Sickle Cell Disease: • Sickle cell is a genetically transmitted disorder. It causes life-long blood syndromes because of defects in hemoglobin. It is a widespread disease and as per the latest statistics, sickle cell disease is found in one out of every 500 new born babies amongst African-Americans. The disorder is marked by abnormal sickle shaped red blood cells. This in turn adversely affects flexibility in the cells leading to several health complications.
Types and causes • There are chiefly four kinds of sickling of cells. They are Sickle Cell Anemia (SS), Sickle-Hemoglobin C Disease (SC). Sickle cell disease is caused chiefly due to a form of mutation in the genes that had apparently originated in places where malarial was a common disease. It is purely genetically transferred from parents to the children.
Symnotyms • Pain • Anemia- dehydration/ fever • Skin disorder- it includes jaundice, yellowing of mouth, eyes and other parts of the skin.