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Territorial dimension of EU policies Strategic programming, coordination and institutions territorially-sensitive for an efficient delivery of the new growth agenda. Joint meeting of Urban Development Group and National Territorial Cohesion Contact Points. Magdalena Zagrzejewska
Territorial dimension of EU policiesStrategic programming, coordination and institutions territorially-sensitive for anefficient delivery of the new growth agenda Joint meeting of Urban Development Groupand National Territorial Cohesion Contact Points Magdalena Zagrzejewska Warsaw, 26 September 2011
Objective of the Issue Paper • Windows of opportunity, covering three main areas for policy intervention to be put forward for discussion: • Strategic programming based on territorial approach principles for relevant priority settings. • Coordination of polices for less costly EU policy making and imlementation. • Institutions and knowledge to make things happen. • Expectations towards MS: • to express opinions on the individualproposals of the. • to facilitate reaching the consensus regarding the most desired shape of territorial development at further step of the disscussion held by the Ministers, and within the works on the draft regulations for CP post 2013. 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 2
Window of opportunity 1 Strategic programming based on territorial approach principles for a relevant priority-setting • There is no ‘one-size fits all’ policy solution. • The strategic programming requires improved methods of recognising the structural differences in territorial context and territorially-oriented implementation arrangements. • It is necessary to bring closer the decision-makers and the different local communities. 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 3
Policy option 1. Territorially-sensitive diagnosis for a more tailored policy response Window of opportunity 1 Strategic programming based on territorial approach principles for a relevant priority-setting • Recognising and considering the territorial context and growth dynamics of a given territory based on territorial diagnosis consistingof the following steps: • the assessment of key territorial features, • the territorial SWOT analysis, • designation of key ‘growth issues’, • setting up a comprehensive package of investment priorities, considering the different types of territories previously determined and their interaction at different territorial levels. 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 4
Policy option 2. Focusing on priorities territorially-legitimised to get actors of growth involved. Window of opportunity 1 Strategic programming based on territorial approach principles for a relevant priority-setting • Key actors of growth and 'final users' of investments and an active involvement of decision-makers using as a basis: • consultation between decision-makers and territorial authorities, experts networks (‘local knowledge’) and ‘final users’’, • social capital performance, • flexibility/improvability. 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 5
Window of opportunity 2 Coordination of policies forless costly eu policy-making and implementation • Policy integration, instruments and institutions are key-feature of the place-based approach. • The improvement of the existing methodologies and instruments of analysis will allow an adequate use of the policies targeted to the needs of people, places and their potentials. • The concept of joint programming promoted currently by the Commission is a move in the right direction. 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 6
Policy option 3. ‘Europe 2020’ strategy equipped with a territorial pillar for better performing EU policies Window of opportunity 2 Coordination of policies forless costly eu policy-making and implementation • Aterritorial pillar of EU2020 throughout common strategic frameworks encompassing several growth issues and policy domains. • The coordination of EU policies consists of the following: • translation of growth issues through ‘territorial keys’ into a set of policy domains which are crucial for growth of a given territory, • incentives to secure effective implementation of EU goals and objectives. • A new comprehensive vision? 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 7
Policy option 4. More territorialised analysis for a better configuration “who does what and where” Window of opportunity 2 Coordination of policies forless costly eu policy-making and implementation • Improving the existing methodologies and instruments of analysis – the impact assessments for programming, monitoring, strategic follow-ups and evaluation become an interdisciplinary investigation and they are well worth considering: • Impact Assessment Board of the Commission, • consolidation of territorial monitoring activities, • results of territorial monitoring in the annual progress reports on the implementation of EU policies, • recommendations from the progress reports and CR are used as basis for potential re-configuration of EU policies’ interventions, evaluation of Trans-European projects. 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 8
Window of opportunity 3 Institutions and knowledge to ‘make things happen’ • The policies should become more effective in achieving growth goals. • A good inter-sectoral coordination via various fora should be better interconnected requires political support, awareness of interactions between policies and their potentially conflicting impacts on the ground. • The transparent and well-organised decision-making mechanisms and high institutional capacity at all levels of governments at the political level of the EU debate. 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 9
Policy option 5. Shifts in decision-making process to support efficient interaction of policies Window of opportunity 3 Institutions and knowledge to ‘make things happen’ • Background information feeds the political level debate include the results of territorial analyses considers: • challenges in territorial terms, EU citizens’ expectations, effects on specific territories, optimisation of spending (ways to void overlaps expenditures). • Commission as a leader of change and innovative approach agent: • Impact Assessment Board observes the risk of conflicting impact on the ground and ESPON develops guidelines on impact assessment with territorial cohesion, • DG REGIO and IAB sets a new framework of cooperation with ESPON • DG REGIO appoints an interservice group associating representatives of DGs • A White paper on territorial dimension of EU policies is publicated, COREPER set up a Territorial Dimention Committe . 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 10
Policy option 6. Environment conducive to knowledge sharing for the best use of territorial potentials Window of opportunity 3 Institutions and knowledge to ‘make things happen’ • Modification of information flow channels for more efficient decision-making concerning the territorial dimension • Commission develops an ICT platform,shared between the Member States and Regions and develops a reference set of common indicators, • Member States prepare communication strategies and campaigns . • Capacity development • Commission appoints the European Academy for Territorial Programming and implementation and undertaces pilot ‘the territorially sensitive diagnosis’, • IAB with ESPON develops guidelines on impact assessment with territorial component. 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 11
Q U E S T I O N S • Which of the options are the most important and should be reflected in the regulations? • Which of the options do not have any chance of finding agreement from your side and should be abandoned? • Question to the Commission Will any of the proposals find its reflection in drafts of the regulations for CP and other EU policies to be presented on 5th October? 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 12
Thank you for your attention! Territorial dimension of EU policies. Strategic programming, coordination and institutions territorially-sensitive for an effcientdelivery of the new growth agenda 2014-09-17 Territorial dimension of EU policies 13