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Nonviolent Communication. What is it?. A type of communication in which the focus is the needs of all involved. The process allows us to step back and observe without making judgment A way to differentiate thinking and feeling Offers a way to clearly state what we do want and need.
What is it? • A type of communication in which the focus is the needs of all involved. • The process allows us to step back and observe without making judgment • A way to differentiate thinking and feeling • Offers a way to clearly state what we do want and need.
Why is it helpful? • It can improve relationships by building relationships based on compassion and understanding • Learn how to be assertive, yet flexible • You can accurately understand other people’s needs and feelings • It helps break patterns of thinking that lead to anger
Who can use it? • School systems • Health care • Prisons • Workplaces • Law enforcement and military • Social service agencies • Couples, families, communities
What are the steps? • Four components: • Observations • Feeling • Needs • Request • Two parts • Empathy • Honesty
Feelings List SADdepresseddejecteddespairdespondentdisappointeddiscourageddisheartenedforlorngloomyheavy heartedhopelessmelancholyunhappywretched AFFECTIONATE compassionate friendly loving open heartedsympathetic tender warm CONFIDENT empowered open proud safe secure ENGAGED Excited absorbed amazed alert animatedcurious ardentengrossed arousedenchanted astonishedentranced dazzledfascinated eagerinterested energeticintrigued enthusiasticinvolved giddyspellbound livelystimulated passionate vibrant
Feelings List cont. JOYFULamuseddelightedgladhappyjubilantpleasedtickled AFRAIDapprehensivedreadforebodingfrightenedmistrustfulpanickedpetrifiedscaredsuspiciousterrifiedwaryworried ANNOYEDaggravateddismayeddisgruntleddispleasedexasperatedfrustratedimpatientirritatedirkedANGRYenragedfuriousincensedindignantiratelividoutragedresentful PEACEFULcalmclear headedcomfortablecenteredcontentequanimousfulfilledmellowquietrelaxedrelievedsatisfiedserenestilltranquiltrusting EMBARRASSEDashamedchagrinedflusteredguiltymortifiedself-conscious
needs List CONNECTIONacceptanceaffectionappreciationbelongingcooperationcommunicationclosenesscommunitycompanionshipcompassionconsiderationconsistencyempathyinclusionintimacy CONNECTION CONT’D lovemutualitynurturingrespect/self-respectsafetysecuritystabilitysupportto know and be knownto see and be seento understand and be understoodtrustwarmth PHYSICAL WELL-BEINGairfoodmovement/exerciserest/sleepsexual expressionsafetysheltertouchwaterHONESTYauthenticityintegritypresence
Communication and Nursing Students • http://www.journalofnursingeducation.com/showFree.asp?thing=35303 • http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WNX-4PMJ9MT-1&_user=10&_coverDate=05%2F31%2F2008&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1272056789&_rerunOrigin=scholar.google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=e0b6811f723774f28fb64d074efc436f • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7796366
Let’s Practice • When I see that______________I feel ______________because my need for ________________ is/is not met.Would you be willing to __________________?