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PRESIDENTS. Elementary/Middle Division February 27, 2011. Presidents. ROUND. #1.
PRESIDENTS Elementary/Middle Division February 27, 2011
Presidents ROUND
#1 (6 points) I had a beautiful wife. As First Lady, she restored the interior of the White House with authentic art and furnishings of America's past. I participated in the first televised debates between presidential candidates. I was the first president to have a poet, Robert Frost, participate in my inauguration. During my term in office, Gloria Steinem was very active in organizing women's rights organizations. (4 points) I don't want to brag, but I was an author and Pulitzer Prize winner. I was also a Navy hero. I was the youngest elected president. I was the first president to appoint his brother to his cabinet. (2 points) I was the first Roman Catholic to be elected president and also the first Boy Scout to be president. I rode in an automobile procession that started at Love Field in Dallas but never made it to the Trade Mart.
QUESTION 1 # 35 John Kennedy
#2 (6 points)Before the presidency, I worked as a weekend sportscaster at radio station WOC in Davenport, Iowa, for $10 per game plus transportation. I later used this experience as a stepping stone to an acting career. My nickname as president was “The Gipper.” (4 points) I was the first actor to become president and the first president to have my Inauguration held on the west front of the U.S. Capitol. I was also the first president to appoint a woman, Sandra Day O'Connor, to the Supreme Court. I also appointed William Rehnquist as Chief Justice. (2 points) My first wife's stage name was Jane Wyman. I am the only divorced president. I later married Nancy Davis. I became the oldest president. John W. Hinckley Jr. fired six shots that caused severe damage to me. One shot penetrated the brain of Press Secretary James Brady, leaving him paralyzed. A policemen and a Secret Service Agent were also seriously wounded.
QUESTION 2 # 40 Ronald Reagan
#3 (6 points) In my first month in office, I delivered the Saturday radio address first in English and then in Spanish. Before I got married, I dated many women including Tricia Nixon when her father was president. Before I became president, I was a member of the National Guard and held a variety of jobs in politics and industry. (4 points)I was a "born-again Christian." This helped me win my campaign for president. I owed my recommitment to Christianity to evangelist Billy Graham and his friend Don Evans, who gave me a 365-day version of the Bible. (2 points) I earned my M.B.A degree from Harvard. I was a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity at Yale. I became wealthy and then the Governor of Texas. During my term in the White House, terrorists crashed two jets into the World Trade Center and another into the Pentagon. A fourth jet crashed in Pennsylvania when the passengers attacked the hijackers. It was believed by many that the crashed jet was aimed at the Capitol or the White House.
QUESTION 3 # 43 George W. Bush
#4 (6 points) I graduated in the upper tenth of my class at the Naval Academy. My ambition was to become Head of Naval Operations. My wife's first name was Rosalyn. As president, I conferred six stars on the George Washington. I did this because I did not believe that General Eisenhower or any other general should outrank the Father of our Country. (4 points)I was the first president born in a hospital. I wrote a book titled Why Not The Best? I was part of the first debate between an incumbent president and a rival candidate.I was also the first "born-again” president. I was the first president to send his mother on a diplomatic mission. I conducted the first presidential phone-in broadcast from the White House. I answered questions from 42 citizens in 26 states. Over 9 million callers tried to reach me. (2 points)One of the concerns that bothered me was human rights. I carried out a policy by suspending or reducing American aid to nations that violated the human rights of their citizens. One of my biggest problems was the Hostage Crisis in Iran, which was a major factor in my defeat for reelection. 66 Americans were captured and imprisoned for 444 days.
QUESTION 4 # 39 Jimmy Carter
#5 (6 points) My wife's name was Patricia Ryan. I defeated Hubert Humphrey, the Democratic candidate, in my second campaign for president. During my adminis-tration, the 26th Amendment to the Constitution was passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives. It allowed 18 year old citizens to vote. (4 points) My first vice president was Spiro Agnew (pictured). I enjoyed certain perks as president. I was the first president to attend a launching of a manned space flight. I was the first president to visit a nation not recognized by the United States when I visited the People's Republic of China where I conferred with Chairman Mao Tse-tung and Premier Chou En-lai. (2 points) During my presidency, Astronaut Neil Armstrong, commander of Apollo 11, became the first man to set foot on the moon. The end of my term in office came with the Watergate Scandal. It was the worst political scandal in U.S. history.
QUESTION 5 # 37 Richard Nixon
#6 (6 points)My father was a Republican senator. I was the youngest Navy pilot during World War II. I was a congressman for two terms, ambassador to the United Nations, chairman of the Republican National Committee, envoy to Beijing, CIA director, and vice president. (4 points)I pushed the Clean Air Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act through Congress. I approved the invasion of Panama and the capture of Manuel Noriega to stand trial in the United States for drug charges. I showed my strength after Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. I organized a coalition of nations to throw back Hussein’s invasion. (2 points) . I was from the same political party as my predecessor but not my successor.I was very embarrassed during my visit to Japan. During a state dinner in Tokyo, I threw up into the lap of Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa
QUESTION 6 # 41 George H. W. Bush
#7 (6 points) I was the first unelected vice president. My first priority as president was rebuilding the American people's trust in their chief executive. I was the first president to make a report on National Health. (4 points) I was every parent's dream; a good student and athlete and an Eagle Scout. I got a football scholarship and was voted most valuable player on my college team. After I graduated with a degree in economics, I was offered contracts to play pro football by the Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions but turned them down to go to Yale. There I studied law while coaching football and boxing. I fought the Japanese in World War II as a navy officer. (2 points) I was born Leslie Lynch King Jr. My name changed after my mother divorced her abusive husband and married again. I later opened a law practice in Michigan. I served in the House of Representatives for the next twenty-five years.
QUESTION 7 # 38 Gerald Ford
#8 (6 points) I was told I was one of the most energetic politicians in American history. I made ceaseless efforts to get things done. I appointed Robert C. Weaver to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. He thus became the first African-American to serve in a president’s cabinet. (4 points) I served as a congressional secretary and as the director of the New Deal's National Youth Administration. I was the second youngest Senate majority leader in history. I served as vice president before becoming president. (2 points) I was the first president to be present at his predecessor's assassination. I was the first president to take the oath of office on an airplane. I was the first president to ride in an armored automobile at his inaugural parade.
QUESTION 8 # 36 Lyndon Johnson
#9 (6 points) I was born south of the Mason-Dixon line. Mine was the first presidential inauguration ceremony broadcast live on the Internet. I was the first president to visit Viet Nam since the war in that nation ended. (4 points)Al Gore was my vice-president. I appointed Janet Reno (pictured at the left) as the first female Attorney General. She served eight years in that post. Also, Madeleine Albright became the first female Secretary of State. (2 points)I never served in the military. I did serve multiple terms as governor of my native state. My First Lady's maiden name was Hillary Rodham. I was the first elected president in U.S. history to be impeached.
QUESTION 9 # 42 William Clinton
#10 (6 points)I worked as a community organizer in impoverished areas of Chicago's South Side and earned a law degree from Harvard University. I practiced civil rights law in Chicago. My wife and two daughters witnessed my swearing in as president. (4 points)I won election to the Illinois state senate and was twice reelected. I won a seat in the U.S. Senate. I wrote a book Dreams From My Father, A Story of Race and Inheritance. I delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention four years before I was elected president. My second book The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, rose to the top of the best-seller list. My vice presidential running mate was Joe Biden. (2 points)I was the first person born in my native state to become president. My mother was born in Kansas. I received a bachelor's degree from Columbia University. I married attorney and hospital administrator Michelle Robinson.
QUESTION 10 # 44 Barack Obama
#11 (6 points) This former CIA Director served as a Vice President. In his presidential campaign he said he wanted America to be a “kinder and gentler nation.” (4 points). During his administration as president, the Berlin Wall came down. Sadam Hussein’s army invaded Kuwait. (2 points) His wife is Barbara. His son later became President of the United States.
QUESTION 11 # 41 George H. W. Bush
# 12 (6 points)He was governor of his state. He strongly supported constructing an anti-missile system. His programs call for large tax cuts. (4 points) His election for his first term was controversial because of voter irregularities in Florida and legal challenges by his opponent. He was a strong proponent of No Child Left Behind legislation. (2 points) During his first term much tragedy occurred because of attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
QUESTION 12 # 43 George W. Bush