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Take control of your future by taking challenging courses and gaining essential skills for the workplace. Earn college credits, explore career interests, and build your resume. Education really pays, with college grads earning significantly more than high school grads. Get ready for the new jobs of the future!
2015-2016 Junior yearyour future in your hands
Whether job or college bound You need to take a challenging course load.
Education and training beyond high school The ability to use knowledge of math, English, science, civics to meet real-world challenges. Critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, self-sufficiency. knowledge & skills needed in the workplace
New Jobs 2006-2016 Nearly 2/3 of new jobs will require postsecondary education or training Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2008, February). Occupational projections and training data: 2008-9 edition. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor. (p. 4, Table I-3)
Education pays from bureau of labor statistics Note: Data are for persons age 25 and over. Earnings are for full-time wage and salary workers. Source: Current Population Survey, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Education Really Pays What is the pay difference between high school grads v/s college grads? College grads earn $15,000 to $17,000 more per year or after 40 years of work $600,000 to $720,000 SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2012). The Condition of Education 2012 (NCES 2012–045), Table A-49-1.
Earn college credits Explore career interests Build your resume Earn certifications Make it relevant
Apprenticeships 50 Hoosier Hot Jobs Military Trip to College (Indiana) Occupational Outlook Handbook Indiana Career Explorer Big Future (CollegeBoard) Learn More Indiana: Career Ready Career & education Links
Diploma Requirements Kahoot quiz
If you take: You can match it with: Eng 11 US History Eng 11 H ACP US History AP Lang AP US History Ivy Tech US History Or you can choose seminar (if you like to work in groups) AP US History with AP Language and Comp English & US history
If you are in: General recommendations: Algebra I Geometry (728) Geometry Algebra II (710 or 711) Algebra II (710) Probability & Statistics, College Algebra IT 136* Algebra II (711) College Algebra IT136*, Pre Calculus, Finite Math*, Probability & Statistics Algebra II Pre CalcAcc Algebra II H Pre CalcH, AP Statistics Pre CalcCC Calc, AP Statistics Pre Calc ACP Calc, AP Calc, AP Stats Math
How many years of math are required on the Core 40 & Technical Honors? How many years for Academic Honors? How many years do colleges prefer? • 3 • 4 • 4 Core 40, Academic Honors, Technical Honors
ICP Earth Space Science, Oceanography Advanced Environmental Science Astronomy, Chemistry, PLTW Principles of Biomedical Sciences, PLTW Medical Interventions Chemistry Any of the above, Earth Space Science Honors, Physics, Chemistry II AP Env. Science, AP Chemistry, Anatomy, Advanced Life Sciences, Physics I H, ACP Biology Chemistry H Any of the above, AP Biology, AP Physics 1-C (963 & concurrent in Calculus) Note: Make sure you fulfill the prerequisites! Science
If a student has taken Biology & ICP, must she take Chemistry for Core 40 or Honors? • No. She can take any Core 40 science class for her 3rd year. Core 40, Academic Honors, Technical Honors
What diploma track do you need to get into a 2-year college? What diploma track do you need to get into a 4-year college? What are the GPA requirements for each diploma track? • Any diploma track. • Core 40, Academic Honors and/or Technical Honors. • Core 40: None* • Honors: 3.0
Advanced Placement (AP) Advanced College Project (ACP) Ivy Tech Dual Credit Courses Elkhart Area Career Center (EACC) Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Graphic Design year 2-4 Penn Accelerated College Program (Mrs. Ball) Several Agriculture courses College credit at your fingertips
Elkhart area career center info New Programs Diesel Service Technology Veterinary Assisting Creative Landscaping 1 Year Programs for Juniors CSI Firefighting Law Enforcement Open House Sunday, Jan 25 1:30-3:30
New electives Fine Arts Academy Entertainment Design—1 sem Students will be using art to create a “product” that theoretically could be used in the creation of films, games, and commercials. Prereq: Drawing I/II or 2D Art or 3D Art. Dance Choreography 3/4 versusAdvanced Dance 1/2(Audition required for Advanced Dance. No audition required for Dance Chor 3/4). Viva Voce This advanced-level choir is a group of 24 auditioned singers that also must be enrolled in Concert Choir and/or Women’s Chorale. This choir specializes in early/Renaissance music and contemporary music of living composers. HHS Academy Teen RX —1 semSome topics included are healthy living, positive dealings with stress, current teen health issues, human sexuality, drug education, mental and emotional health, appropriate social issues, disease prevention, society influences, and today’s lifestyle information and cautions. Pharmacology for Medical Careers (online, out of pocket cost)Students will engage in an on-line curriculum that includes tutorials, coaching, testing, remediation and support, all in preparation to become a board certified Pharmaceutical technician after successful completion of the course. Cost $299 ACP BiologyThis college-level course emphasizes how biology has both personal and global implications in human lives. It examines central themes of biology including biochemistry, genetics, evolution, ecology, and human physiology. Intro to American Law & Society Are you interested in a career in criminal justice, the legal field, or just want to be a more informed citizen? This course explores the rights and obligations of citizenship, the historical development of our system of law, our court structure and procedure, as well as civil and criminal law.
New electives STEM Academy Engineering Design & Development a course that specializes in modern design and engineering processes with a focus on creative problem solving in developing, testing, communicating and presenting post-evaluation of products. Students use the design process to analyze research, develop ideas, and produce products solutions. Architectural Design Areas of study include: lettering, sketching, proper use of equipment, geometric constructions with emphasis on orthographic (multi-view) drawings that are dimensioned and noted to ANSI standards. Welding Technology includes classroom and laboratory experiences that develop a variety of skills in oxy-fuel cutting and Shielded Metal Arc welding. This course is designed for individuals who intend to make a career as a Welder, Technician, Sales, Designer, Researcher or Engineer. Any Academy Chinese 4 Fundamentals of Economics This course taught through IPFW (E200) is an introductory economics course designed for non-business majors – a study of the basic institutions of a market economy and the role they play in defining and pursuing economic goals in the U.S. economy. Does count for required Econ credit.
Applications required • ACP Classes (if want college credit) • Adv. Child Development • AP Studio Art • Building Trades • Business Work Experience • Computer Support Internship • Elkhart Area Career Center • Journalism/Broadcast • Mass Media • Kingsmen Tutor Internship • Peer Leader • Robotics • Sports Journalism • Student Assistants • Sculpture IIIto VIII • Yearbook
Fill out the HAC Worksheet & have it signed by your parent/guardian. Return to B1 class by Friday, Jan 30. • Enter your course requests in HAC by Friday, January 30th. • Counselors will meet individually with students in February. Only with students that enter requests in HAC. Next steps: