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Switzerland. By Ryan Siegel. Early Development. Bonaparte helped bring around birth of Switzerland in early 1800s Act of Mediation, helped set up federalism After fall of Napoleon, Swiss were asked to draft their own Constitution. Switzerland recognized as a nation on March 20, 1815

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  1. Switzerland By Ryan Siegel

  2. Early Development • Bonaparte helped bring around birth of Switzerland in early 1800s • Act of Mediation, helped set up federalism • After fall of Napoleon, Swiss were asked to draft their own Constitution. • Switzerland recognized as a nation on March 20, 1815 • The Cantons were to essentially be strong sovereign states

  3. Civil War • From 1830-1833, 10 cantons underwent significant change towards a more democratic system of government. • In 1834 tensions mounted between Liberal Cantons and Catholic Cantons • The Catholic Cantons broke off into what would be dubbed the Sonderbund • In 1847, when the Sonderbund refused to dissolve, Civil war broke out

  4. New Constitution • After the civil war it became obvious to the Swiss that a stronger central government needed to be created in order to keep peace and neutrality • 1848 entailed the creation of a new Constitution (minor adjustments were made in 1874 which lead to the right of referendum, in 1891 right of initiative, and in 1999 to basically update the constitution) • Helped Unite Switzerland • Dispelled some economic problems

  5. Neutrality • Swiss neutrality has contributed to improvements in the well-being of the nation • Use of Swiss soldiers as mercenaries outlawed • It is illegal for Swiss soldiers to enlist with a foreign nation • Swiss still modernize army however • Neutrality has led to organizations such as the Red Cross to be stationed in Geneva • Geneva convention held in Switzerland • By the 1970s over 150 international organizations were located in Switzerland

  6. Government Structure • Federal Republic • 23 Cantons • Executive Branch, Legislative branch, Judicial Branch • Highly democratic

  7. Executive Branch • 7 members • Act as one person • Elected by Legislature • 1 member elected president André Bugnon

  8. Legislative Branch • Called the Federal Assembly • Composed of two houses • Council of States • National Council

  9. Political Parties • Many political parties, but four mostly control political power • Christian Democrat People’s Party, Radical Democrats, Social Democrat, and Swiss People’s Party • Similar to United States two party representation • Power distributed through the parties by the parties

  10. Cantonal and Local Government • 20 cantons, 6 “half” cantons • Landsgemeinde • Open-air meetings

  11. Powers of Central Government • Matters of war, peace, treaties, army regulations • Allocation of resources • Public works • Public communications • Swiss National Bank • Printing of Money • Regulating weights and measures • Hold a monopoly over the sale of gunpowder and alcohol

  12. Powers of Cantons • Control over education • Health • Sanitation • Control police force • Direct courts lower than federal court

  13. Municipalities • 2,740 in Switzerland • Deal in services assigned by Cantons • The mayor and the town meetings that occur form the main body of local government

  14. Judicial Branch • Although called Judicial Branch power is limited when compared to U.S. Judicial Branch • Federal Court is highest court, stationed in Lausanne • No Judicial Review, instead referendums are used • Serves more as court of appeals and other special trials

  15. Referendums and Initiatives • Referendums allow people to put into question laws passed by legislature • Initiatives gives people right to vote on issues set forth by the people

  16. Women’s Suffrage • Women’s rights were slow moving in Switzerland as exemplified by the lack of women’s suffrage • by 1960s and early 1970s progress started to be made • 1990 all women could vote in any elections

  17. Similarities to U.S. • Elected body of officials • Two house legislature • Executive Branch • Spread of Power • Democratic • Powers of national legislature

  18. Differences • Open-air meetings • Weaker Judicial Branch • Multiple members compose Executive branch • Referendums and Initiatives • Different Branches do no exercise checks and balances as extensively as United States

  19. Bibliography • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Ingres%2C_Napoleon_on_his_Imperial_throne.jpg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/Sonderbund.png • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Curia_Confoederationis_Heleticae_-_Swiss_parliament_and_government.jpg • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:BlankMap-Switzerland.png • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Schweizer_Gemeinden.gif • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Bundesverwaltungsgericht_Bern.jpg • http://www.electionguide.org/images/flags/switzerland.gif • http://importance.corante.com/archives/Flag_of_the_United_States.png

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