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A systematic revision of the genus Manekia (Piperaceae). Heather Schubert. Outline. (Bornstein). Introduction of Piperaceae Taxonomic history of Piperaceae Introduction of Manekia Materials and methods Results Discussion. Piper obliquum. Piperaceae ( Agardh ). Pantropical family
A systematic revision of the genus Manekia (Piperaceae) Heather Schubert
Outline (Bornstein) • Introduction of Piperaceae • Taxonomic history of Piperaceae • Introduction of Manekia • Materials and methods • Results • Discussion Piper obliquum
Piperaceae (Agardh) • Pantropical family • Consists of 5 genera • 2,400-3,600 species (Callejas 2001; Bornstein 2005; Wanke et al. 2007; Smith et al. 2008) • Largest genera Peperomia and Piper
Piperaceae (Bornstein) • Aromatic • Perennial • Shrubs, trees or vines (pipers) • Herbs (peperomias) • Leaves • Alternate, opposite, whorled or basal • Sessile or petiolate P. arboretum
Piperaceae • Inflorescence • Spicate or racemose • Terminal or leaf-opposed (Bornstein) P. arboreum (Bornstein)
Piperaceae (Bornstein) • Flower • Small, perfect (Neotropical) or imperfect (Old World tropics), lack a perianth • Subtended by a glabrous to pubescent bract • Unilocular ovary with single, basal ovule • Fruit • drupe P. abalienatum
(Bornstein) (Bornstein) P. schiedeanum P. pseudofuligineum
(Bornstein) P. arboreum
P. arboreum (Bornstein)
Piper nigrum • Black pepper • Spice/seasoning (Bornstein)
Piper betle • “Betle leaf” chewed with the areca nut • Used as herbal medicine and for narcotic properties (Bornstein)
The Problem in Piperaceae • Circumscription • Large number of described species • Based on characters of questionable taxonomic value, or fragmented material lacking flowers • Based on occurrence in a distinct political distributional unit
Circumscription in Piper • Several generic segregates established (Kunth 1839; Miquel 1843-33) • Reduced to synonymy or recognized at sectional level (C. de Candolle 1869) • Additional genera created (Trelease and Yuncker 1950; Yuncker 1958) • Phylogenetic analysis confirmed Manekia generic status (Jaramillo et al. 2004)
Circumscription: ManekiavsSarcorhachis • Sarcorhachis and Manekia recognized (Trelease 1927) • Placed in tribe Pothomorpheae • Single species of Manekia, M. urbanii • Haiti • Six species and two varieties of Sarcorhachis (Steyermark 1971) • Costa Rica to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Brasil and the Lesser Antilles
Sarcorhachis and Manekia • Shared a multitude of features • Taxonomic synonyms (Bornstein 1996) • Principle III of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature • Earlier name deserves priority • Bornstein (1996) proposed conserving the name Sarcorhachis • Arias et al. (2006) provided most new name combinations
Manekia • Scandent habit • Alternate, palmately veined leaves • Petiole vaginate • Spikes usually axillary, occasionally terminal (solitary or paired) • Stamens 4 • Stigmas 3-5 • Fruits laterally compressed and immersed in fleshy rachis • Rachis pubescent
M. urbanii M. incurva M. venezuelana M. naranjoana M. sydowii M. obtusa (http://images.search.yahoo.com/central and southamerica)
Systematic revision of Manekia • Morphological study • Examination of type specimens and other herbarium material • Molecular investigation • Examined three DNA regions • Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) • psbj-petAintergenicintron • rpl32 spacer • Phylogenetic analysis pending
ITS = a piece of non-functional RNA situated between structural ribosomal RNAs (rRNA) http://www.google.com/images
Circular structure of the chloroplast genome of Loliumperenne Diekmann, K. et al. DNA Res 2009 0:dsp008v1-8; doi:10.1093/dnares/dsp008
Herbarium Materials • A, BM, C, ILL, F, G, GH, K, MO, NY, P, RB, US and WIS • Destructive sampling • MO, NY, US • Collected after 1980 • Wide distribution
Morphological Characteristics Vegetative Reproductive Inflorescence/Infructescence Position Rachis Bract Stamen position Anther Carpel Stigma Fruit • Leaf • Shape • Base • Apex • Venation • Pubescence • Texture/Color • Stipule • Prophyll • Stem
Morphological Measurements • Internode length • Prophyll length • Leaf blade length and width • Petiole length • Petiole vagination distance • Inflorescence/ Infructescence length • Peduncle length • Anther length • Fruit length
Manekia naranjoana Petiole vagination
Methods: Extraction and amplification • QuiagenDneasy extraction kit • PCR/Amplification • ITS • psbj-petA • rpl32 • Amplifications run in MJ Research programmable thermal cyclers PTC-100-60 and PTC-100-96
Methods: PCR and cloning • Visually verified PCR products on 0.7% agarose gels • Gel purification using Millipore Montage DNA Gel Extraction kit • Cloned using a Promega PGEM T-easy cloning kit
Methods: Sequencing • Li-CorLongreadIR 4200 automated sequencer • Verified with BLAST searches • Edited using Geneious Pro 4.7.6 • Aligned using CLUSTAL 2.0.12 • Submitted to Genbank upon publication
Statistical and Phylogenetic Analyses • Canonical Discriminant Analysis • Maximum Likelihood Phylogenetic Analysis with Bootstrap values (Bornstein) P. friedrichsthalii
7 main veins 5 main veins Petiole vagination stops prior to blade Bract partly ciliate Petiole vagination extends onto blade Bract ciliate
Leaf base obtuse, deltoid, oblique 5 or 9 main veins Leaf base cordate 7 main veins 5 main veins 7 main veins
naranjoana (Costa Rica) 67 sydowii (Peru) rpl32 spacer 550 nucleotides sydowii (Peru) sydowii (Peru) sydowii (Colombia) 92 sydowii(Ecuador) naranjoana (Panama) 52 venezuelana (Venezuela) naranjoana (Costa Rica) 86 venezuelana (Venezuela) sydowii (Peru) sydowii (Peru) venezuelana (Venezuela) incurva (Dominica) 100 incurva (Dominica) obtusa (Brasil) 69 obtusa (Brasil) 100 naranjoana (Panama) 75 0.5 substitutions/site sydowii (Peru) sydowii (Colombia) naranjoana (Costa Rica) obtusa (Brasil) obtusa (Brasil) naranjoana (Costa Rica)
Discussion • 4 distinct taxa • M. incurva • M. obtusa • M. urbanii • M. naranjoana • Basionym: Piper naranjoanum C. DC., Linnaea 37: 363. 1872. • Basionym:Sarcorhachis sydowiiTrel., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 48: 16. 1940. • Basionym: SarcorhachisvenezuelanaSteyermark, Pittiera 3: 33. 1971.
Discussion • Better resolution • Use ITS, psbj-petAand rpl32 individually and combined • M. venezuelana- morphological analysis • M. urbanii– genetic analysis • Future Studies • Establish phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships between Manekia and Zippelia
Acknowledgements I thank Southeast Missouri State University for allowing me to conduct this research. I acknowledge Dr. Allan J. Bornstein and Dr. James F. Smith for obtaining specimens. I extend thanks to Boise State University (BSU), especially Dr. James F. Smith, for allowing me to use the necessary equipment and teaching me the techniques needed for this study. Also, I thank Dr. Michael S. Taylor for allowing me to use the necessary equipment in his lab. I thank Dr. Bornstein, Dr. Smith and Dr. Taylor for comments and discussions; Dr. John S. Scheibe for assistance with statistical analyses; my committee members, Dr. Bornstein, Dr. Taylor and Dr. Michael Aide, for assistance and encouragement throughout this study; and Jay Zimmers from BSU for helping with molecular work. This study was funded by the College of Graduate Studies, the College of Science and Mathematics, the Department of Biology, Dr. Allan J. Bornstein, Dr. Michael S. Taylor, and Dr. James F. Smith (BSU).
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Questions? (Bornstein) P. bredemeyeri