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PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL. Application of Physics in Intersubject Relations. PHYSICS ON STAGE 3 2 0 0 3. Dana Jančinová. 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bajkalská 20, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA. PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL. BRATISLAVA. OUR SCHOOL.
PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL Application of Physics in Intersubject Relations PHYSICS ON STAGE 3 2 0 0 3 Dana Jančinová 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bajkalská 20, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA
PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL BRATISLAVA OUR SCHOOL 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL • we started project education 11 years ago • we were inspired by Susan Kovalik • we adapted this method for a higher academic level • we have had an exceptionally positive experience 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL has been an important method of student work for eleven years. We were inspired by a group of American teachers around Mrs. Susan Kovalik who visited our school in 1992. We adopted the idea of the project work but we adapted it to the needs of our students, and to our academic requirements and we also took into account our cultural background. Our experience with this form of teaching is very positive as it develops wide range of students’ abilities and skills. 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL BENEFITS teamwork improving self-confidence(student is an „expert“ in his theme) development of creativity in problem solving tasks bridging between real life and education performance individual work pace Support of self-reflection (response of the audience) motivation to study (choice of the theme) variety of information sources 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL • THE THEME CHOICE depends on: • the on age and personality of the students • the curriculum of that particular year and subject THE MAIN THEME of the project was chosen after reading an article „Federalists and the others...“ by the whole class (25 students) 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
COSMIC PROGRAM DEMOCRITUS DID NOT SUSPECT physics, computer sciences physics, biology, chemistry FUTURE OF THE EU civics, physics, math, chemistry HEALTH CARE AND EU chemistry, biology, civics, math PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL MAIN THEMEINTEGRATION OR RESCUE • first example of the main theme and subthemes • integration of the subjects 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
MAIN THEMEINTEGRATION OR RESCUE FUTURE OF THE EU civics, physics, math, chemistry PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL - problems of the integration of three groups of states (civics) a) Norway, Switzerland b) Russia, Ukraine, Turkey c) Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark - nuclear energy (physics) - exponential and logarithmic functions (math) - oil production (chemistry) 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
Man vs Church HISTORY, BIOLOGY, GERMAN LANGUAGE Darwinism vs Creationism CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY, PHYSICS MAIN THEMEIDEAS vs IDEOLOGIES Communism HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY Computers COMPUTER SCIENCES, PHYSICS, MATH, CHEMISTRY Columbus HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICS PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL • another example of the main theme and subthemes • integration of the subjects 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL TIMETABLE OF PROJECT WORK • 3.9. first consultations • 26.9. second consultations • 18.10. written form of projects delivered • 23.-24.10. preparation of presentation • 25.-30.10. presentation of the project 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
TIMETABLE OF PROJECT WORK • 3.9. first consultations • 26.9.second consultations • 18.10. written form of projects delivered • 23.-24.10. preparation of presentation • 25.-30.10. presentation of the project 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
TIMETABLE OF PROJECT WORK • 3.9. first consultations • 26.9. second consultations • 18.10. written form of projects delivered • 23.-24.10. preparation of presentation • 25.-30.10. presentation of the project 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
TIMETABLE OF PROJECT WORK • 3.9. first consultations • 26.9. second consultations • 18.10. written form of projects delivered • 23.-24.10. preparation of presentation • 25.-30.10. presentation of the project 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
TIMETABLE OF PROJECT WORK • 3.9. first consultations • 26.9. second consultations • 18.10. written form of projects delivered • 23.-24.10. preparation of presentation • 25.-30.10. presentation of the project 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
TIMETABLE OF PROJECT WORK • 3.9. first consultations • 26.9. second consultations • 18.10. written form of projects delivered • 23.-24.10. preparation of presentation • 25.-30.10. presentation of the project 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written (formal standard with summary in English and German language) • text editors • web page • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT SUMMARY THE FUTURE OF EU We began with characteristics pf integration and development of European Union. On the basis of these characteristics we understood why there are states, which are “outside”.There are two views on the future of the European Union in current Europe. The strong countries like Germany and France have a vision of a “Super state” similar to United States. On other side, Denmark and Great Britain don’t want to change the current situation in the European Union. We all know that Great Britain was always different from the whole Europe, it has always thought independently and we can hardly hear Britons saying the sentence: “I’m the citizen of Europe”. We were also discussing the reasons of these two directions.Later we looked on Europe in a different way and we could see three types of states, which are in some way “out”. We named their main members and we analyzed their economic and political attitude. The members of the first group are countries like Denmark and Great Britain that are in the European Union but their visions about EU were in the time of their entrance different from the ones, which prevail today. These states don’t agree with the direction to one “Super state”, because they want free confederation.In the second group, there are states, which don’t want to enter the EU, because the entrance wouldn’t bring them economic advantages and it probably won’t change in recent future. These countries are for example Switzerland and Norway. In the part titled Norway we were talking in details about oil and oil processing, which is connected with the pollution of water.As the last type of states we mentioned Russia and Turkey. These states would like to enter the union but EU doesn’t want them as real members, because they cannot complete the necessary access conditions. For Russian economy nuclear energetic is important, too. In our work we were talking about physical formula, which describes radioactivity decay of elements. This formula is from mathematic side exponential function and its inversion face – logarithmic function. We characterized the properties of these functions. - example of the SUMMARY No.1 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT SUMMARY KOLUMBUS In our project with simple, but appropriate title ‘’Kolumbus’’, we’re interested in the events before, after and during the multiverbal clash of two definitely different cultures: Europeans and original Americans. Especially this clash is our main theme, too. In the beginning was mented a situation on Pyreneas peninsula, or in Spain in fiveteenth century (the age of Humanism and Renaissance), where we were writing about social and feudal relationships, national government and religious conflicts. Because especially in Spain, there was the important man – Christopher Columbus, who we introduced in his biography. This age was the time of human ideals, longings, finding out and discovaring new, unknown things. And these thoughts appear also in Columbus´s mind. You can find out why Columbus with his crew sailed out on the sea with the idea of getting to India from the west side, which means by the other side as they already had known. Then we were interested in his quest, with all of the hopes and complications, were we describe their naval navigation together with important aid instrument – compass. After that we started with describing America and its original population, their existence, culture and the difference between separate tribes. Then we returned back to Columbus, who didn´t obviously come to India, but to new continent – America. That is the reason, why the first clash between Europeans and Indians (how Columbus named them) happened. Because of this clash the age of real hell began: violence of the Europea colonisators towards the native Indians was brutal and the results of this pressure were, and still are very sad. - example of the SUMMARY No. 2 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT SUMMARY WHY IS THE SKY BLUE The topic of our project is “The Development Of Opinions On Space”. It includes opinions of people from the Classical Age to the Renaissance. In each country people imagined space differently. In Classical Greece, which wasn’t restricted by any religious doctrines and few govermental restrictions, science flourished. There were a lot of good astronomers. Aristrachus of Samos had an opinion, which was almost scientificaly accurate. He thought that the Earth was round and once a day it turns around its axis and once a year it goes with other planets around the Sun. But the most of the people agreed with Aristotle, who tought, that the round Earth does’t move. All space objects go around the Earth on circle shaped tracks. In the Middle Ages, the Church prevented scientific expansion. And then when Galileo Galilei as the first man in history started to observe the sky with a telescope, it was just one step from understanding the order of the universe. That was invented by Kepler. He discovered 3 rules of movement in space. He discovered that planets and moons move on eliptic tracks and that’s why we tried to explain to you this interesting geometric shape. For better understanding, we started by explaining the circle first. And now you know why the sky is blue and that a black hole is something small with huge thickness and gravitation. It absorbs light and it arose from an explosion of a star. We hope you have learnt something and enjoyed our project!!! - example of the SUMMARY No. 3 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors • web page • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors (formal standard) • web page • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors • web page • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors • web page (htm language, tags, ...) • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors • web page • programme • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors • web page • programme • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors • web page • programme • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors • web page • programme • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors • web page • programme • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors • web page • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors • web page • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
FORM OF THE OUTPUT • written • text editors • web page • presentation • use of presentation technologies • discussion 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
PROJECT WORK AT OUR SCHOOL PROJECT EVALUATION PROCESS • project preparation phase • content of the composition • formal part of the composition • balance of the content in the presentation • didactic quality of the presentation 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
PROJECT EVALUATION PROCESS • project preparation phase • activity and individual work in seeking for information sources • attitude to cosultations • team work • content of the written composition • planing of the content, proportionality of individual parts • achieving of the main aim • integrity of the composition, thematic integration • personal contribution to the composition 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
PROJECT EVALUATION PROCESS • formal part of written composition • contents, introduction, conclusion • bibliography, quality of quotations • picture addition • stylistic and linguistic aspect of the composition • the level of written composition • academic level from aspects of different subjects • linguistic level – stylistics, terms, gramatical errors 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
PROJECT EVALUATION PROCESS • balance of the content in the presentation • good choice of key points • thematic integration and contents overlapping • overall academic level of the group • didactic quality of the presentation • didactic methods, legibility, exactness of the group • balance between contributions of group members • reactions to questions from the audience 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
QUESTIONS? ? URL: http://www.1sg.sk e-mail: danajanc@1sg.sk 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk
Thank you for your attention! URL: http://www.1sg.sk e-mail: danajanc@1sg.sk 1. súkromné gymnázium, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA http://www.1sg.sk