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Managing Escalating Behavior Individual Tier II

Managing Escalating Behavior Individual Tier II. PURPOSE Enhance understanding & ways of escalating behavior sequences. Understanding the Escalation Cycle Best practice Considerations Your action planning how to share with staff back home. OUTCOMES.

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Managing Escalating Behavior Individual Tier II

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  1. Managing Escalating BehaviorIndividual Tier II

  2. PURPOSE Enhance understanding & ways of escalating behavior sequences • Understanding the Escalation Cycle • Best practiceConsiderations • Your action planning how to share with staff back home

  3. OUTCOMES • Identification of how to intervene early in an escalation. • Identification of environmental factors that can be manipulated. • Identification of replacement behaviors that can be taught (& serve same function as problem).

  4. Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT FEW ~5% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~15% SOME Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ALL ~80% of Students

  5. ASSUMPTIONS • Behavior is learned (function) • Behavior is escalated through successive interactions (practice) • Behavior can be changed through an instructional approach

  6. Reasons Students Commonly Misbehave • Unsure of expectations • Unsure how to exhibit expected behavior • Unaware he/she is engaged in the misbehavior • Misbehavior is providing student with desired outcome: • Gain something • Escape something

  7. Jason, please turn in your assignment. What assignment? The assignment you didn’t finish during class. I finished it. Great, please turn it in now. I don’t have it with me now. You have a choice: turn it in or do it again. You never believe me. I guess you’ve made the choice to do it again. Make me. That’s disrespect…go to the office. F_____ you! Pulls away, glares, & raises fist as if to strike. Moves closer…& puts hand on J. shoulder.

  8. What we know is that people follow a predictable pattern. • We know from this pattern how to minimize safety risks for students and staff • We know how to support the person going through the cycle best by knowing when and how to respond The MODEL High Peak Acceleration De-escalation Agitation Trigger Recovery Calm Low

  9. The MODEL High Low

  10. The MODEL High Low

  11. The MODEL High Low

  12. The MODEL High Low

  13. The MODEL High Low CALM ✱✱✱✱

  14. Calm – Student is Cooperative • Accepts corrective feedback • Follows directives • Sets personal goals • Ignores distractions • Accepts praise This is where positive and valuing relationships are built and where you teach skills needed to function successfully in challenging situations.

  15. Calm – Intervention is prevention Arrange for high rates of successful academic & social engagements Teach social skills Problem solving Relaxation strategy Self-management Communicate positive expectations Assess problem behavior **Use positive reinforcement **Praise has been shown to increase on task behavior and decrease problem behavior (Gootman, 2001)

  16. Teaching Procedures • Remember telling isn't teaching and being told is not the same as being taught. We have to take all our procedures and TIPP them. • T- Teach it • I- Imprint it by modeling • P- Practice it with them • P- Praise it when you see it with behavior specific praise

  17. The MODEL High TRIGGER ✱✱ Low

  18. Trigger – Series of Unresolved Conflicts • Repeated failures • Frequent corrections • Interpersonal conflicts • Low rates of positive reinforcement Recognize – Refocus - Reassure • This is where signs of early stress need to be recognized. This is the best time to refocus the person’s attention away from the stress.

  19. Trigger – Prevention & Redirection • Consider function of problem behavior • Remove from or modify problem context • Increase opportunities for success • Reinforce what has been taught

  20. When I respond what do I say? • Stay Calm – Quiet, Breath, Count, Depersonalize, Take a second • Be empathic • Don’t judge or discount feelings • Clarify messages • Ask reflective questions, use silence and restatements • Refocus/redirect/reassure • Avoid power struggle

  21. That didn’t work: Setting Limits • Limits are not the same as issuing an ultimatum • Limits are not threats • Limits offer choices with consequences • The purpose of limits is to teach, not to punish • Students begin to understand their actions, positive or negative, have consequences • Provides structure for good decision making • Setting limits is more about listening than talking • Simple/clear, reasonable, enforceable

  22. Tips to Setting Limits Keep power struggles to a minimum. Set limits by using impersonal, measurable criteria (this is where routines and procedures come in to play). It is also helpful to post schedules, daily independent work assignments, and lists of rules and consequences on walls and bulletin boards for students to refer to. Having things in writing helps us “Be the director not the bad guy” Request behavior that is incompatible with the undesirable behavior. Many times it will be far more effective to say "Hands at your sides!" instead of "Don't hit!“ Be positive. Setting limits is healthy. It does not have to be done in a rude or hostile way. Firmness does not mean intimidation. Give reasonable choices with consequences (not delivered in a threatening manner) Allow time for the student to make a choice Be prepared to enforce your consequences

  23. High The MODEL AGITATION ✱ Low

  24. Agitation – Unfocused Behavior • Off-task • Frequent start/stop on tasks • Out of seat • Talking with others • Social withdrawal

  25. Agitation – Reduce Anxiety • Consider function of problem behavior • Make structural/ environmental modifications • Provide reasonable options & choices • Involve in successful engagements • Move Student Away Now is the time to have the student leave the anxiety producing event if possible

  26. Ongoing Confrontation Remember: Escalated students are not rational! The more escalated they are the calmer you have to be, the less you say Escalation is not the time to establish your authority If you need to or are able to move student away from peers or peers away from students Allow release if you are able Distraction is allowed Do not go deal with consequences until the situation is over and the student is rational again Physical response only at a last resort


  28. Acceleration – Displays Focused Behavior • Deliberate • High intensity • Threatening • Personal • Minimize Talking-Model Calm This is not a time to ask the person to make choices. Model calming strategies.

  29. The Paradoxical response • When students engage in confrontation they expect what they usually get: anger, ultimatums and more confrontation • The paradoxical response: The calmer you get the more difficult it will be for the student to escalate the situation • Be aware of your body and your nonverbals

  30. Nonverbals Nonverbals: we need to make our nonverbal expectations meet our verbal expectations The single most powerful nonverbal skill is the PAUSE

  31. Nonverbals

  32. Acceleration Intervention is focused on safety Remember: • Escalations & self-control are inversely related • Escalation is likely to run its course

  33. Acceleration • Remove all triggering & competing maintaining factors • Follow crisis prevention procedures • Disengage from student

  34. The MODEL High PEAK Low

  35. PeakStudent is out of control & displays most severe problem behavior • Physical aggression • Property destruction • Self-injury • Escape/social withdrawal • Hyperventilation

  36. PeakIntervention is focused on safety • Focus is on crisis intervention This is not a time to talk, direct, or problem solve. The main concern is safety. Follow the school or student crisis plan.


  38. De-escalation Student displays confusion but with decreases in severe behavior • Social withdrawal • Denial • Blaming others • Minimization of problem Focus is on calming At this point the person should be encouraged to relax rather than make any decisions. Do not try to process here.

  39. De-escalation Intervention is focused on removing excess attention • Avoid nagging • Avoid blaming • Don’t force apology • Consider function • Emphasize starting anew

  40. Approaches to Calming by Function

  41. Calming Strategies Breathing Breath in to count of 5, hold for count of 5, exhale for count of 5 Smell the soup Yoga Breathing Put tongue behind your two front teeth Close your mouth an breathe in through your nose to the count of four slowly Breathe out for the count of four Repeat 10 times Five point scale Counting Visualization Calming tools

  42. Calming Tools

  43. The MODEL High RECOVERY ✱ Low

  44. Recovery Engage in Non-engagement Activities • Attempts to correct problem • Unwillingness to participate in group activities • Social withdrawal & sleep

  45. Recovery • Follow through with consequences • Positively reinforce any appropriate behavior • Intervention is focused on re-establishing routine activities

  46. Recovery - Debrief • Purpose of debrief is to facilitate transition back to program…not a further negative consequence • Debrief follows consequences for problem behavior • Goal is to increase more appropriate behavior

  47. RecoveryProcessing & Problem Solving Why do we process? Teaches students to • Accurately identify the problem • Allows students to practice problem solving skills • Provides an opportunity to practice and re-teach behavioral skills • Allows us to make a plan and get students back into class where they belong

  48. Problem Solving Conferences: why? • Teach, model, and practice problem solving skills • Looks for the underlying cause of the problem • Position the teacher and student as collaborators: • Instead of a one-way process, it is a 2-way conversation that involves asking the child what to do • Avoid one-size fits all • This is NOT A PUNISHMENT

  49. Teacher Language During Conferencing Don’t assume you know what happened Most kids need support through this process Non-judgmental Use a matter-of-fact tone Keep teacher talk to a minimum Use words and phrases that empower the child to reflect: Do more asking than telling Use positive language that helps the child see a new way – help child reflect on what we WANT to see

  50. Problem Solving Conference 1. Define the problem What the student noticed, what the teacher noticed What were you doing? What did it look like? 2. Evaluate the consequences of the students choice: How did it affect the classroom? How did it affect you? 3. Define and re-teach the social or behavioral expectations related to the context or situation Define, Model, practice (role-play) “What is the expectation when….”, “How can we appropriately…” Show me what that would look like… 4. Help student set a goal or make a plan Brainstorm some alternate solutions to the problem “Next time ____ happens I will….” 5. Implement the plan Contract, re-entry to classroom, discussion with teacher 6. Check back or have the teacher check back

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