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Join 6 teams as they race around Athens, completing grueling challenges for the ultimate prize. Work together, complete tasks, and reach the pit stop first to win!
THE AMAZING RACE ATHENS Democracy in Ancient Greece
Welcome to the AMAZING RACE • Today is the start of an epic adventure for 6 teams as they complete grueling challenges while they race around Athens for the ultimate prize and bragging rights! • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNEYUEM9Gog&feature=youtube_gdata_player
RULES OF THE GAME • All teams are expected to work together to complete all of the challenges • Each member must complete each task • Upon completion teams must arrive at the pit stop together • The first team to successfully complete the challenge and reach the pit stop will receive a special prize or bonus
THE TEAMS • You will be sitting in groups with your team • You must work together to complete all challenges so make sure that each member is doing their part • Each team will have a leader who will be responsible for the entire team
RACE PREPARATION • Each member of your team will need a duotang to keep track of your challenges throughout the race • Each team member will need a map so that you do not get lost on your way to the finish line • Next each member will receive a role card. These cards will be used in organization and challenges.
RACE PREPARATION TASK • In your teams complete the form • What do you already know, what do you want to know, and what do you think is coming up? • Your team must also come up with a team name using the information package provided • Don’t forget to include the meaning of your team name ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO!!
Classroom Expectations During the Race • NOISE LEVEL • Inside, low level speaking voices should be used when speaking in groups • Remember you might not want to give your ideas away to other teams... • If I can hear you across the room you are TOO loud • Bonus stickers will be given to teams who are working effectively and quietly together • Likewise...stickers may be taken away • So what does effective group work look like...
Effective Group Work • Working in groups is not always easy, so how do we work together effectively to make group work the best experience possible? • In your teams take 10 minutes to brainstorm 10 guidelines or examples of how to work well together in groups • Team leaders please write these down
10 Minute Timer 10 minutes End
Pre-Race Knowledge • What do you already know about Athens and Ancient Greece? • Let’s brainstorm as a class...I bet you know more than you think! • What do you want to learn more about on your journey around Greece?
Living in Ancient Greece • Each team member needs to answer the 5 true/false questions of the pre-test • While watching the video answer the true/false questions of the video quiz • www.discoveryeducation.ca
Pre-Challenge Knowledge • You are about to embark on your first challenge as a team but first you will need some important facts to help you complete the challenge and become the winners of this leg of the race!!
Mapping Skills • Title: A brief description of the purpose of the map. • Legend: A list of symbols or colors on the map with an explanation of what each one means. • Compass Rose: A drawing that shows the cardinal directions (north, east, south, west). Sometimes a directional arrow is used. Intercardinal directions lie between the cardinal directions (NE, SE, NW, SW) • Scale: A measure that compares distance on the map to actual distances on the ground.
CHALLENGE #1: Historical Map • All members of your team must work together to complete this task • In order to check in at the pit stop all members must have completed the challenge correctly • Bonus stickers will be given out for teams who are on task and working quietly together • TEAMWORK IS KEY
PRE-CHALLENGE KNOWLEDGE • You have successfully made it through the first leg of race. You are about to embark on your second challenge as a team but first you will need some important facts to help you complete the challenge and become the winners of this leg of the race!!
Chronological Thinking • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZbkgWdHlz4
CHALLEGE # 2: Timelines • For this challenge each member of your team must complete an individual timeline of your life. Each member’s timeline will be different. In order to move on to the next challenge your team must first complete this challenge. • Follow the instructions on your challenge sheet and watch out for the road block!!
CHALLENGE #3 • Congratulations Amazing Race Teams! You have made it through 2 difficult challenges so far but be prepared they are going to get even more challenging! • For today’s challenge there is no pre-race knowledge but instead you will have to seek out the information as a team • Today you will learn about your roles in ancient Greek society
Challenge #3: Who’s Who • The Rules: • As a team you must use pages 60-64 in your textbook to fill in your who’s who chart • Each member must accurately complete the chart to check in at the pit stop • If you are sent away 3x you must complete a road block challenge (accuracy is key!) • Work together to complete this challenge • SEE YOU AT THE PIT STOP
WHAT’S NEXT... • After your team has successfully checked in at the pit stop you may work on completing the Ancient Athens crossword or finish your title pages • Don’t forget your team can earn bonus stickers by working quietly and being on task (likewise stickers may be taken away!)
Slaves • Description • Men, women and children that were owned by others, and could be bought or sold • Their jobs and value depended on their education, skills, age and strength • Government • Could NOT vote, own land, or make decisions about their owner, work or location (had NO influence) • Interesting Facts • Often captured in wars
Children • Description • Boys and girls had different responsibilities based on gender and class. • They were trained and prepared for these responsibilities • Government • Could NOT vote and had NO influence • Interesting Facts • Boys who were not slaves could go to school and had military training • Girls were expected to stay home and learn household skills
Male Citizens • Description • Free men who were born in Athens to an Athenian-born mother and father • Only men • Government • Expected to participate in government • Could vote • Interesting Facts • Only men could be citizens • Send sons to school and own property
Male Metics • Description • Foreigners living in Athens • Expected to perform military service • Government • Could NOT vote or participate in government • Could influence citizens • Interesting Facts • Needed a citizen to sponsor them or they could be enslaved
Athenian Born Women • Description • Born in Athens to an Athenian-born mother and father • Government • Could NOT vote or participate in government • Could influence citizens • Interesting Facts • Could own property • Had very little independence
Female Metics • Description • Foreigners living in Athens • Government • Could NOT vote or participate in government • Could influence citizens • Interesting Facts • Had very little independence
Rest Day... • Your teams have worked so hard throughout the last 3 challenges that today you will have a break from challenges to gear up for the upcoming grueling challenges!
Fracking Update • http://lethbridgeherald.com/news/local-news/2014/03/24/energy-fight-to-be-detailed/
Event Tonight at the University http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIkqqYkjuDM
The Agora • http://www.ancient.eu.com/agora/ • The heart of ancient Athens • Agora = market • Stalls to sell goods (kiosks) • Often women and children were involved • People of all types and classes shopped and bargained, and exchanged news and opinions • Very near to political buildings • Many met to discuss Athenian politics
Critical Thinking • What opportunities might the Agora have offered people who didn’t have a direct role in government, such as Metics and women? Why was the Agora important to the democracy of ancient Athens? • Write a diary entry from the point of view of a Citizen, Metic, woman or child living in ancient Athens who has just returned from an exciting day at the Agora.
REVIEW • Lets see how much you’ve learned along the race so far... • Silently stand in a circle, if you talk you are eliminated...if you get a question wrong you have one chance to be saved by a member of your team or you are eliminated
Who has the vote? • Athens is known as a democracy, but the Athenian notion of democracy was quite different from ours. • Lets take a look at how democracy worked in ancient Athens...
Complete the road block with your team to continue on to the next challenge • Teams who fail to complete the road block MAY be eliminated
Now What? • In your teams start brainstorming what the hierarchal order might have been of the people in ancient Athens? (who was at the top? Who was at the bottom?) ps. This will give you a head start for tomorrow’s challenge • Then... You can work on your title pages or word searches
Are You Ready?! I hope you are rested up because you are about to embark on your Challenge #4
Challenge #4: Tower of Power • I hope you’ve been paying attention because you will have to use the information that you have learned so far to complete this challenge. • Once you have completed the challenge raise your hands so I can come to you instead of checking in at the pit stop
Tower of Power Presentations • Your team will have 10 minutes to discuss your hieratical tower. • You must present: • 1. The order of you tower (this is your opportunity to make changes) • 2. An explanation for each group’s place within your tower
10 Minute Discussion Time • Your presentation is how your team will score points and win this challenge so please ensure that you have an excellent presentation! • Use your time wisely! 10 minutes End
Scoring Points • Your team will score points in the following categories: • CORRECT ORDER – 5 points • EXCEPTIONAL EXPLANATION – 5 points • POOR AUDIENCE ETTIQUITE – Negative points
O for Ownership and Organization! • In your duotang you should have: • Amazing Race Map • What do you know sheet • Historical Map • Mapping skills vocabulary • Living in Ancient Greece movie sheet • Timeline Challenge • Who’s Who sheet • Cloze Challenge • Tower of power notes • Class Hierarchy notes
Pre-Challenge Knowledge • Can you believe there are only 2 challenges and one roadblock left!! • Today we need to get some pre-challenge knowledge in order to succeed in the upcoming challenges
The Bouleterion • Let’s read pages 66-67 together as a class • Boule (boo-lee) • The council of ancient Athens • 500 members who were chosen each year in a draw from the citizens of Athens • Made decisions about day-to-day affairs (i.e. Taxes) • Also decided what questions required a vote of all citizens (The Assembly) • Members of the Boule were paid
The Bouleterion • Bouleterian (boo-li-teer-ee-on) • The building where the Boule met • Pnyx Hill • Pynx means “tightly packed together” • Assembly met here • Met almost every week • Men over 50 spoke first • Speeches were timed and citizens voted by raising hands
Extension Questions • How did democracy affect every person living in ancient Athens? • How could non-citizens try to influence decisions even though they were not allowed to vote?
Bouleterion Fast Facts • Members of the Boule were chosen in a draw (like a lottery) • The Boule had 500 members • All citizens over the age of 30 whose name was drawn must comply • Names of citizens were written on lead discs • Lead discs were drawn • If your name was drawn you were a member of the Boule for one year
Challenge #5: We’re going to war!...or are we? • For this challenge we will need to begin by drawing the members of the Boule • In order to do this you must all create your coins