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Learn about nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, and fats vital for a healthy body. Discover how to keep your digestive system in good shape by consuming a variety of foods. Understand the importance of calories, macronutrients, and the role of vitamins, minerals, and water. Become familiar with the types and sources of proteins, their functions, and their impact on energy levels. Engage in group presentations to explore different nutrients in detail. Enhance your knowledge of essential amino acids and the significance of complete and incomplete proteins in your diet. Dive into the world of carbohydrates, including simple and complex forms, starches, and fiber to fuel your body efficiently.
Diet and Nutrition LEQ: How can I keep my digestive system healthy? How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Please Do Now: Turn and Tell your neighbor: What makes up the food we eat? What is found in food that keeps us healthy? What is in food that give your body energy to function properly? Nutrients How can I keep my digestive system healthy? How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Words to Know: Nutrient Calorie Macronutrients How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition A nutrient is a substance in food that is necessary for the normal growth and development of a healthy body. There are six nutrients needed for health: • Proteins • Carbohydrates • Fats • Vitamins • Minerals • Water We need to eat a variety of foods because no food contains all six! How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition The amount of energy produced by food is measured in calories. • A calorieis a unit of energy produced by food and used by the body. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition The Six Essential Nutrients: Calories are supplied by proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. • Because these nutrients supply energy (calories) they are often called macronutrients. • Vitamins, minerals, and water are necessary for healthy body function but do not supply calories to our diet. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Cooperative Learning Activity: Group Presentations Instructions: Each group will be assigned a specific nutrient. You will read the text and mark it as follows: F – function T – types S – sources I – important information Become an expert of your nutrient! Design a presentation to introduce the nutrient to the class. Presentations can take any shape or form but must include all the information on page 16 or 17. Computers will be available for your use. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Group Presentation Rubric
Diet and Nutrition Protein Proteinis a nutrient needed for growth, for building, repairing, and maintaining body tissues, and for supplying energy. • Proteins form part of every cell in the body. • Your skin, nails, and hair are mostly proteins. • Each gram of protein provides four calories of energy. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Types of proteins: A complete proteinis a protein that contains all of the essential amino acids. Most come from animal sources. • Amino acidsare the building blocks that make up proteins. Body needs 20 to function properly. It produces 11 on it’s own so 9 essential must come from the food we eat. • Sources: meat, fish, poultry, milk, yogurt, eggs, and soybeans How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Types of proteins: An incomplete proteinis a protein that does not contain all of the essential amino acids. • These proteins come from plants • Sources: • Grains (whole grains, pastas, and corn) • Legumes (dried beans, peas, and lentils) • Nuts and seeds • Different plant sources of incomplete proteins can be combined to obtain all of the essential amino acids. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Quick Check for Learning: Proteins: 1. What are the two types of protein? Complete and Incomplete • What type of protein comes from animal products and contains all the essential amino acids we need? Complete • How many amino acids does our body need for good health? Twenty How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Quick Check for Learning: Proteins: 4. How many does our body produce naturally? Eleven (the 9 essential must come from the food we eat) 5. What is the only plant food to contain all 9 essential amino acids? Soybeans How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Proteins: 6. What are the three general categories for incomplete proteins? Grains (whole grains, pastas, corn) Legumes (dried beans, peas, lentils) Nuts and seeds 7. Each gram of protein provides _______ calories of energy? 4 How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Summarizer: Think, Pair, Share Why do we need Protein? • To help us grow • To help us repair body tissues • To supply energy • To maintain strength • To help resist infection Compare and Contrast: What type of protein is healthier and why? How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Activating Strategy: Pair Share What are 3 foods that contain: Carbohydrates? How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Words to Know: Carbohydrates Simple Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates Starches Fiber How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Carbohydrates Carbohydratesare the main source of energy for the body and include sugars, starches, and fiber. • Supply four calories of energy per gram of food. • The body converts all carbohydrates into glucose or blood sugar, which our body can use for energy or store as fat. • The only exception to this is fiber, which cannot be digested into sugar molecules and therefore passes through the body. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Types of Carbohydrates: Simple carbohydrates- sugars that enter the bloodstream rapidly and provide quick energy. Sources: • Sugars- found naturally in fruits, honey, and milk. • Processed sugar (high fructose corn syrup) or tablesugar- added to many foods during processing (cakes, candy, and other sweet desserts). Also found in many other products including ketchup, spaghetti sauce, barbecue sauce, and soda. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Types of Carbohydrates: Complex carbohydrates(starches and fibers) • Starch- a food substance that is made and stored in most plants (provide long-lasting energy). • Fiber- the part of grains and plant foods that cannot be digested. • helps move food through the digestive system, prevents constipation and other intestinal problems. • reduces the risk of developing heart disease. Most of the calories in most people’s diets come form complex carbohydrates. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Types of Carbohydrates: Complex Carbohydrates: • Sources: foods which contain more nutrients and are higher in fiber. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, whole grains. • Some carbs are more starchy than fibrous. These include:rice, potatoes, peas, and corn. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition What happens to carbohydrates in the body: When you consume carbohydrates, the enzyme amylase converts them into glucose, the primary fuel that the body uses to power all cellular activity. The heart, brain, kidneys and muscles all need carbohydrates to function. Excess carbohydrates can be stored in the liver and muscles for later use after being converted into glycogen. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Carbohydrates: 1. What are the two types of carbohydrates? Simple and Complex 2. Simple carbs are ______________? Sugars 3. Complex carbs are __________ and __________? starches and fibers How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Carbohydrates: 4. One gram of carbohydrate provides _______ calories of energy? 4 5. Excess carbs are stored as __________? fat How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Carbohydrates: 6. What complex carbohydrate is part of grains and plant foods and helps move food through the digestive system and has also proven to reduce the risk of heart disease? Fiber How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Summarizer: Think, Pair, Share Why do we need: Carbohydrates? • To supply energy • To help move food through the digestive system • To lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease Compare and Contrast: Based on the information provided, which type of carbohydrate is healthier for you and why?
Diet and Nutrition Activator: There are numerous types of fat. In fact, your body makes it’s own fat from taking in excess calories. Other types of fats are found in foods that are derived from plants and animals. Fat is actually essential to your health because it supports a number of your body’s functions. Turn and tell your neighbor one type of: Fat How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Words to Know: Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Unsaturated Fat Trans fat How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition FAT Fat is a nutrient that provides energy and helps the body store and use vitamins. • Fats contribute to the taste and texture of many foods. • Fats store and transport fat-soluble vitamins. These vitamins dissolve in fat and can be stored in the body. Examples: vitamins A, D, E, and K. • One gram of fat supplies nine calories of energy. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Types of fats: Saturated fatis a type of fat from dairy products, solid vegetable fat, and meat and poultry. • Sources: animal products (usually in solid form when at room temperature) can be seen in beef fat, pork fat, shortening, butter, cheese, sausage, bacon, hot dogs, ribs. • It contributes to the level of blood cholesterol and LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels in a person’s bloodwhich can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. • Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that’s found in all cells of the body and found in foods of animal origin. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Types of fat: Unsaturated fatis obtained from plant products and fish. • The two types of unsaturated fat are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats • Sources: olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, and corn oil(liquid at room temperature) • Studies show that eating foods rich in monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats improves the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Which can decrease your risk of heart disease. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Types of Fats: • Trans fats (partially hydrogenated) made by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil. This process is used in the manufacturing of foods to help them stay fresher longer. • This type of fat raises your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and lowers your “good” cholesterol (HDL). It is considered by many doctors to be the worst type of fat. • Found in margarines, snack foods and prepared desserts such as cookies and cakes. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Fats: 1. What are three different types of fat? Saturated Fat, Unsaturated Fat, and Trans Fat 2. Saturated fat is found in _________________? Animal products 3. What is cholesterol? A fatlike substance made by the body and found in foods of animal origin (LDL). A person’s blood cholesterol level can be lowered by eating fewer saturated fats. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Fats: 4. What are the two types of cholesterol? HDL (high density lipoproteins) “good cholesterol” LDL (low density lipoproteins) “bad cholesterol” 5. Unsaturated fats are found in _____________? Plant products and fish (eating foods high in unsaturated fats improves HDL cholesterol in the blood) 6. What is the worst type of fat for our bodies? Trans fat (partially hydrogenated vegetable oil) used to increase the shelf-life of baked goods. It lowers HDL levels and raises LDL levels. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Fats: 7. Fat is a macronutrient, one gram provides how many calories of energy? 9 (more than twice the amount of energy received from proteins and carbs) 8. What are the fat soluble vitamins? A, D, E, and K How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Why You Should Eat: Fat Like carbohydrates and protein, fat is an essential nutrient. This means that your body requires it for key functions, such as absorbing the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fat is also an important energy source and is vital for keeping your skin and hair healthy and smooth. Research also shows that eating the right fats can actually lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, and improve your cholesterol levels. That's because all fats are not created equal. It's not the total amount of fat in your diet that affects how much you weigh or whether you're at risk for heart disease, according to rigorous studies from the past decade. What matters is the type of fats you choose (and, when it comes to dropping pounds, the total number of calories you eat). Here's a breakdown: How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Summarizer: Think, Pair, Share Why do we need fats in our diet? • They absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. • They are an important source of energy. • Eating the right fats can actually lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, and improve your cholesterol levels. Compare and contrast the three types of fat, which one is healthiest? Which one is the worst possible type of fat to eat? How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition What are processed foods? Processed foods have been altered from their natural state either for safety reasons or because it makes them easier to store or easier to use. We usually think of processed foods as being bad. In truth, many of them are -- but some types of processed foods are good for you. Let’s take a look:
Diet and Nutrition Good Processed Foods: Milk is a processed food because it's pasteurized to kill bacteria and homogenized to keep fats from separating. Low- and non-fat milk are good for most people who can digest the lactose (milk sugar).
Diet and Nutrition Good Processed Foods: Breakfast cereals are processed foods that can be good for you when they're made with 100-percent whole grain and fortified with additional nutrients. Unfortunately, many breakfast cereals are made with too much sugar, and they're low in fiber. Read the nutrition label on the package, it will help you decide if the breakfast cereal is good or not.
Diet and Nutrition Good Processed Foods: Frozen foods are processed foods too. The best frozen foods are vegetables and fruits that don't contain any sauce, sugar or syrup. Freezing preserves most vitamins and minerals and makes the food convenient to store, cook and eat all year round.
Diet and Nutrition Good Processed Foods: • Fruit and vegetable juices are beneficial -- most of the time -- but look out for the brands with added sugars or that are high in sodium. Some juices, like certain brands of orange juice, are fortified with calcium, which makes them even better.
Diet and Nutrition Good Processed Foods: • Oatmeal, frozen fish and seafood (not fish stick or breaded varieties), canned salmon and tuna are healthful. • Dried fruits, roasted nuts and seeds, and 100-percent whole grain bread are also examples of processed foods that are good for you.
Diet and Nutrition Activating Strategy: Think, Pair, Share List 3 things that you know about vitamins and minerals. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Words to Know: Vitamins Vitamin supplement Antioxidant How can I keep my digestive system healthy?
Diet and Nutrition Vitamins Vitaminsare nutrients that help the body use carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. There are two types of vitamins: • Fat-soluble vitamins (stored primarily in the liver). Examples: Vitamins A, D, E, K. • Water-soluble vitaminis a vitamin that dissolves in water and cannot be stored in the body. Examples are B complex and Vitamin C. How can I keep my digestive system healthy?