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Mrs. Malinowski. Class Information 2013-2014. My Info. Room 904 Phone # (864) 355-6366 Email: kmalinowski@greenville.k12.sc.us Webpage: http:// teachers.greenville.k12.sc.us/sites/kmalinowski/default.aspx Edmodo : http://greenvillecounty.edmodo.com. Need Help?.
Mrs. Malinowski Class Information 2013-2014
My Info • Room 904 • Phone # (864) 355-6366 • Email: kmalinowski@greenville.k12.sc.us • Webpage: http://teachers.greenville.k12.sc.us/sites/kmalinowski/default.aspx • Edmodo: http://greenvillecounty.edmodo.com
Need Help? Tutoring is available Monday – Thursday at 8:15 a.m. and at 3:45 p.m. by appointment only. Students need to make an appointment with me. It is the responsibility of the student to let me know if he/she cannot make it to a scheduled appointment. Students will be expected to be on-time for all appointments scheduled. Students who earn a 76% or lower on a test or on their overall grade will be expected to attend tutoring once a week.
Regular attendance and active participation in all activities No Sleeping!!
Be Respectful… • of me • of fellow classmates • of the classroom • of visitors
The Proper Heading for Your PapersPaperswritten in this class should be headed in the following manner: Full Name Instructor’s Name (Mrs. Malinowski) Course Title DateThis information should appear in the upper left hand corner. Information should be double-spaced.
Required Class Materials • English Textbook: Elements of Literature • Three Ring Binder – spiral notebook for journal writings • 4x6 note cards • Pencil/pen, highlighter and loose-leaf paper • Flashdrive
Bellringers • Each day there will be a journal entry or instructions for work on the Promethean Board. You are expected to be working on the assignment when the bell rings and as I take attendance. I will collect your notebook periodically to check your work. Points will be earned for completed assignments/journals. Journals should be well-developed to earn full credit.
Passes • Passes are to be used at the beginning of class or near the end of class. Do not interrupt the class in the middle of a lesson to ask for a pass, unless it is an emergency. • Only one student out of the room at a time.
Homework Policy • Homework will be worth 5 - 25 points depending on the assignment. • Work turned in late may be subject to a deduction of points for every day it is late. Homework will not be accepted after one week. • Research papers and essays can be handed in by 4:00 p.m. on the day it is due. Papers that are handed in late will be subject to a deduction of points for every day it is late after the due date, this also includes computer problems. • If you are absent on the day homework or a paper is due, you will be responsible for handing it in the day you return to school. • If you are absent and homework has been assigned you are responsible for getting the homework assignment. Daily work will be posted on my Edmodo site; you will be expected to check the site for work missed. Homework or papers not handed in within 5 days of an absence will be a zero. • If you are absent on a day when a quiz or test is given, you must take the quiz/test on the day you return to class. You can also make arrangements with me to make-up a test or quiz before or after school. Quizzes and tests not taken within two days of an absence will result in a zero.
Grading/Evaluation Grading/Evaluation A variety of assessments will be used to determine students’ grades: objective tests, in-class/ out of class essays, notebook checks, journal writing, individual and group projects and presentations. Major tests, essays, notebook, journal and projects = 60%; class participation, daily quizzes, homework, exercises = 40 % (Class activities missed because of unexcused absences may not be made up). Major tests, essays, projects 60 % Class work, homework, quizzes, vocabulary 40% The following is the grading scale for this class (this is the school’s grading scale). A 93-100 D 70-76 B 85-92 F 63-69 Partial GPR point credit C 77-84 F below 62 No GPR point credit
Cheating I do not tolerate cheating! If you are caught cheating (i.e. copying homework, using a “cheat sheet” during a test, helping with answers or accepting answers during a test, using someone else’s paper or work as your own (plagiarism), possession of a cell phone during a test, quiz, or exam, etc.) you will receive a zero on the assignment and an administrator will be notified.
Plagiarism To avoid plagiarism you will be expected to always provide MLA in-text documentation and a Works Cited page with all research papers and projects (rough draft and final draft). A great website to help with MLA style is OWL Purdue Online Writing lab (www.owl.english.purdue.edu). If you fail to document your sources and provide a Works Cited page you will receive a zero on the assignment and an administrator will be notified.
PED Students bringing a laptop or tablet to class must let me know before being allowed to use the device in the classroom. Although there may be occasions when you may be asked to use your cellphone for finding information, regular use of your cellphone is not allowed. You may use a PED if the lesson allows. If you abuse this privilege, I will confiscate your device and it will be given to an administrator.
Attendance and Tardy Policy My expectation is that you are here and you are on time! Please refer to the attendance and tardy policies in the Student Handbook.
Discipline Discipline will include: • verbal warnings • kept after class • phone calls home • conference with student and parent • Detentions • referrals • removal from class.
Disclaimer • Please note that policies and procedures are subject to change and revision throughout the school year.
Fire Drill Procedure Where do we go? Exit building at the end of the 900 hall Walk to the field Find me and line up behind me Listen for your name and respond with “Here” Stand with me until we are called back into the building DO NOT WANDER AROUND TALKING TO YOUR FRIENDS!!
Tornado Drill Procedure Where do we go? Exit my room walk to small hallway (faculty restrooms) Sit close together with knees to chest Sit quietly and listen for instructions
Lock Down Drill What do we do? Doors will be locked Lights will be turned off Students will sit in the left corner of the room – out of sight of the door’s windows Sit quietly THE KEY IS TO BE QUIET!! If you make noise or talk it can risk the safety of others.
Doors to the Outside Do you open the door for someone standing outside? NEVER!! Although you may know the person (this includes me) – never open the door for someone asking to get in. WHY? You can risk the safety of the people in the building when you allow someone to enter the building. School policy is that everyone must enter through the front entrance during school hours.
School ID’s You are required to wear your new school ID at all times.