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Factiva. Over 10000 international sources included. 2300+ world newspapers. 4200+ business and industry journals. 640 newswire services including Reuters and Dow Jones. 3500 news and business web sites. BBC World Monitoring Service (transcripts of radio broadcasts).
Factiva • Over 10000 international sources included. • 2300+ world newspapers. • 4200+ business and industry journals. • 640 newswire services including Reuters and Dow Jones. • 3500 news and business web sites. • BBC World Monitoring Service (transcripts of radio broadcasts). • Also there are 2.4 million company profiles. Accounting data, company/industry ratio comparisons, share prices and foreign exchange rates are also available. These are covered in a separate presentation for business students: https://www2.brookes.ac.uk/library/resources/factivadata.ppt Directorate of Learning Resources
Bulgarian Catalan Chinese Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Hungarian Japanese Italian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Russian Slovak Spanish Swedish Turkish Publications in these languages are included. Searches can be made using Chinese characters, Cyrillic, Greek alphabet etc. if your keyboard has the capability. Directorate of Learning Resources
Highlights include • Financial Times • Economist • Straits Times • Wall Street Journal • New York Times Also expect to find • Leading world newspapers in their original language such as Le Monde, Pravda, Tokyo Shimbum, Il Sole 24 Ore. • UK trade and professional journals such as The Accountant, The Grocer, Autocar, Campaign and their equivalent from many countries such as China Aviation Newspaper in Chinese script. • 8 local newspapers from Oxfordshire, including the Oxford Mail, amongst a huge collection of local publications. Directorate of Learning Resources
To use Factiva successfully • Think carefully about the search you enter and follow the advice in the following slides. There are many millions of articles in this database. Casually typing in a few words will retrieve far too much. Construct your search, do not type in a description of what you want. • Decide which group of publications you are going to search. Select the publications that are most local to the news covered (provided you can read the language). They are most likely to give the most detailed information. • Follow this presentation which takes you through the basic principles. The indexes work differently to all our other databases and it is tricky to discover how they work on your own. Directorate of Learning Resources
Please feel free to connect to Factiva to follow the exercises in this presentation: Whether on or off campus click on the link: Factiva Directorate of Learning Resources
This is the Free Text Search screen. First check out the examples linked to see how to construct successful Free Text searches. Some are in the next slide. Free text searches are within the Full Article unless you change this. Directorate of Learning Resources
Some examples of good searches include: Nokia and emerging markets Nearly all our databases use the AND operator to find combinations. Do not enter “Nokia in emerging markets”, the search software does not understand this. Michelin or Firestone The OR statement is also commonly used. Online banking and (retail or consumer) OR statements are surrounded by brackets when combined with another search. Wireless not cellular The NOT operator is used in most databases. The two most useful are probably: Atleast5 Microsoft At least 5 (or any number you choose) hits of Microsoft per article cuts out less important articles and passing mentions. Car industry and wc>5000 car industry in an article with a word count greater than 5000 (or any number you choose). Vodafone same telecom* vodafone and telecommunications, telecom, telecoms in the same paragraph. Carrefour near5 sales Carrefour within 5 words of sales. Toyota/F50/ Toyota within the first 50 words of the article. Globali?tion finds globalisation and globalization. Directorate of Learning Resources
There is also a Search form to help you to construct searches. As usual Factiva has it’s own way of doing things. This means words are connected using AND… …OR… …NOT Exact phrases go in here. Directorate of Learning Resources
Using the indexes in Factiva is just as important as entering search terms. Click on Source to openup lists of publications and select the most useful ones. Note the source menu is listed first. You must choose the best for your search in this huge database. We’ll see later that you don’t need to enter a search, but can use the other indexes. Directorate of Learning Resources
Enter the name of any publication you want to search e.g. financial times. The slide after next shows how to find lists. Then click on the search button Directorate of Learning Resources
Click on any other publication to add it to the search as an OR statement Click on the academic subscribers version of the FT in the list that appears. It turns pink and appears at the top Directorate of Learning Resources
The FT code is added here and can be combined with other search terms As an alternative you can click on the up arrow here to add the FT code to the free text search box. With the FT code above, change the date to In the last day and click on Search to browse articles in the latest edition. Directorate of Learning Resources
Instead of naming publications, click on the drop-down menu and select e.g. listing By Region. Note the A-Z list, By Language etc. At the bottom Pictures can be found. Directorate of Learning Resources
Note that just like the entries for publications there are up arrows to click to add the code to the free text search, but we think that there is little benefit in this and other instances. In the scroll down menu that appears click on the + next to Asia to open up a further menu of Asian Regions Then click on the + next to Southern Asian Countries Directorate of Learning Resources
Then click on the + next to India and scroll through the impressive list of sources. Click on titles to search them individually or click on India to search all All Indian titles in search, but Not Billionaire Club. Double click on anything in this database, placing a line through it, to exclude it. Click again to remove the ban. Directorate of Learning Resources
First open up the company menu. Volkswagen AG is added to the search. Then enter Volkswagen. Click on Volkswagen AG in the list that appears when search button is clicked. Directorate of Learning Resources
Next, click on the Subject menu. Click on the Corporate/Industrial News menu to open it up and scroll down to… Directorate of Learning Resources
HR and other students note option. …Marketing. Click to add to the search, but note that these indexes are computer generated and cannot be relied upon to be very accurate. If there are not too many articles try to browse them all, but for a large PLC these indexes may be useful. Directorate of Learning Resources
The entire search is now listed. Click on the Run Search button. Explore the Industry and Region indexes another time. Remember to select e.g. German if also selecting publications from Germany. Directorate of Learning Resources
Scroll down the Discovery Pane to see the many different facets of this search that can be explored by clicking on any entry. Directorate of Learning Resources
Further facets to explore in the Discovery Pane include Keywords, News Clusters and Subjects, but note that these are all computer generated, some are very unhelpful and none of them are a substitute for constructing and refining your search carefully. Directorate of Learning Resources
At the bottom of the Discovery Pane are the Sources and Date facets which could be helpful. Click on the bars of the date chart to retrieve articles for those dates. An example of a results screen with the Identify Duplicates feature turned on. Click on the + to list them below. Click on titles to retrieve the full text Directorate of Learning Resources
It is possible to listen to the article. Hopefully you now understand the indexes, which can be combined with free text searches, and displaying articles. Carry on to the next section Directorate of Learning Resources
One final feature. Click on News Pages to obtain a selection of the latest national newspapers. The default is the United Kingdom. Click on the drop-down menu for other countries. Directorate of Learning Resources
Now it’s time to search for yourself! After this page there are a couple of search examples and questions. If you have not already, connect to the database. Whether on or off campus click on the link: Factiva . Directorate of Learning Resources
Try entering the following searches and answering the questions. Answers are on the next but one slide. • Just to remind you that every kind of subject is covered, type in: Victoria Beckham and set the dates drop down menu to All dates, click on Run Search. • When we ran the search we retrieved over 46600 articles. There will be more by the time you read this. The articles we happened to retrieve first only mentioned her in passing. Is this search useful? • When newspapers write an article focussed on a celebrity like Victoria Beckham they usually refer to her by her full name and then refer to her as Victoria (unlike a businessperson to whom reference will be made by surname throughout). • Modify your search to atleast4 Victoria and Beckham. • We still retrieved5700+ articles, but they were nearly all about her. • Find the article from OK Magazine 10 June 2008 (scroll down or click on the dates drop down menu and use the Enter date facility). • What kind of bag did she take with her when she visited the Pink Taco restaurant with her son Cruz? Directorate of Learning Resources
Second question • How many items on Robert Mugabe are there in South African news sources from 1 January 2008 to 30 June 2008? (Enter the search as Robert Mugabe, find South African news sources in the same way that we found Indian sources in this presentation, click on the date box drop down menu and select Enter date range… and enter the dates, click on search. Directorate of Learning Resources
Answers • Victoria Beckham took a Hermes Ostrich Birkin bag with her. • We found 2326 items mentioning “Robert Mugabe” from South African sources from 1 January 2008 to 30 June 2008. If you have now finished with Factiva, click on the Logout link at the right of the top grey toolbar. This will free up your Factiva access for other users. This is the end of the presentation. To return to the page from which you connected, close this window (by clicking on the X in the top right corner). Directorate of Learning Resources