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Cancer Summit JaN 2014

Cancer Summit JaN 2014. Maria Callaghan. Getting it right for our patients. And for the staff!. WHY DO WE NEED TO CHANGE. Improved health, physical fitness and nutrition decreases risk of breast cancer recurrence and death from breast cancer

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Cancer Summit JaN 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cancer Summit JaN 2014 Maria Callaghan

  2. Getting it right for our patients And for the staff!

  3. WHY DO WE NEED TO CHANGE • Improved health, physical fitness and nutrition decreases risk of breast cancer recurrence and death from breast cancer • Current follow-up is a huge strain on NHS resources but more importantly it does not provide the quality we are aiming for. We believe there is a different way which improves efficiency and quality. • We will then have the capacity to see patients quickly at time of need

  4. Moving Forward after Breast Cancer • I wish to discharge most patients early from active follow-up; knowing we have given them the knowledge and information and confidence they need to return to as near normal life as possible (better in many). • I want our patients to know that should they have a problem they have sufficient knowledge to seek help from the most appropriate health care professional . See the right person quickly.

  5. WHY DO PATIENTS COME TO CLINIC • Reassurance and psychological support:  • Test results: ? write and phone for benign • Trial protocol • To ask about : side effects of treatment, problems after surgery, should their family be checked?, can they have reconstruction  • To check whether it has come back X

  6. Health/Well-being/Education Exercise: • Shoulder physiotherapy • Warm up • Exercise physiotherapist • Personal exercise plan • Cancer patient group exercise class • Mainstream exercise • Morale boosting/Buddying/FUN! Information Family history Reconstruction X-ray F/up Side effects ,post-surgical problems, pain Late effects chemo/RT Psychosexual/confidence/Fear of recurrence Financial/work Nutrition/smoking

  7. How do we do this? • Health/wellbeing: away from breast unit (St Caths) after adjuvant treatment. (3/12 post RT, 6/12 chemo) • Groups of women do chatting and support well • All will be advised this is an impt part of Follow-up Px like Ais, RT and Chemo • Not all will manage d/c from active f/up. ?annual review, phone calls, GP • Will still get mammos/ trial f/up • Separate clinics for recon/FH info in MF files • At final review: Is d/c appropriate for this particular patient • Need agreement for easy,quick referral for new assessment • GP may feel at Cancer Review OPD that patient needs more individual in-put from us

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