Presidents 101 Whitney M. Young 2013
NULYP's mission is to engage young professionals in the National Urban League's movement towards the achievement of social and economic equality. NULYP does this by providing an effective forum through which young professionals can support the mission of the Urban League through one of its approximately 100 Affiliates in 35 states and the District of Columbia. National Urban League Young Professionals
National Urban League Movement Established in 1910, The Urban League is the nation's oldest and largest community- based movement devoted to empowering African Americans to enter the economic and social mainstream. Today, the National Urban League, headquartered in New York City, spearheads the non-partisan efforts of its local Affiliates. There are approximately 100 local Affiliates of the National Urban League located in 35 states and the District of Columbia providing direct services to more than 2 million people nationwide through programs, advocacy and research. National Urban League
Your Affiliate 98 Affiliates Affiliates of the National Urban League are the centers of activity in and around their community. These professionally staffed offices are where Urban League services come to life – where people and their neighborhoods grow, change, and strengthen. The Affiliate Services Department is the “hub of the wheel” for the National Urban League Affiliate Network. With over 98 Affiliate offices and found in more than 36 states across the U.S., including the District of Columbia, serving over 2.6 million Americans each year, they cultivate a symbiotic relationship with local residents and companies and advocate for positive change in their communities. 36 states across the U.S serving over 2.6 million Americans
The Young Professional Chapter is an Auxiliary Organization of the Urban League Affiliate and Exists At the Pleasure of the Affiliate President/CEO. LEGAL STATUS As auxiliaries, NULYP Chapters are subject to the compliance guidelines for 501(c)(3) organizations and non-profit law. The President of an NULYP Chapter should be familiar with the laws and regulations of 501(c)(3) organizations in order to avoid any unnecessary situations that might prove to be a liability to the National Urban League, the local Affiliate, or the local Chapter. Please refer to the NULYP Civic Engagement Guide for more information. Your Chapter
Synergy is the interaction of multiple elements in a system to produce an effect different from or greater than the sum of their individual effects. The term synergy comes from the Greek word synergiaσυνέργια from synergos, συνεργός, meaning "working together" Creating Synergy Your Chapter Guild Your Affiliate National UL NULYP