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Mark A Lizotte is a President of Analytix Bookkeeping LLC, Mark A Lizotte provides the bookkeeping services, such as accounts receivable, accounts payable, bank reconciliation, payroll, and financial report preparation. Mark A Lizotte Haverhill, Massachusetts (Ma) offers the Accounting and Bookkeeping services which are necessary for all businesses to ensure accurate operational/financial information. He has worked in the Accounting and Bookkeeping field for over 15 years and enjoys his work.
Accounting & Bookkeeping Improve Your Business With the Help of Mark A Lizotte Mark A Lizotte - Analytix Bookkeeping LLC,
Introduction Both accounting and bookkeeping services are very important for any business/industry. These vital tasks are responsibleforlookingafterthefinancialhealthofyourbusiness.Fromrecordingeveryfinancialtransactionto interpretingthisdatafor makinginformeddecisions,everythingcomeupwiththeefficiencyofyourworking. Youcansustainunexpectedsituations,makebetterbusinessdecisions,stayfinanciallystrong,andmaintain compliancewiththeproperexecutionofthesetasks. Let’s analyse in detail how accounting and bookkeeping services can help you improve your business.
The DifferenceBetween A Bookkeeper & AnAccountant Whilethetaskofabookkeeperistorecordevery single transaction ofthe business in chronological order, accountants analyse these financial transactions into meaningful businessreports. Since now bookkeeping transactions are mostly automated, bookkeepers in small and medium organizationsorstartupscarryoutactivitiesofan accountanttoo.
What Do Accounting and Bookkeeping ServicesInclude? Bothaccountingandbookkeepingservicesseemsimilartomostbusinessesbecausethese activities deal with financial data. However, bookkeepers look after the accuracy of the financial records generated such as bank reconciliation, cash flow management, etc. The accountants lookafter extracting meaning from this data. For instance, the data collected accurately by your bookkeeping services will be able to help your accountant analyse if you need to downsize or upsize for maintaining equilibrium. This data and the subsequent reports will help you evaluate if you are ready to take a big financial decision in the coming months looking at the current situation.
Bookkeeping Services Bank reconciliations Cash flow management Profit/lossstatements Account payables andreceivables Budgeting Creditcontrol Tracking of stocksystems Maintenance of ledgers such as expense, and general ledger
Accounting Services Invoice and employee expensemanagement Updating of accounts on a regular basis Preparing financialreports Preparing general financialstatements Managing salesorder Preparing MISreports Maintaining tax and TDScompliance Handling the annualaudit Managing statutory dues andreturns Payrollmanagement
Bookkeeping and Accounting Services Can HelpYou Improve YourBusiness EXPERTGUIDANCE Beingasmallandmediumorganizationorastartup,itisnotpossibletohireafullteamofaccountants and bookkeepers. You may only be able to hire one or two accountants and bookkeepers – that too people withfresher skills or less experience. COMPLIANCE Sinceoutsourcingagencieslookafteraccountingandbookkeepingtasksofvariousbusinesses,theyare alwaysacquaintedwithcomplianceregulations.Youmayneverhavetoworryaboutnon-complianceor payingfines.Allthiswillbeefficientlyhandledbyyouroutsourcingpartner. It is now more effective and practical to outsource accounting and bookkeeping services for enhanced support, guidance, and improved productivity. Here are some amazing benefits of accounting and bookkeeping services.
ENHANCED EFFICIENCY • As you will always know the exact status of your accounts and finances, you will also know what business decisions you can support financially. Having knowledge of this can help you take the right decisions – stopping when you can’t support any activity and moving ahead when you can. • DECISION- READY REPORTS • Are you frequently asking these questions? • Which clients are profitable? Are my employees well-paid? Do I need to hire more staff? • Do we need downsizing? • Do I have enough money to expand? • If yes, then you can get an answer with proper accounting and bookkeeping reports. Your outsourcing partner will offer you these reports with customized variables as per your requirements.
WHY With years of expertise and a skilled in-house team, Mark A Lizotteoffers impeccable accounting and bookkeeping services. From bank reconciliation to customized detailed reporting, you can geteverything in notime. Formoredetails,visitthewebsiteorcontactMark A Lizotte