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Comprehensive guide for new employees of CERN's Engineering Department, including department structure, support services, working hours, IT policies, and more.
On behalf of Roberto Losito, Head of the EN Department, Welcome to all of you Welcometo the EN Department 1
Head of Department:R. Losito Deputy:M. Brugger Operation Infrastructures AcceleratorCoordination & Engineering DepartmentHead Office (EN-DHO) (EN-ACE) R. Losito K. Foraz Accelerators ExperimentalAreas 5 61 Administration,Resources & Performance Cooling & Ventilation (EN-CV) (EN-ARP) M. Nonis Projects Consolidation L. Serio 67 11 Experimental Areas (EN-EA) Electrical Engineering (EN-EL) Upgrades New facilities Design & M. Brugger N. Bellegarde 27 32 Mechanical & Materials Engineering Handling Engineering (EN-HE) Manufacturing Studies (EN-MME) F. Bertinelli I.Ruehl 78 76 SurveyMechatronics Measurements (EN-SMM) Sources,Targets& Interactions (EN-STI) S. Gilardoni More information in 2 days 37 A. Masi Welcometo the EN Department 3
Building 54 EN Dept. HQ (EN-DHO) Building 55 Building 33 MeyrinSite (http://maps.cern.ch) Welcometo the EN Department 4
Building 35 EN-CV Building 530 EN-EA Building 54 EN-ARP+ EN-EL Building 7 EN-HE Building 112 + 376 EN-ACE + EN-MME Building 25 EN-STI’ Building 100 EN-MME’ Building 18 EN-SMM Welcometo the EN Department 5
Building 926 EN-SMM’ Building 864 EN-STI PrévessinSite Welcometo the EN Department 6
Youroffice EN Logistics Locksand keys Inventory en-logistics@cern.ch Office moves Renovation works Office furniture Emanuele 62020 Marie-Christine 63230 Welcometo the EN Department 7
Yourcomputer EN Desktop en-desktop@cern.ch Installation Troubleshooting Advice Inventory Gaëtan169807 Jérôme160077 Paolo* 166331 *EN-STI Welcometo the EN Department 8
Othersupportservices CERN General Support service-desk@cern.ch PrinterSupport printer.support@cern.ch CAD(CATIA SmarTeam) Support catia.support@cern.ch 77777 CAE WorkstationSupport cae-workstations.support@cern.ch Welcometo the EN Department 9
OS and ComputerAccounts at CERN NICE account= CERN Computer Account Default configuration 2 passwordsNICE password EDH authorization password Welcometo the EN Department 10
BYOD Policy at CERN “bring your own device” Permitted, but in compliance with CERN computing rules Operational Circular No. 5 https://security.web.cern.ch/security/rules/en/ CERN web-based applications from outside NICE desktop from outside Terminal Server Welcometo the EN Department 11
CERN is target.YOU are target! •Stop —Think —Don’t open dubious links & attachments! •Don’t share your password! In caseof doubt:Computer.Security@cern.ch
Copyright violation is a theft and comes with substantial costs Only use CERN- provided software! In caseof doubt:Computer.Security@cern.ch
Software Default! CMFto install and remove software Welcometo the EN Department 14
YourElectronicMailat CERN FirstName.Surname@cern.ch Synchronized with NICE login http://mmm.cern.ch NICE login + password Welcometo the EN Department 15
CERN Directoryentry point •Dept. websites •Project websites •Web applications •Maps, access •Documents •Workingat CERN •Lifeat CERN •Etc. http://cern.ch/directory Welcometo the EN Department 16
Files Management + Web-basedApplications EDH http://app.cern.ch NICE login + password Welcometo the EN Department 17
= Distributed File System Users\x\xxxx http://dfs.cern.ch NICE login + password NICE login Welcometo the EN Department 18
Clouddatastorage for allCERNusers http://cernbox.cern.ch NICE login + password Welcometo the EN Department 19
= EngineeringData Management Service •For engineering and technical documents •EDMS supports document lifecycle and access restriction handling •Dedicated training sessions http://edms.cern.ch NICE login + password Welcometo the EN Department 20
EDH= Electronic DocumentHandling Administration forms with approval routing •Absence request •Official travel request •Training request •Access request •CERN catalogues •Etc. http://edh.cern.ch NICE login + password + EDH authorization password Welcometo the EN Department 21
WorkingHoursandDays Official CERNWorkingHours NormalWorkingHours SpecificAuthorization(outside Normal Working Hours) Welcometo the EN Department 22
WorkingHoursandDays(cont’d) Working Days Monday Tuesday,1January(NewYear) Friday,19April (GoodFriday) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday,22April (EasterMonday) Wednesday,1May(1stMay) Thursday,30May(Ascensionday) Monday,10June(WhitMonday) Thursday,5September ("Jeûnegenevois") Tuesday,24December(ChristmasEve) Wednesday,25December(Christmas) Tuesday,31December(NewYear’sEve) Public Holidays CERN closes for two weeks in the end of the year Welcometo the EN Department 24
LeavesAbsenceRequestin EDH Annual Leaves 30 days/year (2.5days/month) Leave year: from1stOctober to 30thSeptember Special Leaves Home leaves Additionaltravels Leaves forfamily events Arrivaltravels Your DAO Welcometo the EN Department 25
Yourofficialtravels EN Travels •Visitingfirms •Attendingconferences •Etc. en-travels@cern.ch Marie-Christine 63230 Emanuele 62020 Welcometo the EN Department 26
BeingtrainedatCERN Learning Hub All training Safety Training Welcometo the EN Department 27
AndifI’m sick inform yourGAOor your supervisor CERN Medical Service Building 57 (Meyrinsite) Monday-Friday 08:00-17:30 Welcometo the EN Department 28
Beinginsured MPE MPAt Other MPA CHIS CERN Health Partners Healthcare for CERN MPA Insurance Scheme ( ) http://cern.ch/usersoffice Welcometo the EN Department 29
Contacts CHIS: • For more information: • https://hr-dep.web.cern.ch/chis/cern-health-insurance-scheme • the Rules of the CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) • E-mail: chis.manager@cern.ch UNIQA (third-party administrator): • Questions: • Helpdesk @ CERN: bldg 63-R-001 (Main building) • Telephone: +41-22-767-2730 • E-mail: uniqa@cern.ch • Web: extranet.uniqa.net
CERN Pension Fund • CERN is not subject to national laws • For example: no capital withdrawal for buying a property, no pension fund splitting in case of divorce, etc. • CERN created its own social security • The Pension Fund is an integral part of CERN • Defined-benefit scheme • Benefits based on reference salary FOR CERN Staff and Fellow Web site : http://pensionfund.cern.ch Benefits Service (5/5-019-021-023) pension-benefits@cern.ch
EN Dept.AdministrativeOffice EN Dept.Administrative Officer: Rachelle Decreuse-Michaud 73375 54/3-007 EN DepartmentAdministrative Office: Galina‘Galia’Galdo 71121 54/3-005 en.dep.dao@cern.ch Welcometo the EN Department 30
Whom to contact General questions your Supervisor or your Group Secretary(GAO) Administrativematters EN DAOOffice en.dep.dao@cern.ch ENofficial travels en-travels@cern.ch ENfacility managementen-logistics@cern.ch Computingquestionsen-desktop@cern.ch Welcometo the EN Department 31
WhatshallI donext? Permanent access card building 55 Bank account IBAN starting with CH EDH Bank Details + en.dep.dao@cern.ch Permanent local address EDH French card application Via CERN Service Portal More information: Admin e-guide EN Newcomers Welcome Welcometo the EN Department 32