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Smart Web Services: Enabling Context-Sensitive Interactions

Explore the future of web services with smart, context-sensitive interactions. Discover how spontaneous service federation, dynamic personalization, and context-based aggregation can revolutionize the way we access information and services. Overcome the hurdles of interoperability and privacy with a context framework and privacy mechanism.

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Smart Web Services: Enabling Context-Sensitive Interactions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. W3C Web Services Workshop Enabling Shared Context Anne Thomas Manes Director Market Innovation atm@sun.com

  2. User ExpectationsSimplicity, Access from Any* Network Web Services Network Services Services - - Read email Read email - - Get directions Get directions - - Order groceries Order groceries - - Schedule a meeting Schedule a meeting * Anyone, Anywhere, Any time, Any device

  3. The Service-Driven Network

  4. Web ServicesService Discovery

  5. Web ServicesStandards de Jour

  6. Future Expectations:Spontaneous Service Interaction

  7. Smart Web Services • Spontaneous federation of services • Dynamic personalization and customisation • Dynamic aggregation of services • Based on context: • Who, what, when, where, why

  8. Smart Web ServicesContext-Sensitive Services • Dynamic results based on • Identity, security, privacy, role, location, device, history, service level agreements... • Examples • Restaurant finder • Energy conservation policy • Shipment policy

  9. HurdlesInteroperability is Key • No standard way to represent • Identity, roles, preferences, history, etc. • No standard way to share or propagate this context across services • No standard way to define and enforce privacy policies for this information

  10. What We Need • Context framework: • XML vocabulary for identity • XML vocabulary for context • Framework to access and share info • Privacy framework: • Mechanism to set policies and enforce privacy on personal/private info

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