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Author J.R.R. Tolkien. C. S. Lewis. å©æ读物指引择业路. 童年时读过的书,对 终生的èŒä¸šé€‰æ‹©ä¼š 产生一定的影å“。 爱读 《 é”戒 》 çš„å©åä»¬é•¿å¤§åŽ å¾ˆæœ‰å¯èƒ½ æˆä¸ºä¼ä¸šé¢†å¯¼è€…, 当年 为俄妮 · åœèŽ±ç™»æ•…事ä¸çŸ¥å五人帮而 ç—´è¿· çš„å©å们 现在 则大都当上了è€æ¿ã€‚ 而喜欢 CS · 刘易斯的 《 纳尼亚 》 ç«¥è¯çš„å©å们则倾å‘于从事 æ•™å¦æˆ–医护 工作。 这些都是一家民æ„测验公å¸æ‰€å¾—出的调查结果。 心ç†å¦å®¶ç§‘æž— · å‰å°”说: “ å©å七å²çš„时候就能形æˆäº†ä¸€å®šçš„æ€§æ ¼ï¼Œ è€Œè¿™ä¸€æ€§æ ¼ 将决定他今åŽä»Žäº‹ä»€ä¹ˆæ ·çš„工作。 "
孩提读物指引择业路 • 童年时读过的书,对终生的职业选择会产生一定的影响。 • 爱读《魔戒》的孩子们长大后很有可能成为企业领导者,当年为俄妮·卜莱登故事中知名五人帮而痴迷的孩子们现在则大都当上了老板。 • 而喜欢CS·刘易斯的《纳尼亚》童话的孩子们则倾向于从事教学或医护工作。 • 这些都是一家民意测验公司所得出的调查结果。 • 心理学家科林·吉尔说:“孩子七岁的时候就能形成了一定的性格,而这一性格将决定他今后从事什么样的工作。" • 他说:"喜欢把决定权握在自己手中的年轻人爱读知名五人帮--那是关于孩子们打败大人的故事。他们长大后从事不受别人限制的工作。" • “天生具有领袖气质的孩子喜爱读《魔戒》,他们往往最终成为老板。 • 充满爱心的孩子们则被《纳尼亚》系列童话所吸引,在那些故事中正义总是能战胜邪恶。这样的孩子长大后可能会成为教师或医生。"
第五讲 引申 extension
Definition • The extension of word sense on the basis of the particular situation and logic analysis, i.e. creating or obtaining a new meaning derived from the original one, including meaning of a word, a phrase or a sentence.
black sheep show one’s heel green thumb face the music wet blanket personal remark 败家子,害群之马 溜之大吉 园艺技能 勇于面对 扫兴的人 人身攻击
一、词义的引申—含蓄成分引申 • They both agreed in calling him an “old screw”, which means a “very stingy” avaricious person. He never gives any money to anybody, they said. • 译文:他们两个都说他是个“老螺丝钉”,意思是说他吝啬贪婪。他们说他从来不肯白给人家一个子儿。 • 改译:他们俩给他取了一个“铁公鸡”的绰号,意思是说他吝啬贪婪。他们说他从来不肯白给人家一个子儿。
一、词义的引申—含蓄成分引申 • Her concentration became so short that she couldn’t comprehend the article she normally breezedthroughin professional journals. • 译文:她的专注力变得很短暂,现在她已经不能理解刊登在专业期刊上的文章了,而从前她通常能轻松阅读,一目十行。 • 改译:由于无法集中注意力,她读不懂专业刊物上发表的这篇文章。 而平常她读起来是不费吹灰之力的。 • 注:动词breezed的引申由to move or go quickly, jauntily, easily, etc. 的内涵演绎而来。这里的意思是“她能轻松阅读,或一目十行地阅读专业刊物上的文章”。
一、词义的引申—含蓄成分引申 • The following week was family conference, something I dreaded. This was the day the dirtylaundry got hung out to air in a private session between parent, child and counselor. • 译文:下周要开家庭会议,这我很害怕。在这一天,父母、小孩和辅导员要秘密开会,要把脏衣服都晾出来。 • 改译:下周将开家长会,这正是我害怕的。在这一天,家长、孩子和辅导员将开个私下碰头会,列数孩子所干的坏事。
一、词义的引申—表情成分引申 • But she expectedus to fire her! The way she gloated— I’ve got to crack down on her. • 译文:可她正巴不得我们请/撵她走呢!你没见她那副幸灾乐祸的样子 —我非得好好教训她一顿不可。
一、词义的引申—表情成分引申 • It is money you love, and not the man; and were Cleo and his footman to change places, you know, you poor rogue, who would have the benefit of your allegiance. • 译文:你爱的是钱,不是人。如果克里奥与他的听差换个地位,那时候,可怜虫,你会讨好/忠于/效忠谁呢?反正你自己心里明白。
二、修辞的引申 • Clearly, when it comes to marriage,practicing beforehand doesn’t make perfect. • 译文:显然,在婚姻问题上,婚前同居并不能另婚姻生活趋于完美。 • 改译:说到婚姻,有一点显而易见:婚前同居并不能保证婚后同居/生活和谐美满。
二、修辞的引申 • A large segment of mankind turns to untrammeled nature as a last refuge from encroaching technology. • 译文:许多人都想寻找一块自由自在的地方,作为他们躲避现代技术侵害的最后一片世外桃源。
二、修辞的引申 • But after six years of a stormy marriage, Cewe decided to end it. She didn’t want her son to grow up thinking that kind of relationship was normal. 译文:六载婚姻生活,风雨交加,Cewe 决定结束这种婚姻。她不希望儿子在这样的环境中长大成人,并误以为这样的关系是正常的。
三、概念大小的引申 • Torcello, which used to be lonely as acloud, has recently become an outing from Venice. • 译文:托切罗往日犹如一片孤云,冷冷清清,近来却成了威尼斯外围的游览区。 (缩小概念) • The seasons came and went and they revolved around Joshua. • 译文: 寒来暑往,冬去春来,一年四季在乔舒亚周而复始着。(扩大概念)
四、虚实的引申 • Though a translation may be like old wine in new bottles or a woman in man’s clothing, the results can be both tasteful and alive. • 译文:译文可能像装在新瓶中的老酒,或似身着男装的女子,但是,酒仍不失其甘醇,而女子仍不减其风韵。
四、虚实的引申 • I hope to avoid straying on the one hand into the sands of foreign policy, and on the other into the marshes of international law. • 译文:我希望不要偏离正题,一方面避免误入外交政策的沙漠/流沙,另一方面避免陷入国际法的沼泽。
1. 具体到抽象 • How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and theheart? • 译文:我们该如何去解释评论家和读者之间的分歧,即理智与情感之间的差异呢? • Sam knows he can depend on his family, rainorshine. • 萨姆知道不论境遇如何,他都可以把家人作为靠山。 • His chances of getting into Harvard are oneoutofahundred. • 他进入哈佛大学的机会微乎其微。
2. 抽象到具体 • Alongside or not far from the lavish residents and tall modern buildings of the well-heeled were the poverty-crammedhovels and mud-floor mat sheds. • 那些有钱有势的人们居住在豪华的住宅中和现代的高楼里,旁边不远出就是塞满了穷人的草棚泥屋。 • He stepped right in after them, like it or not. He was determined that nothing should keep him from a chance of enlightenment. • 不管人家喜欢不喜欢,他紧跟着他们走了进去,决心不错过这个机会,把心里的问题弄个明白。
五、程度的引申 • In order to get a largeamount of water power we need a large pressure and a large current. • 为了得到大量水能,我们需要高水压和强电流。(近似) • A scientist constantly tried to defeat his hypotheses, his theories, and his conclusions. • 科学家经常设法否定自己的假设,推翻自己的理论,并放弃自己的结论。(深化)
五、程度的引申 • In older cranes that have already paired off, dancing reinforces the union—it’s a sort of annual renewal of “vows”. • 译文:对已有配偶的成年鹤来说,舞蹈会加强相互间的结合——这成了每年一次的重温“山盟海誓”的仪式。(升华) • 改译:对已经交配的鹤来说,跳舞通常会加深双方的感情。从某种意义上来说,这一年一度的舞会就是他们重温“山盟海誓”的见证。
五、比喻、惯用语和成语典故的引申 • Almost all men have been taught to call life a passageand themselves the travelers. • 译文:几乎无人不晓浮生如过路,人呢,不过是个过客。 • 改译:人生如过路,人人皆过客。几乎每个人都有这样的感慨。
五、比喻、惯用语和成语典故的引申 • The history teacher told us that making an outline killstwo birds with one stone, it makes us study the lesson till we understand it, and it gives us notes to review before the test. • 历史老师说,列出提纲可以一箭双雕/一石二鸟,一举两得,既可帮助我们理解课文,又为我们考前复习提供材料/又能帮助我们考前温习功课。
五、比喻、惯用语和成语典故的引申 • You will get no word from him. He’s a regular oyster. • 你别想从他口里得到一个字,他总是守口如瓶。 • He had clean hands during this ten years’ government. • 他当官(从政)十年,却两袖清风。 • Don’t put your finger into another’s pie. • 别管他人闲事。
六、句义的引申—改变结构,使句义明确易懂 • When Stephen was introduced to the old couple, they said simply, “We’ve read your article. We expected to meet an older man.” • 当史蒂夫被介绍给这对老年夫妇的时候,他们只是淡淡地说:“我们看过你的文章,没想到你这么年轻。” • There is much woman about him. • 他的举止颇带女人气。
六、句义含蓄意义的引申 • When Jean graduated from high school, she looked at the world through rose-colored glasses. • 高中毕业时,简把一切事情看得太简单太容易。 • He had lived all his life in desert where every cupful of water might be a matter of life or death. • 译文:他一直生活在沙漠里,这地方每一杯水都得精打细算地用;一杯水就可能是生死攸关的事情。 • 改译:他一直生活在沙漠里。在这种地方,每一杯水都关系到他的生死存亡。
六、句义含蓄意义的引申 • That does not worry me as much as that sullen look, as though she’s going to get out a razor. • 译文:我觉得最可怕的还是她那凶狠的样子,就好像马上要掏出一把剃刀宰了你一样。 • 改译:我觉得最可怕的还是她那怒气冲天的样子,好像就要掏出剃刀杀了我一样。
After-class Practice • The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era --- the Industrial Age. Money had become King. • It was not only writers, you know, it was a thoroughly representative gathering --- science, politics, business, art, the world. • If my mother had known of it she’d have died a second time.
Passage • Accomplishment is often deceptive because we don’t see the pain and perseverance that produced it. So we may credit the achiever with brains, brawn or luckybreak, and letourselvesoffthehook because we fallshortinallthree. Not that we could all be concert pianists just by exercising enough discipline. Rather, each of us has the makings of success in some endeavor, but we will achieve this onlyif we apply our wills and work at it.