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Junior Statistics

Michelle Dalrymple & Grant Ritchie Cashmere High School. Junior Statistics. Playing with toys. Sort your toys…. Introduction. Us, and our background Junior Statistics focus Plan We’ll speak for 1 hour- ish Share where we’re all at after that. Back to the toys. I notice… I wonder….

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Junior Statistics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Michelle Dalrymple & Grant Ritchie Cashmere High School Junior Statistics

  2. Playing with toys • Sort your toys…

  3. Introduction • Us, and our background • Junior Statistics focus • Plan • We’ll speak for 1 hour-ish • Share where we’re all at after that

  4. Back to the toys • I notice… • I wonder…

  5. Curriculum levels • Information has been collated from: • Curriculum AOs • Second tier information: student exemplars • http://nzmaths.co.nz/nzc-and-standards • Key ideas • http://www.nzmaths.co.nz/key-mathematical-ideas?parent_node

  6. CHS Emphasis Year 9 Year 10 • Playing with data • Introducing PPDAC • Asking good questions • Single distributions • Dot plots • Shape • Box plots • Summary stats (centre, spread) • Making the call

  7. Year 9  • Playing with data - toys

  8. Year 9  • Introducing PPDAC • Background article for teachers • “How Kids Learn – The Statistical Enquiry Cycle” • http://www.censusatschool.org.nz/resources/how-kids-learn/

  9. Year 9 • Census at school resources:

  10. Year 9 • Year 9 Data Cards

  11. Year 9 • Asking good questions • Posing questions L4

  12. Year 9 • Asking good questions • Posing questions L4

  13. Year 9 • Single distributions descriptions • Using data cards L4

  14. Year 9 data cards • Summary question: • I wonder what are typical heights for the year 9 students in this group?

  15. Year 9 • Single distributions descriptions • Data cards  dot plots • Analysis Tools L4 v3

  16. Year 9 • Dot plots  Shape • SHAPE ACTIVITIES sheet

  17. Quickly sketch the general shape of the distribution Sketching shapes

  18. Reflection: Seeing shape • What did you look for when catching a glimpse of the plot? • Are your plots similar to your neighbours?

  19. Describing shape • Choose one plot and with your neighbour discuss how your Year 9students would describe the shape • What sort of language would they use?

  20. Connecting shape and context • In pairs, match each context with its graph

  21. Contexts - variables graphed • Number of skips in 30 seconds • Birth month • Reaction time (secs) • Kiwi weight (kg) • Attendance (half days) • Foot length (cm) • Hours worked weekly • Household debt • Hair length (cm)

  22. Giving students statistical language for shapes Normal (Bell-curved) Symmetric Uniform Unimodal Bimodal Trimodal Skew Right, Positively Skewed, Long Upper Tail Skew Left, Negatively Skewed, Long Lower Tail Outliers, Extreme Values

  23. Engaging with shape • One of the keys for unlocking the story behind the data • Develops the skill of what to look at and what to look for • Using their imagination, they start to notice what is interesting, unusual or unexpected. What are the data trying to tell us?

  24. Shape resources… • http://www.censusatschool.org.nz/engaging-with-shape-3/

  25. CHS Emphasis Year 9 Year 10 • Playing with data • Introducing PPDAC • Asking good questions • Single distributions • Dot plots • Shape • Box plots • Summary stats (centre, spread) • Making the call

  26. Year 10 • http://www.censusatschool.org.nz/2009/teachers-day/ • A complete set of Year 10 lesson plans available that develop students informal inferential reasoning

  27. Teacher resource Year 10 – making the call

  28. Pip Arnold Session • Thursday 7th July 1.30 – 5.00pm • Watch plenary video before the day, found here: • http://www.censusatschool.org.nz/2010/videos/teachers-day.mov • Will cover • Making the call @ Year 10 • Making the call @ Year 11 (91035)

  29. Time series Year 9 Year 10 • Linking into what students have done at Primary • Growing plants etc • Emphasis on scales, comparisons, slope, intercepts • Activity using whole PPDAC • Reviewing others reports based on time series • Focus on comparisons • Current time series that students can relate to

  30. Bivariate data Year 9 Year 10 • Relationships fall naturally out of playing with data cards • C@S tasks including • Scatterit • The case of the missing cake • Are you a Masterpiece • Good opportunity to review Year 9 work and complete full PPDAC cycle • Leads into 91036 Bivariate data

  31. Statistical Literacy Year 9 Year 10 • Evaluating effectiveness of data displays and statements made by others Eg: Grant says that all girls seem to be quite fit • C@S Chocolicious • Evaluate statistical investigations undertaken by others including data collections methods, choice of measures, and validity of findings • Statistics court for extension students

  32. Links with useful information… Second tier information: http://nzmaths.co.nz/nzc-and-standards Key mathematical (and statistical) ideas: • http://www.nzmaths.co.nz/key-mathematical-ideas?parent_node Census at School • http://www.censusatschool.org.nz/ For the slides please email: • canterburymaths@gmail.com

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