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Enlargement and Enhanced Engagement: the impact on OECDs trade statistics

Enlargement and Enhanced Engagement: the impact on OECDs trade statistics. Agenda Item 3 b. Andreas Lindner Head, Trade and Globalisation Statistics. …, STD/SES/TAGS; 1 st WPTGS Meeting 22.-24.09.2008, Paris. Introduction.

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Enlargement and Enhanced Engagement: the impact on OECDs trade statistics

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  1. Enlargement and Enhanced Engagement: the impact on OECDs trade statistics Agenda Item 3 b Andreas Lindner Head, Trade and Globalisation Statistics …, STD/SES/TAGS; 1stWPTGS Meeting 22.-24.09.2008, Paris

  2. Introduction • Heiligendamm Process (G8 2007 mandate) for OECD to act as hub for globalization analysis and advise G8 • Horizontal activity at OECD with central guidance from the Cabinet of the SG • The 5 enlargement countries will allow more global coverage of OECD per se • Increasing inclusion of the additional 5 Enhanced Engagement countries are prerequisite for global analysis carried out by OECD

  3. Enlargement • Structured approach with coordination for statistics to ensure synergies and avoid overlap • STD has a statistical coordination group, headed by Tim Davis • Each OECD activity manager will contact accession countries and also tie closer relations with enhanced engagement countries

  4. Statistical Mandate • The Chief Statisticians of the candidate countries have asked that the OECD organise its reviews in a coordinated way within the OECD and within the countries themselves. • All candidate countries have named a central contact person to deal with the OECD on statistical reviews and these individuals will also help to coordinate communications with relevant officials outside the NSOs. • The Committee on Statistics has been assigned an overall coordination role and the Statistics Directorate has put a coordination team in place to assist the process.

  5. Statistical requirements • One of the tools that will be used to facilitate coordination is the Statistical Requirements Paper which includes. • Topics to be covered in the OECD statistical assessments; • Detailed statistical items on which countries are required to report; • Method of collection used by the OECD (i.e. questionnaire or other vehicle); • Relevant concepts and standards or other metadata; • The specific experts or reviewers involved within the OECD; • The names and details about any outside consultants or peer reviewers involved; • The schedule and process to be followed for each subject area; and, • Plans for missions, meetings and other logistical arrangements

  6. List of STD statistics covered: • STD Activities and Topics • 1. Coordination, Accession Country Statistics (CACS) • 2. Review of Legal and Institutional Framework for Statistics • 3. Classifications • 4. National Accounts, including: • (i) Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) • (ii) Productivity • 5. Financial Statistics • 6. Business Statistics • 7. International Trade in Goods and Services • 8. Annual Labour Force Survey (ALFS) • 9. Main Economic Indicators (MEI) • 9.1. MEI-Production & Demand • 9.2. MEI-Business Tendency Surveys & Composite Leading Indicators • 9.3. MEI-Employment • 9.4. MEI-Labour compensation • 9.5. Prices • 9.6. MEI-Short-term financial statistics • 9.7. Balance of payments

  7. Enhanced Engagement countries • While accession countries are considered near future OECD countries… • Enhanced Engagement countries are hoped to become future members • The mechanisms in place are different for these two groups, • But OECD is putting in place closer ties in many areas ( of which statistics is one) with Enhanced Engagement countries

  8. So we have a 30 + 5 = 5 country constellation. What does this mean for GDP coverage?

  9. …Dynamic, growing economies

  10. And for trade? OECD lost by -7%, while AC’s increased their share by+1%, and EEC’s by +4%

  11. AC’s and EEC’s are more dynamic trading countries than the 30 OECD countries Export growth G+S 2000-2006 Import growth G+S 2000-2006

  12. Thank you! Andreas.lindner@oecd.org

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