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Fraternity & Sorority

Fraternity & Sorority . Packet Assessment Fall 2013. Academics. 1.) Chapter GPA. 2.) New Member GPA. 3.) Academic Support. 3.1) Chapter has scholarship chair. 3.2) Chapter recognizes/awards academic performance.

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Fraternity & Sorority

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fraternity & Sorority Packet Assessment Fall 2013

  2. Academics

  3. 1.) Chapter GPA

  4. 2.) New Member GPA

  5. 3.) Academic Support

  6. 3.1) Chapter has scholarship chair

  7. 3.2) Chapter recognizes/awards academic performance

  8. 3.3) Chapter has programs/supports members with Semester GPAs under the All Men's/Women's GPA

  9. 3.4) Chapter has minimum New Member GPA requirement relative to the All Men's/Women's GPA

  10. 3.5) Chapter has minimum Semester GPA for active members relative to the All Men's/Women's GPA

  11. 3.6) Chapter withholds privileges from members with GPAs under their minimum standards

  12. 3.7) Chapter has academic enhancement program

  13. 3.8) Chapter Completes Center for Academic Success Programming Series

  14. Chapter Management

  15. 1.) Public Relations

  16. 1.1) Chapter produces material aligned with its core values

  17. 1.2) Chapter uses youtube, facebook, google +, twitter in a positive way

  18. 1.3) Chapter maintains all locations it uses

  19. 1.4) Chapter engages their off-campus Neighbors in a positive way

  20. 1.5) Chapter has read and distributed Ewing Township Good Neighbor Packet to members

  21. 2. )Risk Management

  22. 2.1) F&S Conduct Violations (Alcohol, Failure to Comply, Hazing, Fabrication of Activities, etc.)

  23. 2.2) Risk Management Program

  24. 2.3) Chapter is sponsor or co-sponsor

  25. 2.4) Event was time appropriate

  26. 2.5) Chapter has code of conduct

  27. 2.6) Chapter has a risk management policy

  28. 2.65) Chapter utilizes a risk reduction model of hosting events: 1 point per outline

  29. 2.7) Chapter submits Insurance Certificate

  30. 2.8) Chapter has full copy of Insurance Policy on File

  31. 2.9) Chapter has at least 5% of its members TIPS certified

  32. 2.10) Chapter has crisis management plan

  33. 2.11) Chapter has a self-regulated membership accountability process (standards board, honor council, etc.)

  34. 3.) Chapter Operations

  35. 3.1) Executive board holds semester planning retreat

  36. 3.2) Chapter attends Assessment Packet Training

  37. 3.3) Exec Board used transitioning program

  38. 3.4) Chapter attends Presidents Training

  39. 3.5) Chapter attends Emerging Leadership Workshop

  40. 3.6) Chapter complies with all other F&SL Deadlines, Directives, and Policies not listed within the Assessment Program

  41. 4.) Governing Council

  42. 4.1) Representative attends IGC meetings

  43. 4.2) Chapter attends all required Council events

  44. 4.3) Chapter Attends IFC/Panhell/UGC Meetings

  45. 4.4) Chapter is current with all Council Dues: 1 point each

  46. 4.5) Chapter members apply for council positions: 1 point each

  47. 4.6) Council applies for NGLA/AFLV awards

  48. 4.7) Council sends officers to NON-TCNJ Leadership Development Programs

  49. 4.8) Council sends officers to TCNJ Leadership Development Programs

  50. 5.) Inter/National & Regional Affiliations

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