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Civil War- 1860-1865. Tensions- 1850 Tension over new states- Ca, Utah, New Mex- Compromise- Ca free, Ut. NM can choose, stronger fugitive slave law 1850’s Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beechman Stowe- slavery also a moral issue
Civil War- 1860-1865 Tensions- 1850 Tension over new states- Ca, Utah, New Mex- Compromise- Ca free, Ut. NM can choose, stronger fugitive slave law 1850’s Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beechman Stowe- slavery also a moral issue 1854 Tension over Kansas, Nebraska- violence erupts, even in Senate - Political parties split N & S, Republican party forms- against spread of slavery 1857 Dred Scott decision- slave sued owner for freedom after going to free territory, ruled for owner, slave is property- S victory
1860 Democrats split votes- Lincoln is elected- South Secession led by S. Carolina- Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas- fight over states rights vs. federal power • S. attacks union forts in the S. • Jefferson Davis- president -Virginia, Tennessee, N. Carolina, Arkansas join Confederacy Advantages- • N- More industry, factories, men, food production, railroad for transportation • S- good generals (Robert E. Lee), motivated soldiers, • Union plan- block S. ports, move down Mississippi river, take Richmond, Virginia
Battles- 1860 Bull Run- Confederates win- Stonewall ( General Thomas) Jackson 1862 West- Ulysses Grant, invades Tennessee, Shiloh- 25,000 die, take New Orleans, • East- McClellan trains for 5 months, meets Robert E. Lee and Confederates in Richmond driven back • Antietam- Union wins, 26,000 dead 1 day 1863 S some wins invade N, Gettysburg- 3 day battle, 50,000+ died, S turns back, Gettysburg address- Lincoln, united country • S. morale suffers, lack of food, supplies • N. defeats S in West (Mississippi river) 1864 Grant fights Lee in Virginia many die, Sherman through Georgia, S. Carolina, much destruction, Lincoln wins term 2 1865 Grant, Sherman surround Richmond, S surrenders, Confederate soldiers treated nicely, sent home w/ food
Politics- • 1863- Emancipation Proclamation- Lincoln did not believe federal govt had the right to abolish slavery, ( his main goal was to save the union) but freed them as they were captured to hurt S war making ability. • Britain- S hopes Britain will join, stay neutral • Union & Confederacy- problems with unity, suspend Habeas Corpus – expand pres. power in crisis, Conscription- the draft- forcing people into service Life/ Economy- • African Americans join armies- non battle duties, fought bravely • Plantation system falls, expand N economy, hurts S, food & supply shortages in S • Soldier life hard, dirty, poor food, medical care • Sanitary Commission- try to improve conditions, women nurses
End of War/ Effects- • 620,000 dead, 10% fought • no longer threat to break away • federal power grows • S economy bad shape • War technology improved- land mines, grenades, iron clad ships, rifles • 13th amendment- end slavery • April 14, 1865- Lincoln assassinated at Ford’s Theater- John Wilkes Booth
Reconstruction 1865-1877 Politics- Lincoln/ Johnson VS. Radical Republicans/ Congress - Easy readmission -strict readmission, fewer pardons - Pardon Confederates -Freedman’s Bureau, Civil Rights - Veto bills Act 1866, African American citizenship, no discriminatory laws - Johnson impeached- - 14th amendment- states cant Congress mad at him, deny rights to citizens Impeach for removing - 15th amendment- all men right to cabinet member From office vote Senate Did not convict - Reconstruction Act- states must - Ulysses Grant pres accept 14th,15th amendment, give African- Americans right to vote for admission into Union
1870- All states in Union • African-Americans move to the cities, seek education, participate in politics • Sharecroping- use a farmers land, pay w/ portion of crops • Reconstruction ends- opposition in south (Ku Klux Klan), scandals in govt., Judicial support gone