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Dive into the world of chemistry with Coach Steinert's engaging and informative PowerPoint presentation. Learn about essential class items, grading system, and strategies for success in this dynamic course.
Welcome to Chemistry A PowerPoint by Coach Steinert
Introduction I was born in Boca Raton, FL but grew up in Hoover, AL. I attended Hoover HS as a freshman but transferred to Spain Park HS my sophomore year when the school first opened. I played 3 years of baseball after high school (2 at Bevill State CC and 1 year at Campbell University near Durham, NC) before finishing my degree at Auburn University. I started teaching in the fall of 2009 at Spain Park and have been here ever since. My undergraduate degree was in biology while also majoring in education, and I have a minor in general science. I got my masters degree from the University of West Alabama in biology education in 2013. I have an older brother, Brian, who is a materials engineer for NASA in Huntsville and a younger sister, Shannon, who is a 5th year senior basketball player at UAH and is currently doing her internship at Bob Jones HS.
Materials • You will NOT be issued a textbook although we may occasionally use the class set • You may take one home if you sign it out with me • You MUST bring with you everyday: • IPAD • Notability app • Headphones • Occasionally • Stylus? • Calculator • You may borrow mine for 50 cents per class period • Can’t use phones or IPAD during assessments, school mandated rule • Pencil • Having these items everyday is vital to the class and being successful
IPAD • We will attempt to function without paper with the exception of tests/quizzes. This means that your class work will be done on your IPADS every day. Not bringing them means that you can’t get credit for the days assignments or activities. • Exception • Bring chargers if you need to especially if you are an afternoon class • Have iPads charged the night before • DO NOT USE THE TABLE OUTLETS FOR CHARGING YOUR IPADS • You will need to purchase the notability app for $1.99 BY FRIDAY when class starts
Grades • Each nine week period will be divided into three different units. Each unit will contain two separate topics that will relate to each other. • For a unit, you will receive 300 points divided into four grades: • 1 packet grade (100 points) • 2 quiz grades (50 points each) • 1 test grade (100 points) • You will also have a 100 point project each nine weeks • I will also give 50 points of “class points” at the beginning of each grading period. • Losing classpoints will be 10 points per day for usually one of the following: not having assignments downloaded before class starts, not having your iPad charged, not working on today’s activity, and sleeping. • I grade based on total points not weighted averages. This means that losing 10 points on a test is the same detriment to your grade as losing 10 points on a homework assignment or participation, it’s all going towards the same overall total.
Packets • Single most important thing to understand about this class in order to being successful! • A packet is worth 100 points, equal to that of a test • Packets are a collection of all the assignments from a unit turned in by the day of the test via email (15 points off every day it is late) • This means that you do not typically have homework for this class depending on your effort during class time • Packets are graded for effort and completion, not correctness (sort of) • This often times leads to problems for some students (cheating, quality of work, etc.) • There should be NO pressure to cheat or engage in academic dishonesty • Bottom line: do the work in class, you will have minimal work at home besides studying. Since packets are worth the same number of points as a test, and you will have 2-3 weeks to complete, you should always score high on these.
Quizzes Each unit has two 50 point quizzes (with a few exceptions). We will do 4-5 assignments, take a quiz. Do 4-5 new assignments, take a quiz. After both quizzes are done, we will typically review the unit for one day and take a test on both together. Students perform lower on quizzes than on tests. This is normal! You are still learning the material and have time to figure out what you might be missing by test time.
Tests • You will have a 100 point test at the end of each unit. • Tests are fill in the blank or short answer (math questions) • Multiple choice are not always “easier” tests
Labs • We will try and get in the lab at least once per unit • Many labs will be done in the classroom • All safety guidelines and precautions apply at all times in the lab • Quiz 1-1
Student 1 vs. 2 Student 1 – smart, works hard, organized Student 2 – smart, doesn’t work hard, unorganized Quiz 1 – 40/50 Quiz 2 – 46/50 Packet – 100/100 Test – 90/100 Total – 276/300 (92%) Quiz 1 – 40/50 Quiz 2 – 46/50 Packet – 50/100 Test – 90/100 Total – 226/300 (75%)
Website • You will be using my website every day to find assignments, look at calendars, find information, etc. • Good idea to make a shortcut on your home screen and rename it “Chemistry” or whatever else works for you • Go to my website now and look over it with me • Main uses: • Uploading documents to notability to complete during and after class • Finding what you missed on days you were absent • A lot of time is spent updating the class calendar, uploading assignments for you to access, and giving out reminders. My website is very functional for you so use it
Email Soon I will be gathering all of your emails and entering it into myoutlook. You need to have an email that you check on a daily basis and is reliable. I send out an email every day after 6th period with an attachment of the next day’s work, reminders, and quiz/test outlines. You have two separate places to access documents for class the next day: emails from me and website calendar….make sure you use one or the other every day
Make Up Work Technically you have 3 days per day you missed to make up an assignment/test Since I take up packets at the end of a unit, that usually takes care of that problem If you miss a quiz or test, it is up to you to figure out when you will make it up Likely scenario: you miss a quiz, forget to make it up, realize it 4 weeks later, forget the material, fail the quiz, your life is over (this is actually pretty frequent)
Honesty I strongly encourage collaborative work and working in groups. There is a fine line, however, between working together and copying someone else’s hard work. Having packets makes it tempting to not finish assignments and copy them later. Dishonesty on packets is an automatic zero on the assignment . This includes copying OR enabling others to copy. If you have questions, just ask Remember that you can’t screenshot your test and send your answers to a friend, so doing this with your classwork is setting yourself up to fail
Things NOT to do (Rules sort of) • Sleep (If I’m up, you’re up) • Be loud • Work on other assignments in class • If you are done and I have given you the ok to work on something else, that is the only exception • Constantly use the bathroom • School policy is to NOT leave the classroom for any reason during class. Did you know that? I technically am not supposed to let you go with the exception of medical purposes • You have 5 minutes in between classes to get somewhere and use the bathroom • Or you can wear diapers
Be motivated! • Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic • Change your mindset • 98% • 86% • Athletes • http://2point3.ncaa.org/ • This is a HUGE CHANGE! • Applies to current juniors (class of 2016) and anyone after that, so most of you • Will you always use chemistry your entire life? No! Might some of you major in a non-science field? Sure! If this is your attitude you are missing the point. Better yourself and learn about the world around you!
Science classes I took in college Undergraduate Masters Principles of Biology Organismal Biology Genetics Evolutions and Systematics Human Anatomy and Physiology Vertebrate Biology Ecology Vertebrate Evolution Animal Physiology Physics Physics II Astronomy Intro to Chemistry Chem II Organic Chemistry Human Physiology Biogeography Evolutionary Genetics Vertebrate Zoology Conservation Biology
What’s the point of all this? One word…..OPTIONS Colleges, sports, jobs, husbands/wives, children, houses, cable, food, clothes, etc…..that’s the point. Put yourself in a position to choose your path in life, not have it chosen for you. –Coach Steinert
Pacing • 1st nine weeks • Unit 1: Lab Safety and Measurement • Unit 2: Periodic Table and Trends • Unit 3: The Atom and Nuclear Chemistry • 2nd nine weeks • Unit 4: The Mole and Waves • Unit 5: Bonding and Matter • Unit 6: Radioactive Decay and Naming Compounds • 3rd nine weeks • Unit 7: Naming Compounds and Types of Reactions • Unit 8: Stoichiometry • Unit 9: States of Matter and Gas Laws • 4th nine weeks • Unit 10: Solutions and pH • Unit 11: Organic Chemistry • Unit 12: Thermochemistry
Homework We will be making a collage on the back wall of the class room separated by class period on Monday. You will be given a sheet of computer paper to draw/write/cut out things that represent you. Each person needs to bring photos/magazines to decorate and I will supply the paper, markers, scissors, glue, etc. Not optional, part of your class points
Chemistry Pretest You are about to take a 20 question pretest. The person who scores the highest will receive 5 bonus points on an assignment of their choice (test or quiz). You can choose to work with a partner, BUT if your team wins you only receive 3 bonus points each. You have 1 minute to prepare and get out a sheet of paper. Do not look on anyone else’s paper or talk loudly so that others can hear your answers.
Question 1 • Chemistry is the study of: • A) organisms • B) composition of matter • C) motion • D) chemicals
Question 2 • What is the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy? • A) 500,000 miles • B) 1 light year • C) 10,000 light years • D) 100,000 light years
Question 3 • Which element must be present for something to be considered “organic”? • A) Carbon • B) Oxygen • C) Nitrogen • D) Helium
Question 4 I will say a 7 digit number twice. You must wait 15 seconds then record the number on your paper.
Question 5 • Which two parts of the atom make up the entire mass of the atom? • A) proton and electron • B) proton and neutron • C) neutron and electron
Question 6 True or False. A microwave is a type of wave.
Question 7 • The term mole is used to describe a value, similar to how a “dozen” represents the number 12. What does a mole represent? • A) 350 • B) 3.00 x 108 • C) 4.18 x 1015 • D) 6.02 x 1023
Question 8 • Which of the following two elements would form a covalent bond? • A) KCl • B) NaBr • C) CO3 • D)MgO
Question 9 • How many electrons does Calcium have ? (Calcium is element #20 and the atomic mass is 40) • A) 10 • B) 20 • C) 40 • D) 60
Question 10 • Which of the following schools is not in the Pac 12 conference? • A) Washington • B) Colorado State • C) Utah • D) Arizona State
Question 11 • If I gave you some NaCl, what did I give you? • A) table salt • B) laundry detergent • C) pencil lead • D) glue
Question 12 • How much of your DNA is identical to that of a banana? • A) 0% • B) 25% • C) 50% • D) 100%
Question 13 • For a substance to be acidic, what does the pH have to be? • A) Below 7 • B) Exactly 7 • C) Above 7 • D) Over 10
Question 14 • What happens to the volume of a gas if the temperature of the gas increases? • A) decreases • B) increases • C) stays the same
Question 15 • How long ago did the dinosaurs go extinct? • A) about 4,000 years ago • B) about 4 million years ago • C) about 65 million years ago • D) about 4.6 billion years ago
Question 16 • Which state of matter is compressible? • A) solid • B) liquid • C) gas
Question 17 I will say an 8 digit number twice. You must wait 15 seconds then record the number on your paper.
Question 18 • Which of the following elements is a gas at room temperature? • A) Sodium • B) Lithium • C) Carbon • D) Neon
Question 19 • Light, x-rays, and UV radiation are all examples of waves on the electromagnetic spectrum. How much of the electromagnetic spectrum can human eyes actually detect? • A) a few hundred nanometers (1 x 10-9 m) • B) a few meters • C) a few hundred meters • D) all of it
Question 20 • Which of the following animals is not a mammal? • A) humans • B) blue whale • C) bald eagle • D) armadillo
Answers 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. 4357183 5. B 6. True 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. B
Answers 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. C 17. 61890584 18. D 19. A 20. C