism (body temperature between 27ºC – 33ºC).
DynamicEnergy Budget Theory - I Tânia Sousa withcontributionsfrom : Bas Kooijman
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • Why do metabolic rates dependontemperature?
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • Lowmetabolism (body temperaturebetween 27ºC – 33ºC)
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • How do metabolic rates lnk(T) dependontemperature? Daphnia magna ln rate reproduction young/d ingestion 106 cells/h growth, d-1 aging, d-1 104 T-1, K-1
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • How do metabolic rates dependontemperature? Daphnia magna ln rate reproduction young/d ingestion 106 cells/h growth, d-1 aging, d-1 104 T-1, K-1
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • How do metabolic rates dependontemperature? • Whatisthemeaningoftheslopecte=TA? • Writetheconstant as a functionof T1 • Write na expression for k(T) Daphnia magna ln rate reproduction young/d ingestion 106 cells/h growth, d-1 aging, d-1 104 T-1, K-1
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • Arrhenius relationship: ln rate reproduction young/d Daphnia magna ingestion 106 cells/h growth, d-1 aging, d-1 • TheArrheniusrelationshiphasgoodempiricalsupport • TheArrheniustemperatureisgivenbyminustheslope: thehighertheArrheniustemperaturethe more sensitiveorganisms are to changes in temperature 104 T-1, K-1
Metabolic rates: temperature range • TheArrheniusrelationshipisvalid in thetemperaturetolerance range • Attemperatures too hightheorganismusuallydies • Attemperatures too lowthe rates are usuallylowerthanpredictedbytheArrheniusrelationship, e.g., atcoldtemperaturestheslothsbecomeletargic • Manyextinctions are tought to berelatedwith to changes in temperature • late Pleistocene, 40,000 to 10,000 years ago, North America lost over 50 percent of its large mammal species. These species include mammoths, mastodons, giant ground sloths, among many others.
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • How do feedingpowerdependsontemperature?
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • How do feedingdependsontemperature? • Whatistheimplication for ? =
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • Allparametersthathaveunits time-1dependontemperature
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • Allparametersthathaveunits time-1dependontemperature =
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • WhatistheeffectoftemperatureondL/dt?
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • WhatistheeffectoftemperatureondL/dt? • Howdo thevonBertallanfygrowth rate andultimatelengthdependontemperature?
DEB prediction: ultimate size does not depend on temperature Lei de Bergmann: numaespéciequetenhaumadistribuiçãoque se extendaaolongo de diferentes latitudes as espécies com maiortamanho e maispesadasestãojunto dos polos How can weexplainthis rule using DEB theory? Ornitorrinco na Austrália Lei de Bergmann (1847)
DEB prediction: ultimate size does not depend on temperature Lei de Bergmann: numaespéciequetenhaumadistribuiçãoque se extendaaolongo de diferentes latitudes as espécies com maiortamanho e maispesadasestãojunto dos polos How can weexplainthis rule using DEB theory? Atlowertemperaturestheyhave a higherultimatesizebecausetheyhave more food (higher reserve density) Closer to the poles you have stronger seasons. The bleak season thins populations, so reduces intra-specific competition, so more food per individual. More food means higher m_E. Ornitorrinco na Austrália Lei de Bergmann (1847)
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • WhatistheeffectoftemperatureondL/dt? • Howdo thevonBertallanfygrowth rate andultimatelengthdependontemperature? • Howdo growthandcatabolicpowersdependontemperature?
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • WhatistheeffectoftemperatureondL/dt? • Howdo thevonBertallanfygrowth rate andultimatelengthdependontemperature? • Howdo growthandcatabolicpowersdependontemperature?
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • Allmetabolicrates dependontemperatureonthesamewaybecauseotherwiseitwouldbedifficult for organisms to cope withchanges in temperature (evolutionaryprinciple)
Metabolic rates: the effect of temperature • Endotherms: mantaintheir body temperature • Mostmammalsmantaintheir body mperatureat 36ºC - 40ºC • Mostbirdsmantaintheir body temperatureat 40-43ºC • How? • Ectotherms: have a variabletemperaturemostlydictatedbyenvironmentalconditions • Anyregulation? • Expecteddifferences in metabolism?
Exercises • Obtain an expression for the dynamics of the reserve density mE • Set dmE/dt=0 (weakhomeostasis). • WhatisthemaximumvalueofmE? • Can youunderstandthemeaning? • Whatisthevalue for mEin weakhomeostasis? -maximumreserve density
Exercises • Obtain an expression for the dynamics of the reserve density mE • Set dmE/dt=0 (weakhomeostasis). • WhatisthemaximumvalueofmE? • Can youunderstandthemeaning? • Rewrite usingmEm. -maximumreserve density
Exercises • Obtain an expression for the dynamics of the reserve density mE • Set dmE/dt=0 (weakhomeostasis). • WhatisthemaximumvalueofmE? • Can youunderstandthemeaning? • RewriteusingmEm. Whatisthemeaningof? -maximumreserve density
Exercises • Obtain an expression for the dynamics of the reserve density mE • Set dmE/dt=0 (weakhomeostasis). • WhatisthemaximumvalueofmE? • Can youunderstandthemeaning? • Rewrite usingmEm. Whatisthemeaningof? -maximumreserve density - maximumlength -maximumreserve density