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I nterregional Cooperation State of play and future perspectives SHARP final conference – 10 October 2012 Katja Ecke |

I nterregional Cooperation State of play and future perspectives SHARP final conference – 10 October 2012 Katja Ecke | Finance Officer Joint Technical Secretariat of INTERREG IVC programme. INTERREG IVC programme Reminder on the context State of play Achievements SHARP project

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I nterregional Cooperation State of play and future perspectives SHARP final conference – 10 October 2012 Katja Ecke |

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  1. Interregional Cooperation State of play and future perspectives SHARP final conference – 10 October 2012 Katja Ecke|Finance Officer Joint Technical Secretariat of INTERREG IVC programme

  2. INTERREG IVC programme Reminder on the context State of play Achievements SHARP project Future of interregional cooperation Summary

  3. INTERREG IVC programme context Eligible area:- EU 27- Switzerland & Norway ERDF funding: € 302 million

  4. INTERREG IVC programme context INTERREG IVC in a nutshell ‘Learning by sharing’ Local / regional authorities access the experience of others in Europe facing similar issues to improve their practices / policies in the fields of Innovation and the knowledge economy Environment and risk prevention

  5. INTERREG IVC – state of play Overview approved projects 204projects 2 274partners All funds committed Innovation & knowledge economy Environment & risk prevention

  6. INTERREG IVC – state of play Projects tackling ‘water management’ www.sigmaforwater.org www.sustain-eu.net http://www.watercore.eu/ http://www.seinemaritime.net/suports/ http://www.waterways-forward.eu/ http://www.aqua-add.eu/ http://www.trapproject.eu/ (under construction) http://lakeadmin.savonia.fi/

  7. INTERREG IVC achievements Results achieved (as of June 2011) 3,549staff members with increased capacity 90% of EU NUTS 2 regions covered 88‘spin-off activities’ Objective: EU wide exchange of experience / capacity building

  8. INTERREG IVC achievements Results achieved (as of June 2011) 3,549staff members with increased capacity 90% of EU NUTS 2 regions covered 88‘spin-off activities’ Objective: EU wide exchange of experience / capacity building Objective: Identification / sharing / transfer of good practices 2,835good practices identified 151successfully transferred Good practice database: www.interreg4c.eu/findGoodpractices.html

  9. INTERREG IVC achievements Results achieved (as of June 2011) 3,549staff members with increased capacity 90% of EU NUTS 2 regions covered 88‘spin-off activities’ Objective: EU wide exchange of experience / capacity building Objective: Identification / sharing / transfer of good practices 2,835good practices identified 151successfully transferred Overall objective: Improvement of regional and local policies 1,250policies addressed 118policies improved

  10. INTERREG IVC achievements Dredging sludge for shallowing lakes (NL)

  11. INTERREG IVC achievements Cavalairesurmer (FR) Signage informing of plastic degradation times Newcastle (UK)

  12. INTERREG IVC achievements

  13. INTERREG IVC achievements National Meteorological Administration (RO) Agro-monitoring network Emilia-Romagna (IT)

  14. SHARP project Over 20 good practices identified, some on their way to be transferred Unique topic in INTERREG IVC Geographically balanced partnership (all 4 programme zones represented) 2 new projects born from SHARP

  15. Future of European interregional cooperation Indicative time line EU2020 strategy March 2010 October 2011 draft regulation June 2012 INTERREG ‘5C’ Programming Committee set up adoption of legislative package & agreement on budget post 2013 End 2013 submission of the programme to the EC 1st half 2014 approval of the programme by the EC 2nd half 2014 launch of the 1st call?

  16. Future of European interregional cooperation Framework for the future: EU2020 strategy Draft regulation 2014-2020: 11 thematic objectives

  17. Future of European interregional cooperation Proposal for regulation concerning ETC 2014-2020incl. interregional cooperation • Link to EU cohesion policy to be reinforced “to enhancethe design and implementation of operational programmes under the Investment for growth and jobs goal” • Role to play in capacity building “institutional capacity & efficient public administration” (11ththematicobjectives) • Thematic scope in line with 11 thematic objectives

  18. Future of European interregional cooperation 2 scenarios currently discussed(not mutually exclusive) • Improved integrated programme (similar to INTERREG IVC) • INTERREG IVC philosophy kept • Improvements & simplification (e.g. 1 type of projects only) • Support programme to national / regional Operational Programmes under the ‘Investment for growth and jobs’ goal • More fundamental change (less bottom up) • ‘Service provider’ to Managing Authorities (similar to the Smart Specialisation Platform in Seville)

  19. Regions of Europe Sharing Solutions www.interreg4c.eu

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