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Understanding Micro-Structures of the Nervous System

Dive into Chapter 2 of Foundations of Physiological Psychology by Neil R. Carlson. Learn about aggression, marijuana, Alzheimer’s, and more physiological topics. Explore brain lateralization and fundamental neuron parts.

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Understanding Micro-Structures of the Nervous System

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  1. GPC 126 Physiological Psychology Micro-Structures Nervous System Lecture #3 Dean Owen, Ph.D., LPCC METU-NCC Spring 2018

  2. This presentation has been created to assist in the mastery of the material contained in Chapter 2 of the text Foundations of Physiological Psychology by Neil R. Carlson All of the material contained in the presentation is drawn from the text. Lecture 3

  3. 1. Honesty contracts, plagiarism certificates…?? Assignments 2. Research Teams: Members and Mascot Mascot A mascot is any person, animal, or object thought to bring luck or anything used to represent a group with a common public identity, such as a school, professional sports team, society, military unit, or brand name.

  4. Physiology of Aggression/hostility • Marijuana Use and Addiction • Narcolepsy • Alzheimer’s Disease • Physiology of Attraction and Love • Sleep and circadian rhythm • Drug Use and Abuse • Physiology of Risk Taking • Physiology of Happiness • Memory and Learning • Visual Perception and Visual Disorders • Apraxia • Dyslexia Possible Presentation Topics If you have an idea please share and obtain approval from the instructor

  5. Hemispherical Dominance • Electroconvulsive therapy • Hypnosis • Neuromusicology • Neuropsychology of Memory • Neuropsychology of sex and reproductive behavior • Sleep and dreaming • Speech perception and production • Visual attention • Fatigue and Attention • Multiple Sclerosis • Dementia Possible Presentation Topics If you have an idea please share and obtain approval from the instructor

  6. Brain Lateralization 1.Sperry conducted experiments to discover left and right brain hemispheric specialization. Roger Sperry (1913-1994)

  7. Lateralization In which direction is the dancer spinning? CW = Right Brain CCW = Left Brain Clockwise Counter Clockwise

  8. A brief history of physiological psychology

  9. A brief history of physiological psychology Left Brain I am the left brain. I am a scientist. A mathematician. I love the familiar. I categorize. I am accurate. Linear. Analytical. Strategic. I am practical. Always in control. A master of words and language. Realistic. I calculate equations and play with numbers. I am order. I am logic. I know exactly who I am.

  10. A brief history of physiological psychology Right Brain I am the right brain. I am creativity. A free spirit. I am passion. Yearning. Senseulaity. I am the sound of roaring laughter. I am taste. The feeling of sand beneath bare feet. I am movement. Vivid colors. I am the urge to paint on empty canvas. I am boundless imagination. Art. Poetry. I sense. I feel. I am everything I wanted to be.

  11. Pop Quiz • What is “dualism” 2. Who first demonstrated “animal electricity using frog legs? 3. What is a reflex action? 5. Paul Broca is most associated with what? 4. Who is often regarded as the Father of Neuroscience?

  12. Pop Quiz • What is “dualism”Decartes…mind and body are separate 2. Who first demonstrated “animal electricity using frog legs?Luigi Galvani 3. What is a reflex action? Instant motor response to stimuli 5. Paul Broca is most associated with what? Speech production center in the brain. • Who is often regarded • as the Father of Neuroscience? • Ramon y Cajal

  13. Describe the fundamental parts of a neuron • Explain the term action potential and how it relates to neural transmission • Recall the structures involved in producing and receiving neurotransmitters. • Describe the role and function of glial cells • Recall the various components of the human nervous system and what each controls. • Describe the function of the blood/brain barrier. PLOsPrimary Learning Objectives for today’s lesson

  14. 1. Review basic components of the human nervous system Plan for the day 2. Review the fundamental anatomy and physiology of the micro-structures of the CNS 3. Describe the process of neural communications

  15. Cell: basic unit of life…. Review of some basic terms

  16. Groups of cells are called tissue Review of some basic terms Brain tissue Lung tissue Muscle tissue

  17. Groups of tissues are called organs Review of some basic terms Kidney Brain tissue

  18. Groups of organs are called systems

  19. Groups of organs are called systems Review of some basic terms Nervous system

  20. Groups of systems are called……. Review of some basic terms Us, You and me

  21. Human Nervous System Component Elements http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqvJZ1STLos

  22. Human Nervous System Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain Spinal Chord

  23. Human Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Composed of nerves and nerve pathways that can be grouped according to function….. Motor Neurons: Mediating voluntary muscular movement Autonomic Nervous System (visceral or involuntary control) Enteric Nervous System (controlling digestion)

  24. Human Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Motor Neurons: Motoneurons extend outwards from the CNS for the purpose of controlling muscles.

  25. Human Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Motor Neurons: Spinal Cord injury results in lose of sensation and motor control. Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Coccyx Come To Live in Southern Chile

  26. Human Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Autonomic Nervous System (visceral or involuntary control) ANS

  27. Human Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Enteric Nervous System (controlling digestion)

  28. Cells of the Nervous System The Neuron

  29. The Neuron Definition: The basic information processing and information transmitting element in the nervous system. 4 Parts of a neuron: Soma Dendrites Axon Terminal Buttons

  30. The Neuron Definition: The basic information processing and information transmitting element in the nervous system. 4 Parts of a neuron: DSAT Dendrites: (from Greek word meaning “tree”) The portion of the cell that receives information from transmitting cells. Soma: The cell body with a nucleus and other structures for cellular life. Axon: a long slender tube covered in myelin that carries information from the cell body to the terminal buttons. Terminal Buttons: Structures which produce chemicals called neurotransmitters when excited by the actions potential. DSAT

  31. The Neuron Basic Electricity Review

  32. The Neuron Basic Electricity Review

  33. The Neuron Basic Electricity Review Chemistry

  34. The Neuron Basic Electricity Review The flow direction is from negative to positive

  35. The Neuron Basic Electricity Review Myelin

  36. The Neuron Action Potential http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifD1YG07fB8 http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter14/animation__the_nerve_impulse.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIGqp6_PG6k

  37. The Neuron Neural Communication Basic Definitions Synapse: The junction or space between the terminal button of one neuron and the membrane of another neuron. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWrnz-CiM7A Synaptic transmission

  38. The Neuron Neural Communication Basic Definitions Presynaptic neuron: The neuron which emits neurotransmitters from its terminal buttons sending the message to next neuron in the chain.

  39. The Neuron Neural Communication Basic Definitions Postsynaptic neuron: The neuron which receives the chemical message through its receptor organs in the dendrite.

  40. The Neuron Function and operation of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitter operation Neurotransmitters Hey Brain Sister

  41. The Neuron neurotransmitters. • Acetylcholine • Dopamine • GABA • Serotonin • Norepinephrine • Glutamate Plus many more…….

  42. The Neuron Supporting Cells of the nervous systems Glia: Special cells that bind neurons together, protect them and care for them by removing dead or diseased cells, and regulate nutrients and oxygen.

  43. The Neuron Blood Brain Barrier: Semi-permiable barrier between blood and the brain. • Blood is transported throughout the body by arteries, vessels and finally by capillaries to the cells….bringing oxygen and nutrients and removing waste.….. • For neurons to work properly they must be surrounded by a very precise fluid mixture….. • The capillaries in the brain and other NS structures are different and do not allow blood to flow easily to nerve tissues…..in other parts of the body the capillaries allow blood to flow easily to cells.

  44. The Neuron Neuron Communication 10:30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5cab4hgmoE

  45. Micro-Structures Review of Key Terms Peripheral Nervous System: That part of the nervous system that is outside of the brain and spinal cord. Soma: Cell body of a neuron containing the nucleus. Dendrite: Branch like structures of a neuron that received chemical messages from the terminal buttons of adjacent neurons. Synapse: The junction or space between the terminal button of one neuron and the membrane of another neuron.

  46. Micro-Structures Review of Key Terms Axon: The long, cylindrical structure of a neuron that conveys information from the soma to the terminal buttons. Terminal Button: The bud-like structures at the distal end of a neuron which forms the synapse with other neurons. Neurotransmitter: A chemical released by the terminal buttons which conveys information across the synapse to adjacent neurons: 2 types, excitatory, or inhibitory Nucleus: The structure in the soma containing the chromosomes and necessary for reproduction of the neuron.

  47. Micro-Structures Review of Key Terms Glia: The supporting cells of the central nervous system which surround, bind, and care for neurons. Astrocyte: The star shaped glial cells that provide nutrients and other substances to neurons and which regulate the chemical composition of the extracellular fluid. Myelin Sheath: A coating of fatty tissue along the axon which insulates the neuron and prevents information from spreading to other neurons. Blood Brain Barrier: The semi-permeable barrier between the blood and the brain created by the walls of the brains capillaries.

  48. Micro-Structures Review of Key Terms Homeostasis: A state of balance or the normal condition. Much of our autonomic nervous system is designed to create balance….temperature, respiration….etc. Action Potential: Action potentials in neurons are also known as "nerve impulses" or "spikes", and the temporal sequence of action potentials generated by a neuron is called its "spike train". A neuron that emits an action potential is often said to "fire".

  49. Micro-Structures Questions? Assignment for 17 March: Come to class with a list of three (3) potential topics for your research presentation. These will be discussed in class next week. Please watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeo19WVQ47w

  50. Class is over! Harika!!

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