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ITALIAN DAY at our school 08.05.2013

ITALIAN DAY at our school 08.05.2013. Our students ’ government planned to do:. A special edition of the school newspaper Italian Language Survival Kit Quiz about Italy The colours of the Italian flag in our clothes-a school competition Italian song contest.

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ITALIAN DAY at our school 08.05.2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ITALIAN DAYatourschool08.05.2013

  2. Ourstudents’ governmentplanned to do: • A specialedition of theschoolnewspaper • ItalianLanguageSurvival Kit • Quiz aboutItaly • Thecolours of theItalianflag inourclothes-aschoolcompetition • Italian song contest

  3. ITALY- questions for the quiz 1. Geographicalsituation 2. The flag 3. The capital 4. Population 5. Thecurrency 6. Mainrivers, seas, islands 7. Thenature: - The mountains - volcanoes 8. Art- famouspainters 9. Italiancuisine 10. Tourism- whyshoud we go there?

  4. Thecolours of the flag inclothes- kids

  5. Class II a inItaliancolours

  6. Class 6c – thewinners

  7. Quiz aboutItalyinprimaryschool

  8. Quiz aboutItalyinmiddleschool

  9. Italian song contestclass 3c

  10. Italian song contest4e

  11. Italian song contest6d

  12. Thefinalist– Marta SzermelekIIIc Clickthe photo below to hearthe song

  13. Italiansong contest- theaudience

  14. Canourteachers and studentsspeakItalian?

  15. An Italiandishinourcanteen– rizzotto

  16. Thankyou for watching! Grazie molte!

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