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Being Charitable Towards Others

Being Charitable Towards Others. An Introduction to Being Charitable. Being charitable towards others is a spiritual asset—one that can contribute to community building. Through charity or generosity of self, we create a deeper sense of community with each other.

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Being Charitable Towards Others

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  1. Being Charitable Towards Others

  2. An Introduction to Being Charitable • Being charitable towards others is a spiritual asset—one that can contribute to community building. • Through charity or generosity of self, we create a deeper sense of community with each other. • As a social clan, human beings have a need to live within supportive environments where we can thrive together and there is a strong commitment to the well-being of the community as a whole.

  3. A Working Definition of“Being Charitable” • Charitable behavior creates feeling, which leads one to act voluntarily with kindness or goodwill towards another. • Altruism • Benevolence • Compassion • Generosity

  4. A Working Definition of“Being Charitable” • Four Aspects of Charity • Time • Essence • Talent • Money • There is no right or wrong answer—your answer is your personal choice.

  5. The Importance and Benefits ofBeing Charitable • Being Charitable Enriches the Giver and the Receiver • Charitable Behavior and the Golden Rule • Applying the Golden Rule

  6. How Being Charitable isGood for You • Recent Research • Giving to others is just plain good for you. • Positive Side Effects – “Helpers High” • Charitable behavior is the gift that keeps on giving back to the giver.

  7. Being Charitable andIts Community Consequences • Giving and Happiness • What do happiness and generosity look and feel like to you? • Have you noticed that the happier you are, the more generous you are? • Focusing on Collective Happiness

  8. Some Potential Challenges toBeing Charitable • Extending Charity Beyond the Home • Seeking Charitable Models • The Crossroads of Charity • Fix • Help, or • Serve

  9. How to Become More Charitable • Choosing the Best Way to Give • Using the Four-Step RISE Framework • Relevance • Impact • Sustainability • Excellence in Management Operations

  10. How to Become More Charitable • Adapting and Changing Your Charitable Strategy • Engaging in Socially Responsible Buying: The Charitable Consumer • Teaching Children to Be Generous

  11. How to Become More Charitable • Setting a Giving Intention • Make a commitment • Apply any of the Four Aspects of Charity (time, essence, talent, and money) • Expand your thoughts and actions outwards • Combine your methods of giving • Look around your community • Don’t judge what you can do—just do something • Create positive giving habits • Invite in uncomfortable situations

  12. In Summary • Charitable giving varies; it draws upon our own individuality. • There is a great need for nourishment of the soul through connection and community as well as food for the physical body. • There is no shortage of settings in which to deliver a charitable act or to hold a compassionate space for others.

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