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Voice onset time (VOT) 塞音起嗓時機

Voice onset time (VOT) 塞音起嗓時機. 某一子音 從 阻礙 消除的 一刻到聲帶開始震動, 中間所 經過的時間 。 http://dict.youdao.com/search?le=eng&q=bk%3AVOT&keyfrom=dict.index. Voiced stop: 1. Voicing throughout the closure, the release, and the vowel. Voiceless stop - unaspirated stop:

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Voice onset time (VOT) 塞音起嗓時機

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  1. Voice onset time (VOT)塞音起嗓時機 某一子音從阻礙消除的一刻到聲帶開始震動,中間所經過的時間。 http://dict.youdao.com/search?le=eng&q=bk%3AVOT&keyfrom=dict.index

  2. Voiced stop: 1. Voicing throughout the closure, the release, and the vowel. Voiceless stop - unaspirated stop: 2. No voicing vibrations during the closure. 3. The voicing starts very shortly after the closure. Voiceless stop - aspirated stop: 4. The vocal folds are apart during the stop closure and the glottis is still open at the moment of the release of the stop closure. 5. Languages vary in the VOT they use for aspirated stops. The greater the opening of the vocal folds during a stop, the longer the amount of the following aspiration. 1 Negative VOT : about 130 ms 2 3 VOT : less than 20 ms 4 4 VOT : about 50 ms 5 VOT : about 150 ms

  3. Voiced stop: 濁塞音的出奇之處在於它擁有小於0的VOT值,VOT的負值意味著,聲帶在阻礙消除之前就開始了震動。術語”完全濁塞音”是指聲帶恰好在阻塞剛剛形成的一剎那開始震動,而”不完全濁塞音”則是指在阻塞保持階段中的某一時刻聲帶開始震動。 Unaspirated stop: 單純的不送氣的無聲塞音(全清音),其VOT長度等於或近似於零,也就是說幾乎在阻礙消除的同時,後接的響音(比如母音)即開始發音。 Aspirated stop: 後接響音的送氣塞音,其VOT比全清音的要長,稱作爆破VOT。爆破VOT的長度是衡量送氣程度的實用指標:VOT越長,送氣就越強。 送氣塞音的VOT在不同語言的程度也會不同。 Negative VOT : about 130 ms VOT : less than 20 ms VOT : about 50 ms VOT : about 150 ms

  4. Most aspirated (positive VOT) Most voiced (negative VOT) Navajo比較特別的是頌氣音的VOT值很高 Navajo這個語言沒有雙唇音,不然其他出現在這個圖表的語言都是雙唇音

  5. Most aspirated (positive VOT) Most voiced (negative VOT) 英語的/p/如果在字首,VOT值約在50-60ms, /b/如果在字首,VOT值約在10ms, 但如果是/s+p/,則p的音會比較像b 的音

  6. 英文的stop consonants(b, d, g & p, t, k)在母音前後,會出現變化。 • /b, d, g/是voiced stop consonants ,他們如果放在單字的最前方,就會變成無聲。 Ex: boy [bCN](唸得似有若無是沒關係的) • /p, t, k/是voiceless stop consonants,如果出現在單字的最前方,會成為送氣音(aspirated)。 Ex: pie [pN] (會噴出較多氣) • 如果是出現在單字尾,則會將這股氣給hold住。 Ex: map [mWp] (有發出的感覺但是卻含在口中) • 要注意的是如果有s出現在[p,t,k]之前,這時候的[p,t,k]就會恢復原狀這時候的[p,t,k]是最單純原始的音色。如果是 /s/ + /p, t, k/,則會變成不送氣音(unaspirated)。 Ex: spy [spaN] (不用噴氣也不用hold氣) 這時的/p/就比較像/b/

  7. Most aspirated (positive VOT) Most voiced (negative VOT) The voiced stops in French are nearly always fully voiced. The length of the voicing varies, depending on the length of the closure, which is why we added an arrow alongside French /b/. Voiceless stops in these languages are unaspirated, making French /p/ similar to English initial /b/.

  8. Most aspirated (positive VOT) Most voiced (negative VOT)

  9. Contrast stops with three different voice onset times in Thai

  10. There is voicing during the stop closure of [d], but not during the stops in the second and third lines. The second line has a voiceless unaspirated [ t] with a VOT of about 20 ms. The third line has an aspirated [ t], with a VOT of almost 100 ms. In the fourth line, the [d]has voicing during the closure followed by a wave form that has some of the appearance of voicing –wavy line– but also has noise superimposed on it. This is breathy voicing.

  11. Learn to produce a series of sounds with different voice onset times. • Start by producing fully voiced stops [b, d, g]. • See how long you can make the voicing continue during each of these sounds. • You will find that you can make it last longer during [b] than during [d] or [g], because in [b], there is a fairly large space above the glottis. • Air from the lungs can flow through the glottis for a longer period of time before the pressure above the glottis begins to approach that of the air in the lungs. • The vocal folds can be kept vibrating throughout this period. • But in [g], there is only a small space above the glottis into which air can flow, so the voicing can be maintained only briefly. • Languages often fail to have fully voiced velar stops. • When you can produce fully voiced stops satisfactorily, try saying voiceless unaspirated [p, t, k]. • You may find it easiest to start with words like them, but without the initial [s]. • You will have less difficulty making aspirated stops, because they occur in most forms of English – in words such as pie [pN]and tie [tN].

  12. 清濁對立可以應用於所有類型的輔音,而送氣卻是塞音和塞擦音纔有的特徵。清濁對立可以應用於所有類型的輔音,而送氣卻是塞音和塞擦音纔有的特徵。

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