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2013 Korea - Ukraine Science Forum Electrodynamic Introscopy (EI) of Living Tissues Presentation: Yuri F. Babich & Vitaly B. Maksymenko Faculty of Biomedical Engineering NTTU “KPI”.
2013 Korea - Ukraine Science Forum Electrodynamic Introscopy (EI) of Living Tissues Presentation: Yuri F. Babich & Vitaly B. Maksymenko Faculty of Biomedical Engineering NTTU “KPI”
EI is an original type of instruments for medical imaging, which allowed firstly in the world* to visualize the Skin Electrical Landscape - initially in statics and later in multiparameter dynamics. healthy > The earlier EI recordings sick > Scheme of APs of ear lobe Electroimpedance landscape * 1st prize at the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, 1997
The today 6-channeled EI experimental setup: General view of the EI scan-head and an example of the EI experimental use. • Characteristics: • - The scanning is performed contactly using electromagnetic radiation of extremely low intensity; • - Simultaneous measurement of: spectral electroimpedances and electropotentials (2 kHz -1 MHz); • - Spatial resolution of ≤ 1 mm; • - Scan area – 32x64 mm. • Frame time – 8s. And here, with the dynamic imaging, it turned out that the APs are not always stationary objects…
In a row of lab-clinical trials the skin electrodynamics proved to be highly sensitive to exposure of various environmental factors: ● weak magnetic fields, ● non-thermal mm-EMF, ● mild pharmaceutical irritants, including allergy tests. ● hypoxia and hyperoxia etc.
The spectral characteristics enable to distinguish between extra-cellular and intra-cellular events Schematic indication of flow currents at various frequencies and magnitude of induced dipoles. < Particularly intriguing is the EI ability to in vivo assess the mitochondria state
Novel macroscopic phenomena of spatial electrical activity of the skin have been revealed, specifically: wave-like and pulsating structures with a velocity of in-vivo known waves of calcium signaling. Such visualization of metabolic and information processes can be used both: ● as an early diagnosics, ● as a real time biofeedback for various biomedical purposes, like, e.g. online estimation of influence of therapeutic or environmental factors.
Some illustrations Malignant melanoma and its environment to the eyes of EI. < Photo – the surrounding tissue looks quite healthy; Cellular level(a difference image): suspicious micro-regions, which came out in response to hypoxia; Subcellular level : the dark areas represent functional abnormalities (presumably mitochondrial ones).
Novel characteristics of living tissue in parameters of cell-cell (pixel-to-pixel) synchronization in norm and pathology: a) healthy tissue - normal homeostatic fluctuations around the equilibrium point; b) marked abnormalities (synchronized pathological process) on the melanoma border; c) similar process in a case of suspicious nevus.
Melanoma with satellite under influence of hypo- and hyperoxia satellite Difference images of the SEL in responses to hypo- and hyperoxia tests reveal noticeable distinctions both: in spatial manifestation and parametrically opposite dynamics. < Calculated map of synchronicity with regard to the induced dynamics of the satellite
Just a formal comparison with a Siemens analogue Matrix step = 1mm. 2048 electrodes Matrix step ≈ 6-10 mm, ≈ 80 electrodes An EI experimental sample Conventional electrode array forbreast imaging
Primary Areas of the EI Possible Implementation Oncology Gerontology Diagnostics, targeted therapy, biomedical research Drug discovery Tissue engineering Dermato- cosmetology Detection, therapy
Currently our goal is establishment of a proper collaboration on conclusive joint-R&D at the base of modern western laboratory and further implementation of the EI Thank you for your attention!